

Bus-Transceiver, Auto-Produktkatalog, 8 Bit, Doppelversorgung, mit konfigurierbarer Spannungsumsetzu

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Drop-In-Ersatz mit gegenüber dem verglichenen Baustein verbesserter Funktionalität
SN74AXC8T245-Q1 AKTIV Bus-Transceiver für die Automobilindustrie, 8 Bit, Doppelversorgung, mit konfigurierbarer Spannungsu Pin-to-pin upgrade with a wider voltage range and improved performance
TXV0108-Q1 AKTIV Richtungsgesteuerter 8-Kanal-Spannungsumsetzer mit doppelter Spannungsversorgung für die Automobilin Improved timing specs such as rise/fall time, skew, and propagation delay.
Ähnliche Funktionalität wie verglichener Baustein
TXV0106-Q1 AKTIV Automotive dual-supply fixed-direction six-channel voltage translator 6 channel device with improved timing specs such as rise/fall time, skew, and propagation delay.




Technology family AVC Applications RGMII Bits (#) 8 High input voltage (min) (V) 0.78 High input voltage (max) (V) 3.6 Vout (min) (V) 1.2 Vout (max) (V) 3.6 Data rate (max) (Mbps) 320 IOH (max) (mA) -12 IOL (max) (mA) 12 Supply current (max) (µA) 25 Features Output damping resistors, Output enable, Overvoltage tolerant inputs, Partial power down (Ioff) Input type Standard CMOS Output type 3-State, Balanced CMOS, Push-Pull Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Technology family AVC Applications RGMII Bits (#) 8 High input voltage (min) (V) 0.78 High input voltage (max) (V) 3.6 Vout (min) (V) 1.2 Vout (max) (V) 3.6 Data rate (max) (Mbps) 320 IOH (max) (mA) -12 IOL (max) (mA) 12 Supply current (max) (µA) 25 Features Output damping resistors, Output enable, Overvoltage tolerant inputs, Partial power down (Ioff) Input type Standard CMOS Output type 3-State, Balanced CMOS, Push-Pull Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
TSSOP (PW) 24 49.92 mm² 7.8 x 6.4 VQFN (RHL) 24 19.25 mm² 5.5 x 3.5
  • Qualified for automotive applications
  • AEC Q100 test guidance with the following results:
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C ambient operating temperature range
    • Device HBM ESD Classification Level H2
    • Device CDM ESD Classification Level C3B
  • Control inputs V IH and V IL levels are referenced to V CCA voltage
  • V CC isolation feature – if either V CC input is at GND, all I/O ports are in the high-impedance state
  • I off supports partial power-down-mode operation
  • Fully configurable dual-rail design allows each port to operate over the full 1.4-V to 3.6-V power-supply range
  • I/Os are 4.6-V tolerant
  • Maximum data rates:
    • 170Mbps (V CCA  < 1.8 V or V CCB  < 1.8 V)
    • 320Mbps (V CCA  ≥ 1.8 V and V CCB ≥ 1.8 V)
  • Latch-up performance exceeds 100 mA per JESD 78, Class II
  • Qualified for automotive applications
  • AEC Q100 test guidance with the following results:
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C ambient operating temperature range
    • Device HBM ESD Classification Level H2
    • Device CDM ESD Classification Level C3B
  • Control inputs V IH and V IL levels are referenced to V CCA voltage
  • V CC isolation feature – if either V CC input is at GND, all I/O ports are in the high-impedance state
  • I off supports partial power-down-mode operation
  • Fully configurable dual-rail design allows each port to operate over the full 1.4-V to 3.6-V power-supply range
  • I/Os are 4.6-V tolerant
  • Maximum data rates:
    • 170Mbps (V CCA  < 1.8 V or V CCB  < 1.8 V)
    • 320Mbps (V CCA  ≥ 1.8 V and V CCB ≥ 1.8 V)
  • Latch-up performance exceeds 100 mA per JESD 78, Class II

The SN74AVC8T245-Q1 is an 8-bit noninverting bus transceiver that uses two separate configurable power-supply rails. The SN74AVC8T245-Q1 operation is optimal with V CCA and V CCB set at 1.4 V to 3.6 V. It is operational with V CCA and V CCB as low as 1.2 V. The A port is designed to track V CCA. V CCA accepts any supply voltage from 1.2 V to 3.6 V. The B port is designed to track V CCB. V CCB accepts any supply voltage from 1.2 V to 3.6 V. This allows for universal low-voltage bidirectional translation between any of the 1.2-V, 1.5-V, 1.8-V, 2.5-V, and 3.3-V voltage nodes.

