

Hall-Effekt-Stromsensor, 80 ARMS, 500 kHz, mit AFR, Referenz und ALARM

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Continuous current (max) (A) 80 Working isolation voltage (VIOWM) (Vrms) 600 Sensitivity (typ) (mV/mT) 15, 25, 30, 33, 40, 50, 66, 75, 100, 150 Input offset current (±) (max) (mA) 20, 25, 26.7, 30, 33, 37.5, 40, 45, 45.45, 50, 53.3, 60.6, 62.5, 66.7, 80, 100 Input offset current drift (±) (typ) (µA/°C) 200, 667, 757.6, 800, 933, 1000, 1200, 1212, 1330 Features Alert Function, Digital output alerts MCU when current limit is reached, Externally Driven Zero Current Reference Voltage, Overcurrent protection Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Supply voltage (min) (V) 3 Iq (max) (mA) 14 Small-signal bandwidth (kHz) 500 Sensitivity error (%) 0.4, 1 Sensitivity error drift (±) (max) (ppm/°C) 50, 100 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Creepage (min) (mm) 8.1 Clearance (min) (mm) 8.1 Isolation rating Reinforced Surge isolation voltage (VIOSM) (VPK) 10000
Continuous current (max) (A) 80 Working isolation voltage (VIOWM) (Vrms) 600 Sensitivity (typ) (mV/mT) 15, 25, 30, 33, 40, 50, 66, 75, 100, 150 Input offset current (±) (max) (mA) 20, 25, 26.7, 30, 33, 37.5, 40, 45, 45.45, 50, 53.3, 60.6, 62.5, 66.7, 80, 100 Input offset current drift (±) (typ) (µA/°C) 200, 667, 757.6, 800, 933, 1000, 1200, 1212, 1330 Features Alert Function, Digital output alerts MCU when current limit is reached, Externally Driven Zero Current Reference Voltage, Overcurrent protection Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Supply voltage (min) (V) 3 Iq (max) (mA) 14 Small-signal bandwidth (kHz) 500 Sensitivity error (%) 0.4, 1 Sensitivity error drift (±) (max) (ppm/°C) 50, 100 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Creepage (min) (mm) 8.1 Clearance (min) (mm) 8.1 Isolation rating Reinforced Surge isolation voltage (VIOSM) (VPK) 10000
SOIC (DVG) 10 106.09 mm² 10.3 x 10.3
  • High continuous current capability: 80ARMS
  • Robust reinforced isolation
  • High accuracy
    • Sensitivity error: ±0.1%
    • Sensitivity thermal drift: ±20ppm/°C
    • Sensitivity lifetime drift: ±0.2%
    • Offset error: ±0.2mV
    • Offset thermal drift: ±2µV/°C
    • Offset lifetime drift: ±0.2mV
    • Non-linearity: ±0.1%
  • High immunity to external magnetic fields
  • Precision zero-current reference output
  • Fast Response
    • Signal bandwidth: 500kHz
    • Response time: 250ns
    • Propagation delay: 60ns
    • Overcurrent detection response: 100ns
  • Operating supply range: 3V to 5.5V
  • Bidirectional and unidirectional current sensing
  • Multiple sensitivity options:
    • Ranging from 15mV/A to 150mV/A
  • Safety related certifications (planned)
    • UL 1577 Component Recognition Program
    • IEC/CB 62368-1
  • High continuous current capability: 80ARMS
  • Robust reinforced isolation
  • High accuracy
    • Sensitivity error: ±0.1%
    • Sensitivity thermal drift: ±20ppm/°C
    • Sensitivity lifetime drift: ±0.2%
    • Offset error: ±0.2mV
    • Offset thermal drift: ±2µV/°C
    • Offset lifetime drift: ±0.2mV
    • Non-linearity: ±0.1%
  • High immunity to external magnetic fields
  • Precision zero-current reference output
  • Fast Response
    • Signal bandwidth: 500kHz
    • Response time: 250ns
    • Propagation delay: 60ns
    • Overcurrent detection response: 100ns
  • Operating supply range: 3V to 5.5V
  • Bidirectional and unidirectional current sensing
  • Multiple sensitivity options:
    • Ranging from 15mV/A to 150mV/A
  • Safety related certifications (planned)
    • UL 1577 Component Recognition Program
    • IEC/CB 62368-1

The TMCS1126 is a galvanically isolated Hall-effect current sensor with industry leading isolation and accuracy. An output voltage proportional to the input current is provided with excellent linearity and low drift at all sensitivity options. Precision signal conditioning circuitry with built-in drift compensation is capable of less than 1.4% maximum sensitivity error over temperature and lifetime with no system level calibration, or less than 1% maximum sensitivity error including both lifetime and temperature drift with a one-time calibration at room temperature.

AC or DC input current flows through an internal conductor generating a magnetic field measured by integrated, on-chip, Hall-effect sensors. Core-less construction eliminates the need for magnetic concentrators. Differential Hall sensors reject interference from stray external magnetic fields. Low conductor resistance increases measurable current ranges up to ±103A while minimizing power loss and easing thermal dissipation requirements. Insulation capable of withstanding 5kVRMS, coupled with a minimum of 8mm creepage and clearance, provides high levels of reliable lifetime reinforced working voltage. Integrated shielding enables excellent common-mode rejection and transient immunity.

Fixed sensitivity allows the device to operate from a single 3V to 5.5V power supply, eliminating ratiometry errors and improving supply noise rejection. TI provides the TMCS1126xxB as a lower-cost option.

The TMCS1126 is a galvanically isolated Hall-effect current sensor with industry leading isolation and accuracy. An output voltage proportional to the input current is provided with excellent linearity and low drift at all sensitivity options. Precision signal conditioning circuitry with built-in drift compensation is capable of less than 1.4% maximum sensitivity error over temperature and lifetime with no system level calibration, or less than 1% maximum sensitivity error including both lifetime and temperature drift with a one-time calibration at room temperature.

AC or DC input current flows through an internal conductor generating a magnetic field measured by integrated, on-chip, Hall-effect sensors. Core-less construction eliminates the need for magnetic concentrators. Differential Hall sensors reject interference from stray external magnetic fields. Low conductor resistance increases measurable current ranges up to ±103A while minimizing power loss and easing thermal dissipation requirements. Insulation capable of withstanding 5kVRMS, coupled with a minimum of 8mm creepage and clearance, provides high levels of reliable lifetime reinforced working voltage. Integrated shielding enables excellent common-mode rejection and transient immunity.

Fixed sensitivity allows the device to operate from a single 3V to 5.5V power supply, eliminating ratiometry errors and improving supply noise rejection. TI provides the TMCS1126xxB as a lower-cost option.

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