32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M4 80-MHz processor core with System Timer (SysTick), integrated Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC), Wake-Up Interrupt Controller (WIC) with clock gating, Memory Protection Unit (MPU), IEEE754-compliant single-precision Floating-Point Unit (FPU), Embedded Trace Macro and Trace Port, System Control Block (SCB) and Thumb-2 instruction set
On-chip memory, featuring 128 KB single-cycle Flash up to 40 MHz (a prefetch buffer improves performance above 40 MHz), 32 KB single-cycle SRAM; internal ROM loaded with TivaWare™ for C Series software; 2KB EEPROM
One Controller Area Network (CAN) module, using CAN protocol version 2.0 part A/B and with bit rates up to 1 Mbps
Universal Serial Bus (USB) controller with USB 2.0 full-speed (12 Mbps) and low-speed (1.5 Mbps) operation, 32 endpoints, and USB OTG/Host/Device mode
Advanced serial integration, featuring: eight UARTs with IrDA, 9-bit, and ISO 7816 support (one UART with modem status and modem flow control); four Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) modules, supporting operation for Freescale SPI, MICROWIRE, or Texas Instruments synchronous serial interfaces; six Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) modules, providing Standard (100 Kbps) and Fast (400 Kbps) transmission and support for sending and receiving data as either a master or a slave
ARM PrimeCell® 32-channel configurable μDMA controller, providing a way to offload data transfer tasks from the Cortex™-M4 processor, allowing for more efficient use of the processor and the available bus bandwidth
Analog support, featuring: two 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC) with 12 analog input channels and a sample rate of one million samples/second; two analog comparators; 16 digital comparators; on-chip voltage regulator
Two ARM FiRM-compliant watchdog timers; six 32-bit general-purpose timers (up to twelve 16-bit); six wide 64-bit general-purpose timers (up to twelve 32-bit); 12 16/32-bit and 12 32/64-bit Capture Compare PWM (CCP) pins
Up to 49 GPIOs (depending on configuration), with programmable control for GPIO interrupts and pad configuration, and highly flexible pin muxing
Multiple clock sources for microcontroller system clock: Precision Oscillator (PIOSC), Main Oscillator (MOSC), and Internal 30-kHz Oscillator
Full-featured debug solution with debug access via JTAG and Serial Wire interfaces, and IEEE 1149.1-1990 compliant Test Access Port (TAP) controller
Industrial-range (-40°C to 85°C) RoHS-compliant 64-pin LQFP
The TM4C1236E6PM microcontroller is targeted for industrial applications, including remote monitoring, electronic point-of-sale machines, test and measurement equipment, network appliances and switches, factory automation, HVAC and building control, gaming equipment, transportation, and fire and security.

提供替代樣品 (TM4C123FH6PM)。立即索取
- RoHS
- 產品標記
- 鉛塗層/球物料
- MSL 等級/回焊峰值
- MTBF/FIT 估算值
- 材料內容
- 認證摘要
- 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
- 晶圓廠位置
- 組裝地點