

Maximal dreiphasiger intelligenter Gate-Treiber für 65 V mit Abwärtsregler, Strom-Shunt-Verstärkern

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Rating Catalog Architecture Gate driver Control interface 3xPWM, 6xPWM Gate drive (A) 1.7 Vs (min) (V) 6 Vs ABS (max) (V) 65 Features Buck Step Down Converter, Current sense Amplifier, SPI/I2C Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Rating Catalog Architecture Gate driver Control interface 3xPWM, 6xPWM Gate drive (A) 1.7 Vs (min) (V) 6 Vs ABS (max) (V) 65 Features Buck Step Down Converter, Current sense Amplifier, SPI/I2C Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
HTSSOP (DCA) 56 113.4 mm² 14 x 8.1
  • 6-V to 60-V Operating Supply Voltage Range
  • 1.7-A Source and 2.3-A Sink Gate Drive Current
  • Slew Rate Control for EMI Reduction
  • Bootstrap Gate Driver With 100% Duty Cycle
  • 6- or 3-PWM Input Modes
  • Dual Integrated Current Shunt Amplifiers With
    Adjustable Gain and Offset
  • Integrated 1.5-A Buck Converter
  • 3.3-V and 5-V Interface Support
  • SPI
  • Protection Features:
    • Programmable Dead Time Control (DTC)
    • Programmable Overcurrent Protection (OCP)
    • PVDD and GVDD Undervoltage Lockout
    • GVDD Overvoltage Lockout (OVLO)
    • Overtemperature Warning/Shutdown
    • Reported Through nFAULT, nOCTW, and SPI
  • 6-V to 60-V Operating Supply Voltage Range
  • 1.7-A Source and 2.3-A Sink Gate Drive Current
  • Slew Rate Control for EMI Reduction
  • Bootstrap Gate Driver With 100% Duty Cycle
  • 6- or 3-PWM Input Modes
  • Dual Integrated Current Shunt Amplifiers With
    Adjustable Gain and Offset
  • Integrated 1.5-A Buck Converter
  • 3.3-V and 5-V Interface Support
  • SPI
  • Protection Features:
    • Programmable Dead Time Control (DTC)
    • Programmable Overcurrent Protection (OCP)
    • PVDD and GVDD Undervoltage Lockout
    • GVDD Overvoltage Lockout (OVLO)
    • Overtemperature Warning/Shutdown
    • Reported Through nFAULT, nOCTW, and SPI

The DRV8301 is a gate driver IC for three-phase motor drive applications. The device provides three half-bridge drivers, each capable of driving two Nchannel MOSFETs. The DRV8301 supports up to 1.7-A source and 2.3-A peak current capability. The DRV8301 can operate off of a single power supply with a wide range from 6-V to 60-V. The device uses a bootstrap gate driver architecture with trickle charge circuitry to support 100% duty cycle. The DRV8301 uses automatic handshaking when the high-side or low-side MOSFET is switching to prevent flow of current. Integrated VDS sensing of the high-side and low-side MOSFETs is used to protect the external power stage against overcurrent conditions.

The DRV8301 includes two current shunt amplifiers for accurate current measurement. The amplifiers support bidirectional current sensing and provide an adjustable output offset up to 3 V.

The DRV8301 also includes an integrated switching mode buck converter with adjustable output and switching frequency. The buck converter can provide up to 1.5 A to support MCU or additional system power needs.

The SPI provides detailed fault reporting and flexible parameter settings such as gain options for the current shunt amplifiers and slew rate control of the gate drivers.

The DRV8301 is a gate driver IC for three-phase motor drive applications. The device provides three half-bridge drivers, each capable of driving two Nchannel MOSFETs. The DRV8301 supports up to 1.7-A source and 2.3-A peak current capability. The DRV8301 can operate off of a single power supply with a wide range from 6-V to 60-V. The device uses a bootstrap gate driver architecture with trickle charge circuitry to support 100% duty cycle. The DRV8301 uses automatic handshaking when the high-side or low-side MOSFET is switching to prevent flow of current. Integrated VDS sensing of the high-side and low-side MOSFETs is used to protect the external power stage against overcurrent conditions.

The DRV8301 includes two current shunt amplifiers for accurate current measurement. The amplifiers support bidirectional current sensing and provide an adjustable output offset up to 3 V.

The DRV8301 also includes an integrated switching mode buck converter with adjustable output and switching frequency. The buck converter can provide up to 1.5 A to support MCU or additional system power needs.

The SPI provides detailed fault reporting and flexible parameter settings such as gain options for the current shunt amplifiers and slew rate control of the gate drivers.

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DRV8323R AKTIV Maximal dreiphasiger intelligenter Gate-Treiber für 65 V mit Abwärtsregler und Strom-Shunt-Verstärke Features 3 current sense amplifiers and slew rate tuning with smart gate drive

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Alle anzeigen 12
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet DRV8301 Three-Phase Gate Driver With Dual Current Shunt Amplifiers and Buck Regulator datasheet (Rev. F) PDF | HTML 26 Jan 2016
Application note Best Practices for Board Layout of Motor Drivers (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 14 Okt 2021
Application note Hardware Design Considerations for an Electric Bicycle using BLDC Motor (Rev. B) 23 Jun 2021
Application note System Design Considerations for High-Power Motor Driver Applications PDF | HTML 22 Jun 2021
White paper Power Electronics in Motor Drives: Where is it? (Rev. A) 01 Okt 2019
Application note Hardware Design Considerations for an Efficient Vacuum Cleaner Using a BLDC Moto (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 06 Mär 2019
Technical article Motor start-up techniques: Part three PDF | HTML 26 Jun 2015
User guide BOOSTXL-DRV8301 Hardware User's Guide 31 Okt 2013
E-book BOOSTXL-DRV8301 Quick Start Guide 14 Okt 2013
Application note DRV8301 Current Limiting Mode Layout Considerations 04 Dez 2012
Application note InstaSPIN(tm) BLDC Lab 15 Nov 2011
Application note Sensored 3-Phase BLDC Motor Control Using MSP430 20 Jul 2011

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