

AFE integrado, ultrapequeño, de potencia ultrabaja y alta SNR para biosensores ópticos portátiles co

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Detalles del producto

Applications HRV, Hearables, Optical-HRM, Optical-HRM for wearables, SpO2, Vo2 max Number of input channels 3 Resolution (Bits) 22 Number of LEDs 4 Interface type I2C, SPI Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Rating Catalog
Applications HRV, Hearables, Optical-HRM, Optical-HRM for wearables, SpO2, Vo2 max Number of input channels 3 Resolution (Bits) 22 Number of LEDs 4 Interface type I2C, SPI Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Rating Catalog
DSBGA (YCH) 25 3.0625 mm² 1.75 x 1.75
  • Supports signal acquisition of up to 12 phase sets
  • Supports up to 4 LEDs, 3 PDs
  • Flexible allocation of LEDs, PDs in each phase
  • Simultaneous signal acquisition from different sensors at different data rates
  • Accurate, continuous PPG monitoring:
    • Low current for continuous heart-rate monitoring on a wearable device with a typical value: 12 µA for the receiver
    • Peak system SNR of 115 dB in 0.5-10 Hz band enables high-accuracy SpO2 measurement
  • Transmitter:
    • 8-Bit Programmable LED current with range adjustable from 25 mA to 250 mA
    • Mode to fire two LEDs in parallel with independent per-phase current control
    • Programmable LED on-time per-phase
    • Simultaneous support of 4 LEDs for SpO2, Multi-Wavelength HRM
  • Receiver:
    • Supports 3 Time-Multiplexed PD Inputs
    • 2 parallel receivers (2 sets of TIA/filter)
    • Individual ambient offset subtraction DAC at each TIA Input with 8-bit per-phase control and range adjustable up to 255-µA
    • Individual LED offset subtraction DAC at each TIA input with 9-bit per-phase control and 64-µA range
    • Digital ambient subtraction at ADC output
    • Noise filtering with programmable bandwidth
    • Transimpedance gain: 3.7 kΩ to 1 MΩ
  • Supports external clock or internal oscillator
  • Option to acquire data synchronized with a system clock
  • Automatic cancellation of DC from Ambient, LED
  • FIFO with 160-sample depth
  • SPI™ interface/ I2C interface
  • 1.9-mm × 1.8-mm DSBGA, 0.35-mm Pitch
  • Supplies: Rx:1.7 - 1.9 V, Tx: 3-5.5 V
  • Supports signal acquisition of up to 12 phase sets
  • Supports up to 4 LEDs, 3 PDs
  • Flexible allocation of LEDs, PDs in each phase
  • Simultaneous signal acquisition from different sensors at different data rates
  • Accurate, continuous PPG monitoring:
    • Low current for continuous heart-rate monitoring on a wearable device with a typical value: 12 µA for the receiver
    • Peak system SNR of 115 dB in 0.5-10 Hz band enables high-accuracy SpO2 measurement
  • Transmitter:
    • 8-Bit Programmable LED current with range adjustable from 25 mA to 250 mA
    • Mode to fire two LEDs in parallel with independent per-phase current control
    • Programmable LED on-time per-phase
    • Simultaneous support of 4 LEDs for SpO2, Multi-Wavelength HRM
  • Receiver:
    • Supports 3 Time-Multiplexed PD Inputs
    • 2 parallel receivers (2 sets of TIA/filter)
    • Individual ambient offset subtraction DAC at each TIA Input with 8-bit per-phase control and range adjustable up to 255-µA
    • Individual LED offset subtraction DAC at each TIA input with 9-bit per-phase control and 64-µA range
    • Digital ambient subtraction at ADC output
    • Noise filtering with programmable bandwidth
    • Transimpedance gain: 3.7 kΩ to 1 MΩ
  • Supports external clock or internal oscillator
  • Option to acquire data synchronized with a system clock
  • Automatic cancellation of DC from Ambient, LED
  • FIFO with 160-sample depth
  • SPI™ interface/ I2C interface
  • 1.9-mm × 1.8-mm DSBGA, 0.35-mm Pitch
  • Supplies: Rx:1.7 - 1.9 V, Tx: 3-5.5 V

The AFE4432 is an analog front-end for optical bio-sensing applications, such as heart-rate monitoring (HRM) and saturation of peripheral capillary oxygen (SpO2). The device supports up to 4 switching light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and up to three photodiodes (PDs). The AFE has two LED drivers each with 8-bit current control. The device has a high dynamic range transmit-and-receive circuitry that helps with the sensing of very small signal levels. Up to 12 signal phase sets can be defined, each phase set comprising a combination of LED and Ambient phases. Low noise offset DACs at the receiver inputs can be automatically controlled to cancel DC from Ambient and LED light. The current from the PDs in each phase is converted into voltage by TIAs, filtered, and then digitized using a common ADC. The ADC code can be stored in a 160-sample FIFO block. The FIFO can be read out using a SPI or I2C interface.

The AFE4432 is an analog front-end for optical bio-sensing applications, such as heart-rate monitoring (HRM) and saturation of peripheral capillary oxygen (SpO2). The device supports up to 4 switching light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and up to three photodiodes (PDs). The AFE has two LED drivers each with 8-bit current control. The device has a high dynamic range transmit-and-receive circuitry that helps with the sensing of very small signal levels. Up to 12 signal phase sets can be defined, each phase set comprising a combination of LED and Ambient phases. Low noise offset DACs at the receiver inputs can be automatically controlled to cancel DC from Ambient and LED light. The current from the PDs in each phase is converted into voltage by TIAs, filtered, and then digitized using a common ADC. The ADC code can be stored in a 160-sample FIFO block. The FIFO can be read out using a SPI or I2C interface.

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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet AFE4432 Ultra-Small, Integrated AFE for Optical Bio-Sensing datasheet PDF | HTML 23 ago 2022
Product overview Photoplethysmography (PPG) With Integrated AFE for Optical Biosensing PDF | HTML 30 oct 2023
Application brief Measuring Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) on Wearables PDF | HTML 14 nov 2022
Application brief Optical Heart Rate Monitoring (OHRM) on Wearables PDF | HTML 14 nov 2022

Diseño y desarrollo

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Placa de evaluación

AFE4432EVM — Módulo de evaluación AFE4432 para AFE integrado ultrapequeño, de potencia ultrabaja y alto SNR

El módulo de evaluación (EVM) AFE4432 es una plataforma para evaluar el AFE4432, que es un circuito frontal analógico (AFE) para aplicaciones de biodetección óptica, como el monitor de la frecuencia cardíaca (HRM) y la saturación de oxígeno capilar periférico (SpO2). El AFE4432 admite hasta cuatro (...)

Controlador o biblioteca

AFE4432-DESIGN AFE4432 design files for high-performance smallest-size PPG AFE for hearables and wearables

The full data sheet and other design resources for this device are available here.
Productos y hardware compatibles

Productos y hardware compatibles

AFE para biosensores
AFE4432 AFE integrado, ultrapequeño, de potencia ultrabaja y alta SNR para biosensores ópticos portátiles co
Desarrollo de hardware
Placa de evaluación
AFE4432EVM Módulo de evaluación AFE4432 para AFE integrado ultrapequeño, de potencia ultrabaja y alto SNR
Herramienta de simulación

PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® para herramienta de diseño y simulación de TI

PSpice® for TI is a design and simulation environment that helps evaluate functionality of analog circuits. This full-featured, design and simulation suite uses an analog analysis engine from Cadence®. Available at no cost, PSpice for TI includes one of the largest model libraries in the (...)
Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
DSBGA (YCH) 25 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

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