

Hochpräziser Remote- und lokaler Temperatursensor mit PIN-programmierbaren ALERT-Schwellenwerten

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Local sensor accuracy (max) 1 Type Remote Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Supply voltage (min) (V) 1.62 Interface type I2C, SMBus Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Features ALERT Supply current (max) (µA) 35 Temp resolution (max) (bps) 11 Remote channels (#) 1 Addresses 1, 2 Rating Catalog
Local sensor accuracy (max) 1 Type Remote Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Supply voltage (min) (V) 1.62 Interface type I2C, SMBus Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Features ALERT Supply current (max) (µA) 35 Temp resolution (max) (bps) 11 Remote channels (#) 1 Addresses 1, 2 Rating Catalog
VSSOP (DGK) 8 14.7 mm² 3 x 4.9
  • Supply range: 1.62 V to 5.5 V
  • Wide operating range: –40°C to 125°C
  • Remote channel accuracy: 1°C
    • Resolution: 0.125°C
  • Local channel accuracy: 1°C
    • Resolution: 1°C
  • Support I 2C and SMBus interface
  • Low power consumption
  • Remote diode fault detection
  • Programmable digital filter
  • Series resistance cancellation
  • Programmable ALERT and T_CRIT limits
    • Fault queue for debounce
  • Adjustable default power-up limits (high temperature) for ALERT and T_CRIT
  • 1.2-V logic compatible input thresholds independent of supply
  • Supply range: 1.62 V to 5.5 V
  • Wide operating range: –40°C to 125°C
  • Remote channel accuracy: 1°C
    • Resolution: 0.125°C
  • Local channel accuracy: 1°C
    • Resolution: 1°C
  • Support I 2C and SMBus interface
  • Low power consumption
  • Remote diode fault detection
  • Programmable digital filter
  • Series resistance cancellation
  • Programmable ALERT and T_CRIT limits
    • Fault queue for debounce
  • Adjustable default power-up limits (high temperature) for ALERT and T_CRIT
  • 1.2-V logic compatible input thresholds independent of supply

The TMP4718 is a high accuracy 1°C temperature sensor with one local integrated sensor and a remote temperature sensor input that can be connected to a diode-connected transistor, such as the popular MMBT3904 NPN transistor, to replace traditional thermistors or thermocouples. The remote input can also be connected to a substrate thermal transistor or diode integrated inside microprocessors, microcontrollers, or FPGAs to monitor the die temperature of the IC.

The TMP4718 supports I2C and SMBus communication with logic levels down to 0.8V regardless of main supply rail. This enables interoperability with low voltage 1.2V MCUs without needing a secondary low voltage supply. The TMP4718 includes the Series Resistance Cancellation feature to automatically eliminate temperature errors caused by series resistance of up to 1 kΩ, allowing for greater flexibility routing to thermal diodes. The programmable offset feature allows the device to report offset-adjusted temperature data based on pre-calibrated data in specific user environments. Measurements can be done automatically with programmable conversion period, or with one-shot conversion triggered by an I 2C command.

The TMP4718A and TMP4718B offer the same function but different SMBus or I 2C device addresses. This allows the system to support two sensors on the same bus.

The TMP4718 is a high accuracy 1°C temperature sensor with one local integrated sensor and a remote temperature sensor input that can be connected to a diode-connected transistor, such as the popular MMBT3904 NPN transistor, to replace traditional thermistors or thermocouples. The remote input can also be connected to a substrate thermal transistor or diode integrated inside microprocessors, microcontrollers, or FPGAs to monitor the die temperature of the IC.

The TMP4718 supports I2C and SMBus communication with logic levels down to 0.8V regardless of main supply rail. This enables interoperability with low voltage 1.2V MCUs without needing a secondary low voltage supply. The TMP4718 includes the Series Resistance Cancellation feature to automatically eliminate temperature errors caused by series resistance of up to 1 kΩ, allowing for greater flexibility routing to thermal diodes. The programmable offset feature allows the device to report offset-adjusted temperature data based on pre-calibrated data in specific user environments. Measurements can be done automatically with programmable conversion period, or with one-shot conversion triggered by an I 2C command.

The TMP4718A and TMP4718B offer the same function but different SMBus or I 2C device addresses. This allows the system to support two sensors on the same bus.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TMP4718 High-Accuracy Remote and Local Temperature Sensor with Pin-Programmable Alert Thresholds datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 26 Sep 2023
Application note How to Read and Interpret Digital Temperature Sensor Output Data (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 21 Jan 2025
Application note Remote Temperature Transistor Sensor Selection Guide PDF | HTML 24 Mär 2021
Application note Optimizing Remote Diode Temperature Sensor Design (Rev. A) 18 Dez 2019

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TMP4718 IBIS Model

SBOMCJ6.ZIP (70 KB) - IBIS Model
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
VSSOP (DGK) 8 Ultra Librarian

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