

Controlador de motor de puente H doble de 18 V y 2 A con regulación de corriente y control de med

Detalles del producto

Number of full bridges 2 Vs (min) (V) 2.7 Vs ABS (max) (V) 20 Full-scale current (A) 1 Peak output current (A) 2 RDS(ON) (HS + LS) (mΩ) 1000 Sleep current (µA) 1.7 Control mode Independent 1/2-Bridge Control interface Hardware (GPIO), I2C Features Current Regulation, Open-Load Detection Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Number of full bridges 2 Vs (min) (V) 2.7 Vs ABS (max) (V) 20 Full-scale current (A) 1 Peak output current (A) 2 RDS(ON) (HS + LS) (mΩ) 1000 Sleep current (µA) 1.7 Control mode Independent 1/2-Bridge Control interface Hardware (GPIO), I2C Features Current Regulation, Open-Load Detection Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
HTSSOP (PWP) 16 32 mm² 5 x 6.4 TSSOP (PW) 16 32 mm² 5 x 6.4 WQFN (RTE) 16 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Dual H-bridge motor driver
    • Single or dual-brushed DC motors
    • One bipolar stepper motor
    • Solenoid loads
  • 2.7-V to 18-V operating voltage range
  • High output current per H-bridge
    • 1-A RMS driver current at T A = 25°C
    • 2-A RMS driver current in parallel mode at T A = 25°C
  • Low on-state resistance at VM > 5-V
    • 1000 mΩ R DS(ON) (HS + LS) at T A = 25°C
  • Multiple control interface options
    • 4-Pin interface
    • 2-Pin interface
    • Parallel bridge interface
    • Independent bridge interface
  • Current regulation with 20-µs fixed off-time
  • Torque scalar for scaling output current to 50%
  • Supports 1.8-V, 3.3-V, 5-V logic inputs
  • Low-power sleep mode
    • 1.7-µA Sleep mode supply current at V VM = 12-V, T A = 25°C
  • I 2C Device Variant Available (DRV8847S)
    • Detailed diagnostics on I 2C registers
    • Multi-slave operation support
    • Supports standard and fast I 2C mode
  • Small packages and footprints
    • 16 Pin TSSOP (no thermal pad)
    • 16 Pin HTSSOP PowerPAD™ package
    • 16 Pin WQFN thermal package
  • Built-in protection features
    • VM undervoltage lockout
    • Overcurrent protection
    • Open load detection
    • Thermal shutdown
    • Fault condition indication pin (nFAULT)
  • Dual H-bridge motor driver
    • Single or dual-brushed DC motors
    • One bipolar stepper motor
    • Solenoid loads
  • 2.7-V to 18-V operating voltage range
  • High output current per H-bridge
    • 1-A RMS driver current at T A = 25°C
    • 2-A RMS driver current in parallel mode at T A = 25°C
  • Low on-state resistance at VM > 5-V
    • 1000 mΩ R DS(ON) (HS + LS) at T A = 25°C
  • Multiple control interface options
    • 4-Pin interface
    • 2-Pin interface
    • Parallel bridge interface
    • Independent bridge interface
  • Current regulation with 20-µs fixed off-time
  • Torque scalar for scaling output current to 50%
  • Supports 1.8-V, 3.3-V, 5-V logic inputs
  • Low-power sleep mode
    • 1.7-µA Sleep mode supply current at V VM = 12-V, T A = 25°C
  • I 2C Device Variant Available (DRV8847S)
    • Detailed diagnostics on I 2C registers
    • Multi-slave operation support
    • Supports standard and fast I 2C mode
  • Small packages and footprints
    • 16 Pin TSSOP (no thermal pad)
    • 16 Pin HTSSOP PowerPAD™ package
    • 16 Pin WQFN thermal package
  • Built-in protection features
    • VM undervoltage lockout
    • Overcurrent protection
    • Open load detection
    • Thermal shutdown
    • Fault condition indication pin (nFAULT)

The DRV8847 device is a dual H-bridge motor driver for industrial applications, home appliances, ePOS printers, and other mechatronic applications. This device can be used for driving two DC motors, a bipolar stepper motor, or other loads such as relays. A simple PWM interface allows an easy interface with the controller. The DRV8847 device operates off a single power supply and supports a wide input supply range from 2.7 to 18 V.

The output stage of the driver consists of N-channel power MOSFETs configured as two full H-bridges to drive motor windings or four independent half bridges (in an independent bridge interface). A fixed off time controls the peak current in the bridge which can drive a 1-A load (2-A in parallel mode with proper heat sinking, at 25°C T A).

A low-power sleep mode is provided to achieve a low quiescent current draw by shutting down much of the internal circuitry. Additionally, a torque scalar is provided which dynamically scales the output current through a digital input pin. This feature lets the controller decrease the current required for lower power consumption.

Internal protection functions are provided for undervoltage-lockout, overcurrent protection on each FET, short circuit protection, open-load detection, and overtemperature. Fault conditions are indicated by the nFAULT pin. The I 2C device variant (DRV8847S) has detailed diagnostics.

