
Function Single-loop PLL Number of outputs 5 Output frequency (min) (MHz) 0 Output frequency (max) (MHz) 1500 Input type LVCMOS (REF_CLK), LVPECL (VCXO_CLK) Output type LVCMOS, LVPECL Supply voltage (min) (V) 3 Supply voltage (max) (V) 3.6 Features Programmable Delay Rating Space Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Number of input channels 2
Function Single-loop PLL Number of outputs 5 Output frequency (min) (MHz) 0 Output frequency (max) (MHz) 1500 Input type LVCMOS (REF_CLK), LVPECL (VCXO_CLK) Output type LVCMOS, LVPECL Supply voltage (min) (V) 3 Supply voltage (max) (V) 3.6 Features Programmable Delay Rating Space Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Number of input channels 2
CFP (HFG) 52 363.474225 mm² 19.065 x 19.065
  • High Performance LVPECL and LVCMOS PLL
    Clock Synchronizer
  • Two Reference Clock Inputs (Primary and
    Secondary Clock) for Redundancy Support
    With Manual or Automatic Selection
  • Accepts LVCMOS Input Frequencies Up to
    200 MHz
  • VCXO_IN Clock is Synchronized to One of the
    Two Reference Clocks
  • VCXO_IN Frequencies Up to 2 GHz (LVPECL)
  • Outputs can be a Combination of LVPECL and
    LVCMOS (Up to Five Differential LVPECL
    Outputs or Up to 10 LVCMOS Outputs)
  • Output Frequency is Selectable by x1, /2, /3, /4,
    /6, /8, /16 on Each Output
  • Efficient Jitter Cleaning from Low PLL Loop
  • Low Phase Noise PLL Core
  • Programmable Phase Offset (PRI_REF and
    SEC_REF to Outputs)
  • Wide Charge Pump Current Range From
    200 µA to 3 mA
  • Analog and Digital PLL Lock Indication
  • Provides VBB Bias Voltage Output for Single-
    Ended Input Signals (VCXO_IN)
  • Frequency Hold Over Mode Improves Fail-Safe
  • Power-Up Control Forces LVPECL Outputs to Tri-
    State at VCC < 1.5 V
  • SPI Controllable Device Setting
  • 3.3-V Power Supply
  • High-Performance 52 Pin Ceramic Quad Flat
    Pack (HFG)
  • Rad-Tolerant : 50 kRad (Si) TID
  • QML-V Qualified, SMD 5962-07230
  • Military Temperature Range: –55°C to 125°C Tcase
  • Engineering Evaluation (/EM) Samples are
  • High Performance LVPECL and LVCMOS PLL
    Clock Synchronizer
  • Two Reference Clock Inputs (Primary and
    Secondary Clock) for Redundancy Support
    With Manual or Automatic Selection
  • Accepts LVCMOS Input Frequencies Up to
    200 MHz
  • VCXO_IN Clock is Synchronized to One of the
    Two Reference Clocks
  • VCXO_IN Frequencies Up to 2 GHz (LVPECL)
  • Outputs can be a Combination of LVPECL and
    LVCMOS (Up to Five Differential LVPECL
    Outputs or Up to 10 LVCMOS Outputs)
  • Output Frequency is Selectable by x1, /2, /3, /4,
    /6, /8, /16 on Each Output
  • Efficient Jitter Cleaning from Low PLL Loop
  • Low Phase Noise PLL Core
  • Programmable Phase Offset (PRI_REF and
    SEC_REF to Outputs)
  • Wide Charge Pump Current Range From
    200 µA to 3 mA
  • Analog and Digital PLL Lock Indication
  • Provides VBB Bias Voltage Output for Single-
    Ended Input Signals (VCXO_IN)
  • Frequency Hold Over Mode Improves Fail-Safe
  • Power-Up Control Forces LVPECL Outputs to Tri-
    State at VCC < 1.5 V
  • SPI Controllable Device Setting
  • 3.3-V Power Supply
  • High-Performance 52 Pin Ceramic Quad Flat
    Pack (HFG)
  • Rad-Tolerant : 50 kRad (Si) TID
  • QML-V Qualified, SMD 5962-07230
  • Military Temperature Range: –55°C to 125°C Tcase
  • Engineering Evaluation (/EM) Samples are

The CDCM7005-SP is a high-performance, low phase noise and low skew clock synchronizer that synchronizes a VCXO (voltage controlled crystal oscillator) or VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) frequency to one of the two reference clocks. The programmable pre-divider M and the feedback-dividers N and P give a high flexibility to the frequency ratio of the reference clock to VC(X)O as VC(X)O_IN / PRI_REF = (N × P) / M or VC(X)O_IN / SEC_REF = (N × P) / M.

