

Amplificador de ganancia variable de control de ganancia lineal en dB con ancho de banda de 150 MHz

Detalles del producto

PGA/VGA VGA Number of channels 1 Vs (min) (V) 7 Vs (max) (V) 12 BW at Acl (MHz) 150 Acl, min spec gain (V/V) 10 Features Analog Gain Set, Differential to Single-ended conversion Slew rate (typ) (V/µs) 1700 Iq per channel (typ) (mA) 34 Gain (max) (dB) 40 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
PGA/VGA VGA Number of channels 1 Vs (min) (V) 7 Vs (max) (V) 12 BW at Acl (MHz) 150 Acl, min spec gain (V/V) 10 Features Analog Gain Set, Differential to Single-ended conversion Slew rate (typ) (V/µs) 1700 Iq per channel (typ) (mA) 34 Gain (max) (dB) 40 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
SOIC (D) 14 51.9 mm² 8.65 x 6 VSSOP (DGS) 10 14.7 mm² 3 x 4.9
  • 150-MHz Small-Signal Bandwidth
  • 137-MHz, 5-VPP Bandwidth (G = +10 V/V)
  • 0.1-dB Gain Flatness to 28 MHz
  • 1700-V/µs Slew Rate
  • > 40-dB Gain Adjust Range
  • High Gain Accuracy: 20 dB ±0.4dB
  • High Output Current: 160 mA
    • AGC Receivers With RSSI
    • Differential Line Receivers
    • Pulse Amplitude Compensation
    • Variable Attenuators

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners

  • 150-MHz Small-Signal Bandwidth
  • 137-MHz, 5-VPP Bandwidth (G = +10 V/V)
  • 0.1-dB Gain Flatness to 28 MHz
  • 1700-V/µs Slew Rate
  • > 40-dB Gain Adjust Range
  • High Gain Accuracy: 20 dB ±0.4dB
  • High Output Current: 160 mA
    • AGC Receivers With RSSI
    • Differential Line Receivers
    • Pulse Amplitude Compensation
    • Variable Attenuators

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners

The VCA820 is a dc-coupled, wideband, linear in dB, continuously variable, voltage-controlled gain amplifier. The VCA820 provides a differential input to single-ended conversion with a high-impedance gain control input, used to vary the gain down 40 dB from the nominal maximum gain set by the gain resistor (RG) and feedback resistor (RF).

The VCA820 internal architecture consists of two input buffers and an output current feedback amplifier stage, integrated with a multiplier core to provide a complete variable gain amplifier (VGA) system that does not require external buffering. The maximum gain is set externally with two resistors, providing flexibility in designs. The maximum gain is intended to be set between +2 V/V and +100 V/V. Operating from ±5-V supplies, the gain control voltage for the VCA820 adjusts the gain linearly in dB as the control voltage varies from 0 V to +2 V. For example, set for a maximum gain of +10 V/V, the VCA820 provides 20 dB, at +2-V input, to –20 dB at 0-V input of gain control range. The VCA820 offers excellent gain linearity. For a 20-dB maximum gain, and a gain-control input voltage varying between 1 V and 2 V, the gain does not deviate by more than ±0.4dB (maximum at +25°C).

The VCA820 is a dc-coupled, wideband, linear in dB, continuously variable, voltage-controlled gain amplifier. The VCA820 provides a differential input to single-ended conversion with a high-impedance gain control input, used to vary the gain down 40 dB from the nominal maximum gain set by the gain resistor (RG) and feedback resistor (RF).

The VCA820 internal architecture consists of two input buffers and an output current feedback amplifier stage, integrated with a multiplier core to provide a complete variable gain amplifier (VGA) system that does not require external buffering. The maximum gain is set externally with two resistors, providing flexibility in designs. The maximum gain is intended to be set between +2 V/V and +100 V/V. Operating from ±5-V supplies, the gain control voltage for the VCA820 adjusts the gain linearly in dB as the control voltage varies from 0 V to +2 V. For example, set for a maximum gain of +10 V/V, the VCA820 provides 20 dB, at +2-V input, to –20 dB at 0-V input of gain control range. The VCA820 offers excellent gain linearity. For a 20-dB maximum gain, and a gain-control input voltage varying between 1 V and 2 V, the gain does not deviate by more than ±0.4dB (maximum at +25°C).


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* Data sheet VCA820 Wideband, > 40-dB Adjust Range, Linear in dB Variable Gain Amplifier datasheet (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 09 sep 2015

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

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