The DRV8847 device is a dual H-bridge motor driver for industrial applications, home appliances, ePOS printers, and other mechatronic applications. This device can be used for driving two DC motors, a bipolar stepper motor, or other loads such as relays. A simple PWM interface allows an easy interface with the controller. The DRV8847 device operates off a single power supply and supports a wide input supply range from 2.7 to 18 V.

The output stage of the driver consists of N-channel power MOSFETs configured as two full H-bridges to drive motor windings or four independent half bridges (in an independent bridge interface). A fixed off time controls the peak current in the bridge which can drive a 1-A load (2-A in parallel mode with proper heat sinking, at 25°C T A).

A low-power sleep mode is provided to achieve a low quiescent current draw by shutting down much of the internal circuitry. Additionally, a torque scalar is provided which dynamically scales the output current through a digital input pin. This feature lets the controller decrease the current required for lower power consumption.

Internal protection functions are provided for undervoltage-lockout, overcurrent protection on each FET, short circuit protection, open-load detection, and overtemperature. Fault conditions are indicated by the nFAULT pin. The I 2C device variant (DRV8847S) has detailed diagnostics.

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Documentación técnica

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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet DRV8847 Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 28 mar 2023
White paper TI Solutions to Increase Efficiency of Air Conditioner PDF | HTML 15 jul 2024
Application brief Open Load Detection in Integrated Drivers (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 31 mar 2022
Application note How to Drive Unipolar Stepper Motor with the DRV8xxx PDF | HTML 03 dic 2021
Application note Best Practices for Board Layout of Motor Drivers (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 14 oct 2021
Application note L1 and L2 EV Charger Electric Vehicle Service Equipment Design Considerations (Rev. B) 09 jun 2021
Technical article Overcoming design challenges for brushed-DC motors in smart sanitation systems PDF | HTML 01 jul 2020
Technical article Drive unipolar stepper motors as bipolar stepper motors with a simple wiring recon PDF | HTML 09 abr 2020
White paper How to optimize building and home automation designs for energy efficiency 08 abr 2020
Technical article Automating smart home blinds, shades and shutters with motor drivers PDF | HTML 02 ene 2020
Application note Design and Implementation of Stepper Motor Control Over I2C Communication 10 sep 2018
Application brief Multiple Stepper-Motors Control With Two-Pins 04 sep 2018
White paper Remote Shut Off in Flow Meters is Instrumental for Smart Utility Deployment 10 ago 2018
Application brief Small Motors in Large Appliances 20 jul 2018
Application note PowerPAD™ Thermally Enhanced Package (Rev. H) 06 jul 2018
EVM User's guide DRV8847EVM and DRV8847SEVM Software User's Guide 18 jun 2018
EVM User's guide DRV8847EVM User's Guide 13 jun 2018
Application brief PowerPAD™ Made Easy (Rev. B) 12 may 2004

Diseño y desarrollo

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Placa de evaluación

DRV8847EVM — Módulo de evaluación de controlador de motor de puente H doble DRV8847

The DRV8847 evaluation module (EVM) is an application board design to allow easy evaluation of the DRV8847 device. The DRV8847 device is an integrated low voltage dual H-bridge driver and highly-configurable power stage for industrial brushed DC, stepper motor, and solenoid applications. This (...)

Guía del usuario: PDF
Placa de evaluación

DRV8847SEVM — Módulo de evaluación de controlador de motor de puente H doble DRV8847S

The DRV8847S evaluation module (EVM) is an application board design to allow easy evaluation of the DRV8847S device. The DRV8847S device is an integrated low voltage dual H-bridge driver and highly-configurable power stage for industrial brushed DC, stepper motor, and solenoid applications. This (...)

Guía del usuario: PDF
GUI para el módulo de evaluación (EVM)


Productos y hardware compatibles

Productos y hardware compatibles

Drivers para motores paso a paso
DRV8847 Controlador de motor de puente H doble de 18 V y 2 A con regulación de corriente y control de med
Desarrollo de hardware
Placa de evaluación
DRV8847EVM Módulo de evaluación de controlador de motor de puente H doble DRV8847 DRV8847SEVM Módulo de evaluación de controlador de motor de puente H doble DRV8847S
Soporte de software

SLVC728 DRV8847 Software

Productos y hardware compatibles

Productos y hardware compatibles

Drivers para motores paso a paso
DRV8847 Controlador de motor de puente H doble de 18 V y 2 A con regulación de corriente y control de med
Desarrollo de hardware
Placa de evaluación
DRV8847EVM Módulo de evaluación de controlador de motor de puente H doble DRV8847 DRV8847SEVM Módulo de evaluación de controlador de motor de puente H doble DRV8847S
Diseños de referencia

TIDA-010072 — Diseño de referencia de ventilador de aire y control de válvula para aplicaciones respiratorias

This reference design provides a compact system design capable of supporting motor acceleration and deceleration up to ±200 kRPM/s, which is a key requirement in many respirator applications. The design supports a number of offboard C2000 controllers including (...)
Design guide: PDF
Esquema: PDF
Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
HTSSOP (PWP) 16 Ultra Librarian
TSSOP (PW) 16 Ultra Librarian
WQFN (RTE) 16 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

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