VC(X)O_IN clock operates up to 2 GHz. Through the selection of external VC(X)O and loop filter components, the PLL loop bandwidth and damping factor can be adjust to meet different system requirements.

The CDCM7005-SP can lock to one of two reference clock inputs (PRI_REF and SEC_REF), supports frequency hold-over mode and fast-frequency-locking for fail-safe and increased system redundancy. The outputs of the CDCM7005-SP are user definable and can be any combination of up to five LVPECL outputs or up to 10 LVCMOS outputs. The LVCMOS outputs are arranged in pairs (Y0A:Y0B, Y1A:Y1B, Ω), so that each pair has the same frequency. But each output can be separately inverted and disabled. The built in synchronization latches ensure that all outputs are synchronized for low output skew.

All device settings, like outputs signaling, divider value, input selection, and many more, are programmable by SPI (3-wire serial peripheral interface). SPI allows individually control of the device settings.

The device operates in a 3.3-V environment and is characterized for operation from –55°C to 125°C (Tcase).

The CDCM7005-SP is a high-performance, low phase noise and low skew clock synchronizer that synchronizes a VCXO (voltage controlled crystal oscillator) or VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) frequency to one of the two reference clocks. The programmable pre-divider M and the feedback-dividers N and P give a high flexibility to the frequency ratio of the reference clock to VC(X)O as VC(X)O_IN / PRI_REF = (N × P) / M or VC(X)O_IN / SEC_REF = (N × P) / M.

VC(X)O_IN clock operates up to 2 GHz. Through the selection of external VC(X)O and loop filter components, the PLL loop bandwidth and damping factor can be adjust to meet different system requirements.

The CDCM7005-SP can lock to one of two reference clock inputs (PRI_REF and SEC_REF), supports frequency hold-over mode and fast-frequency-locking for fail-safe and increased system redundancy. The outputs of the CDCM7005-SP are user definable and can be any combination of up to five LVPECL outputs or up to 10 LVCMOS outputs. The LVCMOS outputs are arranged in pairs (Y0A:Y0B, Y1A:Y1B, Ω), so that each pair has the same frequency. But each output can be separately inverted and disabled. The built in synchronization latches ensure that all outputs are synchronized for low output skew.

All device settings, like outputs signaling, divider value, input selection, and many more, are programmable by SPI (3-wire serial peripheral interface). SPI allows individually control of the device settings.

The device operates in a 3.3-V environment and is characterized for operation from –55°C to 125°C (Tcase).

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet CDCM7005-SP 3.3-V High Performance Rad-Tolerant Class V, Clock Synchronizer and Jitter Cleaner datasheet (Rev. G) PDF | HTML 03 Dez 2015
* SMD CDCM7005-SP SMD 5962-07230 08 Jul 2016
* Radiation & reliability report CDCM7005MHFG-V Radiation Test Report 12 Nov 2014
More literature TI Engineering Evaluation Units vs. MIL-PRF-38535 QML Class V Processing (Rev. B) 20 Feb 2025
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Application note Single-Event Effects Confidence Interval Calculations (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 19 Okt 2022
E-book Radiation Handbook for Electronics (Rev. A) 21 Mai 2019
EVM User's guide CDCM7005EVM-CVAL Evaluation Module (EVM) User's Guide 11 Sep 2018
Application note Phase Noise/Phase Jitter Performance of CDCM7005 26 Jul 2005

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The CDCM7005 is a high-performance, low phase noise and low skew clock synchronizer that synchronizes an on-board voltage controlled crystal oscillator (VC(X)O) frequency to an external reference clock. The device operates up to 2 GHz. The PLL loop bandwidth and damping factor can be adjusted to (...)

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