3-Phasen-BLDC-Motortreiber, max. 40 V, 4 A Spitzenstrom, sensorlose Trapezregelung
- Three-phase BLDC motor driver with integrated sensorless motor control algorithm
- Code-free high speed Trapezoidal Control
- Supports up to 3 kHz (electrical frequency)
- Very fast start-up time (< 50 ms)
- Fast Deceleration (< 150 ms)
- Supports 120° or 150° modulation to improve acoustic performance
- Windmilling support through forward resynchronization and reverse drive
- Analog, PWM, freq. or I 2C based speed input
- Active Demagnetization to reduce power losses
- Configurable motor start-up and stop options
- Closed speed/power loop options
- Anti-voltage surge (AVS) protection prevents DC bus voltage spike during motor deceleration
- 4.5- to 35-V operating voltage (40-V abs max)
- High output current capability: 4-A peak
- Low MOSFET on-state resistance
- R DS(ON) (HS + LS) at T A = 25°C : 240-mΩ (typ.)
- Low power sleep mode
- 5-µA (maximum) at V VM = 24-V, T A = 25°C
- Speed loop accuracy: 3% with internal clock and 1% with external clock reference
- Customer-configurable non-volatile memory (EEPROM) to store device configuration
- Supports up to 100-kHz PWM frequency for low inductance motor support
- Does not require external current sense resistors; uses built-in current sensing
- Built-in 3.3-V, 20-mA LDO regulator
- Built-in 3.3-V/5-V, 170-mA buck regulator
- Dedicated DRVOFF pin to disable (Hi-Z) outputs
- Spread spectrum and slew rate for EMI mitigation
- Suite of integrated protection features
- Supply under voltage lockout (UVLO)
- Supply over voltage protection (OVP)
- Motor lock detection (5 different types)
- Over current protection (OCP)
- Thermal warning and shutdown (OTW/TSD)
- Fault condition indication pin (nFAULT)
- Optional fault diagnostics over I 2C interface
The MCT8315A provides a single-chip, code-free sensorless trapezoidal solution for customers requiring high speed operation (up to 3 kHz electrical) or very fast start-up time (< 50 ms) for 12- to 24-V brushless-DC motors requiring up to 4-A peak current. The MCT8315A integrates three ½-bridges with 40-V absolute maximum capability and a low R DS(ON) of 240 mΩ (high-side + low-side FETs). MCT8315A integrates power management circuits including an voltage-adjustable buck regulator (3.3 V / 5 V, 170-mA) and LDO (3.3 V, 20 mA) that can be used to power external circuits.
Sensorless trapezoidal control is highly configurable (motor start-up/stop behavior, fault handling, closed loop operation) through register settings in a non-volatile EEPROM, which allows the device to operate stand-alone once it has been configured. The MCT8315A receives a speed command through a PWM signal, analog voltage, variable frequency square wave or I 2C instruction. There are a large number of protection features integrated into the MCT8315A to protect the device, motor, and system against fault events.
Documentation for reference:
- Refer MCT8315A tuning guide
- Refer to the MCT8315A EVM GUI
Technische Dokumentation
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MCT8315EVM — Der MCT8315 verfügt über drei integrierte MOSFET-Halb-H-Brücken-Treiber zur sensorlosen Trapezste
Der MCT8315 verfügt über drei integrierte MOSFET-Halb-H-Brücken-Treiber zur sensorlosen Trapezsteuerung eines dreiphasigen bürstenlosen Gleichstrommotors (BLDC) für 4,5 V bis 35 V, 5 A Spitzenstromansteuerung. Der MCT8315A hat einen integrierten Abwärtsregler, der 200 mA mit programmierbarer (...)
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