The SN74AVC8T245-Q1 design enables asynchronous communication between data buses. The device transmits data from the A bus to the B bus or from the B bus to the A bus, depending on the logic level at the direction-control (DIR) input. One can use the output-enable ( OE) input to disable the outputs so the buses are effectively isolated.

In the SN74AVC8T245-Q1 design, V CCA supplies the control pins (DIR and OE).

This device specification covers partial-power-down applications using I off. The I off circuitry disables the outputs when the device is powered down. This inhibits current backflow into the device which prevents damage to the device.

The V CC isolation feature allows both ports to be in the high-impedance state if either V CC input is at GND.

To put the device in the high-impedance state during power up or power down, tie OE to V CC through a pullup resistor; the current-sinking capability of the driver determines the minimum value of the resistor.

The SN74AVC8T245-Q1 is an 8-bit noninverting bus transceiver that uses two separate configurable power-supply rails. The SN74AVC8T245-Q1 operation is optimal with V CCA and V CCB set at 1.4 V to 3.6 V. It is operational with V CCA and V CCB as low as 1.2 V. The A port is designed to track V CCA. V CCA accepts any supply voltage from 1.2 V to 3.6 V. The B port is designed to track V CCB. V CCB accepts any supply voltage from 1.2 V to 3.6 V. This allows for universal low-voltage bidirectional translation between any of the 1.2-V, 1.5-V, 1.8-V, 2.5-V, and 3.3-V voltage nodes.

The SN74AVC8T245-Q1 design enables asynchronous communication between data buses. The device transmits data from the A bus to the B bus or from the B bus to the A bus, depending on the logic level at the direction-control (DIR) input. One can use the output-enable ( OE) input to disable the outputs so the buses are effectively isolated.

In the SN74AVC8T245-Q1 design, V CCA supplies the control pins (DIR and OE).

This device specification covers partial-power-down applications using I off. The I off circuitry disables the outputs when the device is powered down. This inhibits current backflow into the device which prevents damage to the device.

The V CC isolation feature allows both ports to be in the high-impedance state if either V CC input is at GND.

To put the device in the high-impedance state during power up or power down, tie OE to V CC through a pullup resistor; the current-sinking capability of the driver determines the minimum value of the resistor.

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Alle anzeigen 21
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet SN74AVC8T245-Q1Automotive 8-Bit Dual-Supply Bus TransceiverWith Configurable Voltage Translation and 3-State Outputs datasheet (Rev. E) PDF | HTML 16 Nov 2023
Application note Schematic Checklist - A Guide to Designing With Fixed or Direction Control Translators PDF | HTML 02 Okt 2024
Application note Schematic Checklist - A Guide to Designing with Auto-Bidirectional Translators PDF | HTML 12 Jul 2024
Application note Understanding Transient Drive Strength vs. DC Drive Strength in Level-Shifters (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 03 Jul 2024
EVM User's guide TXV010xEVM Evaluation Module User's Guide PDF | HTML 05 Feb 2024
Application note Overcoming Design Challenges - Implementing High Performance Interfaces PDF | HTML 12 Dez 2023
Application brief Translate Voltages for RGMII (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 06 Aug 2021
Selection guide Voltage Translation Buying Guide (Rev. A) 15 Apr 2021
Selection guide Logic Guide (Rev. AB) 12 Jun 2017
Application note Understanding and Interpreting Standard-Logic Data Sheets (Rev. C) 02 Dez 2015
Application note Voltage Translation Between 3.3-V, 2.5-V, 1.8-V, and 1.5-V Logic Standards (Rev. B) 30 Apr 2015
More literature Automotive Logic Devices Brochure 27 Aug 2014
User guide LOGIC Pocket Data Book (Rev. B) 16 Jan 2007
Application note Semiconductor Packing Material Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection 08 Jul 2004
Application note Selecting the Right Level Translation Solution (Rev. A) 22 Jun 2004
More literature LCD Module Interface Application Clip 09 Mai 2003
User guide AVC Advanced Very-Low-Voltage CMOS Logic Data Book, March 2000 (Rev. C) 20 Aug 2002
More literature Standard Linear & Logic for PCs, Servers & Motherboards 13 Jun 2002
Application note 16-Bit Widebus Logic Families in 56-Ball, 0.65-mm Pitch Very Thin Fine-Pitch BGA (Rev. B) 22 Mai 2002
Application note Dynamic Output Control (DOC) Circuitry Technology And Applications (Rev. B) 07 Jul 1999
Application note AVC Logic Family Technology and Applications (Rev. A) 26 Aug 1998

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Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
TSSOP (PW) 24 Ultra Librarian
VQFN (RHL) 24 Ultra Librarian

Bestellen & Qualität

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