BQ-BATTERY-PROGRAMMER-SW software development kit (SDK) is a collection of robust software command line tools that assist with the process of programming, testing, or assembling packs that use TI Battery management products. The executables in this software work with the MKST-3P-ALT-EV2300 MKS Technology alternative for EV2300 communications transceiver. The executables work with a single station but can be extended to multiple stations by using additional software and GUI from MKS Technology Inc. . Support for multiple stations is not included in this software.
There are multiple executables in the download, usually one per family of products. Older products such as BQ20xxx and BQ30xxx are also supported. Examples using the C++ programming language API and Python® programming language are provided for custom development.
Getting started:
1. Download the software
2. Run the installer
3. The executables, C API and Python API files can be found in the install location
4. Run the command line executable without arguments to get usage help. Refer to Readme.txt in the install folder for more information and how to get help using the command line.
BQ28Z620-R1 v1.01 firmware installer
The Texas Instruments BQ28Z620 device is a highly integrated, accurate, 1-series to 2-series cell gas gauge and protection solution, enabling autonomous charger control and cell balancing.
The BQ28Z620-DEVICE-FW enables autonomous charge control through Master Mode I2C broadcasts of charging current and voltage information, eliminating software overhead that is typically incurred by the system’s host controller.
The BQ28Z620-DEVICE-FW device provides a fully integrated pack-based solution with a flash programmable custom reduced instruction-set CPU (RISC), safety protection, and authentication for 1- to 2-series cell Li-ion and Li-polymer battery packs.
The BQ28Z620-DEVICE-FW communicates via an I2C compatible interface and combines an ultra-low-power, high-speed TI BQBMP processor, high-accuracy analog measurement capabilities, integrated flash memory, an array of peripheral and communication ports, an N-CH FET drive, and a SHA-1 Authentication transform responder into a complete, high-performance battery management solution.