ホーム パワー・マネージメント リニア・レギュレータと低ドロップアウト (LDO) レギュレータ



イネーブル搭載、100mA、10V、低静止電流 (IQ)、調整可能な低ドロップアウト電圧レギュレータ

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TPS7A24 アクティブ イネーブル搭載、200mA、18V、超低静止電流 (IQ)、低ドロップアウト (LDO) 電圧レギュレータ Wider voltage range


Output options Adjustable Output Iout (max) (A) 0.1 Vin (max) (V) 10 Vin (min) (V) 2.7 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Vout (min) (V) 0.7 Rating Catalog Noise (µVrms) 60 PSRR at 100 KHz (dB) 40 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.02 Thermal resistance θJA (°C/W) 180 Load capacitance (min) (µF) 4.7 Regulated outputs (#) 1 Features Enable Accuracy (%) 3 Dropout voltage (Vdo) (typ) (mV) 100 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Output options Adjustable Output Iout (max) (A) 0.1 Vin (max) (V) 10 Vin (min) (V) 2.7 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Vout (min) (V) 0.7 Rating Catalog Noise (µVrms) 60 PSRR at 100 KHz (dB) 40 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.02 Thermal resistance θJA (°C/W) 180 Load capacitance (min) (µF) 4.7 Regulated outputs (#) 1 Features Enable Accuracy (%) 3 Dropout voltage (Vdo) (typ) (mV) 100 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
SOT-23 (DBV) 5 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8
  • 100-mA Low-Dropout Regulator
  • Adjustable Output Voltage (0.7 V to 5.5 V)
  • Only 23 µA Quiescent Current at 100 mA
  • 1 µA Quiescent Current in Standby Mode
  • Over Current Limitation
  • -40°C to 125°C Operating Junction Temperature Range
  • 5-Pin SOT-23 (DBV) Package

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • 100-mA Low-Dropout Regulator
  • Adjustable Output Voltage (0.7 V to 5.5 V)
  • Only 23 µA Quiescent Current at 100 mA
  • 1 µA Quiescent Current in Standby Mode
  • Over Current Limitation
  • -40°C to 125°C Operating Junction Temperature Range
  • 5-Pin SOT-23 (DBV) Package

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The TPS76201 low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulator features an adjustable output voltage as low as 0.7 V. It is an ideal regulator for sub 1.2-V DSP core voltage supplies and is equally suited for similar applications with other low-voltage processors and controllers. SOT-23 packaging and the high-efficiency that results from the regulator’s ultralow power operation make the TPS76201 especially useful in handheld and portable battery applications. This regulator features low dropout voltages and ultralow quiescent current compared to conventional LDO regulators. Offered in a 5-terminal small outline integrated-circuit SOT-23 package, the TPS76201 is ideal for micropower operations and where board space is at a premium.

A combination of new circuit design and processinnovation has enabled the usual PNP pass transistor to be replaced by a PMOS pass element. Since the PMOS pass element is a voltage-driven device, the quiescent current is ultralow (30 µA maximum) and is stable over the entire range of output load current (10 µA to 100 mA). Intended for use in portable systems such as laptops and cellular phones, the ultralow-power operation results in a significant increase in the system battery operating life.

The TPS76201 also features a logic-enabled sleep mode to shut down the regulator, reducing quiescent current to 1 µA typical at TJ = 25°C. The TPS76201 is offered in an adjustable version (programmable over the range of 0.7 V to 5.5 V).

The TPS76201 low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulator features an adjustable output voltage as low as 0.7 V. It is an ideal regulator for sub 1.2-V DSP core voltage supplies and is equally suited for similar applications with other low-voltage processors and controllers. SOT-23 packaging and the high-efficiency that results from the regulator’s ultralow power operation make the TPS76201 especially useful in handheld and portable battery applications. This regulator features low dropout voltages and ultralow quiescent current compared to conventional LDO regulators. Offered in a 5-terminal small outline integrated-circuit SOT-23 package, the TPS76201 is ideal for micropower operations and where board space is at a premium.

A combination of new circuit design and processinnovation has enabled the usual PNP pass transistor to be replaced by a PMOS pass element. Since the PMOS pass element is a voltage-driven device, the quiescent current is ultralow (30 µA maximum) and is stable over the entire range of output load current (10 µA to 100 mA). Intended for use in portable systems such as laptops and cellular phones, the ultralow-power operation results in a significant increase in the system battery operating life.

The TPS76201 also features a logic-enabled sleep mode to shut down the regulator, reducing quiescent current to 1 µA typical at TJ = 25°C. The TPS76201 is offered in an adjustable version (programmable over the range of 0.7 V to 5.5 V).

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star =TI が選定したこの製品の主要ドキュメント
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種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
* データシート Low Output Adjustable Ultralow-Power 100-mA LDO Linear Regulator データシート (Rev. B) 2007年 1月 9日
アプリケーション・ノート LDO Noise Demystified (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2020年 8月 18日
アプリケーション・ノート LDO PSRR Measurement Simplified (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2017年 8月 9日




TPS76201 PSpice Transient Model

SLVM667.ZIP (21 KB) - PSpice Model

TPS76201 TINA-TI Transient Reference Design

SLVM668.TSC (88 KB) - TINA-TI Reference Design

PMP8877 — デジタル電源制御をベースとした、1/8 ブリック絶縁型 DC/DC テレコム パワー モジュールのリファレンス デザイン

PMP8877 は、UCD3138 デジタル電源コントローラをベースとした、フル機能の 1/8 ブリック絶縁型 DC/DC テレコム パワー モジュールです。このリファレンス デザインは、2 次側制御とハード スイッチング フルブリッジ パワー トポロジを採用しており、36V ~ 72V の幅広い入力電圧で動作し、12V/180W の出力電力を供給します。このリファレンス デザインの特長は、94% のピーク効率、入力電圧のサージに対する高速入力電圧フィードフォワード応答、定電流 / 定電力の過負荷保護、プリバイアス起動、並列モジュール アプリケーション向けの電流共有制御、PMBus (...)
試験報告書: PDF
回路図: PDF
パッケージ ピン数 CAD シンボル、フットプリント、および 3D モデル
SOT-23 (DBV) 5 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • デバイスのマーキング
  • リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
  • MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
  • MTBF/FIT 推定値
  • 使用原材料
  • 認定試験結果
  • 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
  • ファブの拠点
  • 組み立てを実施した拠点

推奨製品には、この TI 製品に関連するパラメータ、評価基板、またはリファレンス デザインが存在する可能性があります。


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