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Ähnliche Funktionalität wie verglichener Baustein
NEU CC3301MOD VORSCHAU SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi 6- und Bluetooth® Low Energy-Companion-Modul Certified modules with upgraded functionality of Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth Low Energy


Processor External MPU Type Transceiver Protocols Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz Operating system Linux Throughput UDP (max) (Mbps) 100 Security Networking security (WPA3) Features 802.11bgn, AP, Mesh over Wi-Fi based on 802.11s, STA, Wi-Fi direct mode Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105
Processor External MPU Type Transceiver Protocols Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz Operating system Linux Throughput UDP (max) (Mbps) 100 Security Networking security (WPA3) Features 802.11bgn, AP, Mesh over Wi-Fi based on 802.11s, STA, Wi-Fi direct mode Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105
DSBGA (YFV) 130 22.87520000000000493 mm² 4.640000000000001 x 4.93
  • General
    • Packaged in wafer scale package (WSP) for small PCB footprint
    • Provides efficient direct connection to battery by employing several integrated switched mode power supplies (DC2DC)
    • Seamless integration with TI Sitara and other application processors
    • Operating temperature: -40°C to +85°C
    • 105°C Extended temperature range is supported only in defined use-case profile
  • Wi-Fi
    • Baseband processor and RF Transceiver with support for IEEE 802.11b/g/n
    • Integrated 2.4G-Hz PA for complete WLAN solution
    • Medium access controller
      • Hardware-based encryption and decryption using 64-, 128-, and 256-bit WEP, TKIP, or AES keys
      • Support Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA, WPA2, WPA3)and IEEE 802.11i
    • IEEE Std 802.11d,e,h,i,k,r PICS Compliant
    • 802.11v support for high-precision timing and location approximation
    • Supports 4 bit SDIO host interface, including High Speed (H3) and V3 modes
  • Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy (WL1831 only)
    • Bluetooth 5.1 secure connection compliant and CSA2 support (Declaration ID: D032799)
    • Host controller interface (HCI) transport for Bluetooth over UART
    • Dedicated audio processor support for SBC encoding and A2DP
    • Dual-mode Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy
    • TI’s Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy certified stack
  • Key Benefits
    • Differentiated use cases by configuring WiLink 8 simultaneously in two roles (STA and AP) to connect directly with other Wi-Fi devices on different RF channels (Wi-Fi networks)
    • Different provisioning methods for in-home devices - connect to Wi-Fi in one step
    • Low Wi-Fi power consumption in connected idle (<800 µA)
    • Configurable wake-on-WLAN filters to only wake up the system
    • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth single antenna coexistence
  • General
    • Packaged in wafer scale package (WSP) for small PCB footprint
    • Provides efficient direct connection to battery by employing several integrated switched mode power supplies (DC2DC)
    • Seamless integration with TI Sitara and other application processors
    • Operating temperature: -40°C to +85°C
    • 105°C Extended temperature range is supported only in defined use-case profile
  • Wi-Fi
    • Baseband processor and RF Transceiver with support for IEEE 802.11b/g/n
    • Integrated 2.4G-Hz PA for complete WLAN solution
    • Medium access controller
      • Hardware-based encryption and decryption using 64-, 128-, and 256-bit WEP, TKIP, or AES keys
      • Support Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA, WPA2, WPA3)and IEEE 802.11i
    • IEEE Std 802.11d,e,h,i,k,r PICS Compliant
    • 802.11v support for high-precision timing and location approximation
    • Supports 4 bit SDIO host interface, including High Speed (H3) and V3 modes
  • Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy (WL1831 only)
    • Bluetooth 5.1 secure connection compliant and CSA2 support (Declaration ID: D032799)
    • Host controller interface (HCI) transport for Bluetooth over UART
    • Dedicated audio processor support for SBC encoding and A2DP
    • Dual-mode Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy
    • TI’s Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy certified stack
  • Key Benefits
    • Differentiated use cases by configuring WiLink 8 simultaneously in two roles (STA and AP) to connect directly with other Wi-Fi devices on different RF channels (Wi-Fi networks)
    • Different provisioning methods for in-home devices - connect to Wi-Fi in one step
    • Low Wi-Fi power consumption in connected idle (<800 µA)
    • Configurable wake-on-WLAN filters to only wake up the system
    • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth single antenna coexistence

The WiLink™ 8 WL18x1 is a highly integrated single-chip WLAN, Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy device that forms a complete stand-alone communication system.

The device is the 8th-generation connectivity combo chip from Texas Instruments. As such, the WL18x1 is based upon proven technology and complements the TI integrated devices for connectivity portfolio. This device is ideal for use in mobile devices, mobile computer and catalog embedded device applications due to its low current, small area and coexistence-friendly features. TI offers drivers for high-level operating systems such as Linux and Android™. Additional drivers, such as WinCE and RTOS, which includes QNX, Nucleus, ThreadX, and FreeRTOS are supported through third parties.

The WiLink™ 8 WL18x1 is a highly integrated single-chip WLAN, Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy device that forms a complete stand-alone communication system.

The device is the 8th-generation connectivity combo chip from Texas Instruments. As such, the WL18x1 is based upon proven technology and complements the TI integrated devices for connectivity portfolio. This device is ideal for use in mobile devices, mobile computer and catalog embedded device applications due to its low current, small area and coexistence-friendly features. TI offers drivers for high-level operating systems such as Linux and Android™. Additional drivers, such as WinCE and RTOS, which includes QNX, Nucleus, ThreadX, and FreeRTOS are supported through third parties.

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Cybersecurity advisory FragAttacks - FRagmentation and AGgregation Attacks (Rev. A) 19 Mai 2021

Design und Entwicklung

Weitere Bedingungen oder erforderliche Ressourcen enthält gegebenenfalls die Detailseite, die Sie durch Klicken auf einen der unten stehenden Titel erreichen.

Software-Entwicklungskit (SDK)

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Anwendungssoftware und Frameworks

WILINK-BT_WIFI-WIRELESS_TOOLS — WiLink™ Drahtlos-Tools für WL18XX Module

Dieses Paket enthält die folgenden Anwendungen:
  • WLAN Real-Time Tuning Tool (RTTT)
  • Bluetooth® Logger
  • WLAN gLogger
  • Link Quality Monitor (LQM)
  • HCITester Tool
    • BTSout
    • BTSTransform
    • ScriptPad

Die Anwendungen bieten alle Funktionen, die zum Debuggen und Überwachen von WiLink™ WLAN/Bluetooth/Bluetooth Low (...)

Benutzerhandbuch: PDF | HTML
Anwendungssoftware und Frameworks

WILINK-WIFI_MESH_VISUALIZATION_TOOL — WiLink™ Mesh-Visualisierungstool für WL18XX-Module

Wireless Mesh Explorer is a Microsoft® Windows® based software tool for exploring and displaying mesh networks based on the Texas Instruments WiLink8.0 chipset.
Benutzerhandbuch: PDF
Treiber oder Bibliothek

WILINK8-WIFI-NLCP WiLink8 NLCP Wi-Fi driver package for Linux OS

WiLink™ 8 NLCP package consists of build scripts to update WiLink™ 8 Linux driver, firmware binary, wpa supplicant, hostapd etc. For more details please refer to the release notes and user’s guide

Software block overview:

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Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
Beinhaltete Information:
  • Werksstandort
  • Montagestandort

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