
Local sensor accuracy (max) 1.5, 2.5, 4 Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 130 Supply voltage (min) (V) 2.4 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Supply current (max) (µA) 7 Interface type Analog output Sensor gain (mV/°C) -11.77 Rating Catalog Features Industry standard pinout, UL recognized
Local sensor accuracy (max) 1.5, 2.5, 4 Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 130 Supply voltage (min) (V) 2.4 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Supply current (max) (µA) 7 Interface type Analog output Sensor gain (mV/°C) -11.77 Rating Catalog Features Industry standard pinout, UL recognized
DSBGA (YZR) 4 1.5625 mm² 1.25 x 1.25 SOT-SC70 (DCK) 5 4.2 mm² 2 x 2.1
  • Rated for −55°C to 130°C Range
  • Available in SC70 and DSBGA Package
  • Predictable Curvature Error
  • Suitable for Remote Applications
  • Accuracy at 30°C ±1.5 to ±4°C (Maximum)
  • Accuracy at 130°C and −55°C ±2.5 to ±5°C (Maximum)
  • Power Supply Voltage Range 2.4 V to 5.5 V
  • Current Drain 10 μA (Maximum)
  • Nonlinearity ±0.4% (Typical)
  • Output Impedance 160 Ω (Maximum)
  • Load Regulation
       0 μA < IL< 16 μA −2.5 mV (Maximum)

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Rated for −55°C to 130°C Range
  • Available in SC70 and DSBGA Package
  • Predictable Curvature Error
  • Suitable for Remote Applications
  • Accuracy at 30°C ±1.5 to ±4°C (Maximum)
  • Accuracy at 130°C and −55°C ±2.5 to ±5°C (Maximum)
  • Power Supply Voltage Range 2.4 V to 5.5 V
  • Current Drain 10 μA (Maximum)
  • Nonlinearity ±0.4% (Typical)
  • Output Impedance 160 Ω (Maximum)
  • Load Regulation
       0 μA < IL< 16 μA −2.5 mV (Maximum)

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The LM20 is a precision analog output CMOS integrated-circuit temperature sensor that operates over −55°C to 130°C. The power supply operating range is 2.4 V to 5.5 V. The transfer function of LM20 is predominately linear, yet has a slight predictable parabolic curvature. The accuracy of the LM20 when specified to a parabolic transfer function is ±1.5°C at an ambient temperature of 30°C. The temperature error increases linearly and reaches a maximum of ±2.5°C at the temperature range extremes. The temperature range is affected by the power supply voltage. At a power supply voltage of 2.7 V to 5.5 V, the temperature range extremes are 130°C and −55°C. Decreasing the power supply voltage to 2.4 V changes the negative extreme to −30°C, while the positive extreme remains at 130°C.

The LM20 quiescent current is less than 10 μA. Therefore, self-heating is less than 0.02°C in still air. Shutdown capability for the LM20 is intrinsic because its inherent low power consumption allows it to be powered directly from the output of many logic gates or does not necessitate shutdown.

The LM20 is a precision analog output CMOS integrated-circuit temperature sensor that operates over −55°C to 130°C. The power supply operating range is 2.4 V to 5.5 V. The transfer function of LM20 is predominately linear, yet has a slight predictable parabolic curvature. The accuracy of the LM20 when specified to a parabolic transfer function is ±1.5°C at an ambient temperature of 30°C. The temperature error increases linearly and reaches a maximum of ±2.5°C at the temperature range extremes. The temperature range is affected by the power supply voltage. At a power supply voltage of 2.7 V to 5.5 V, the temperature range extremes are 130°C and −55°C. Decreasing the power supply voltage to 2.4 V changes the negative extreme to −30°C, while the positive extreme remains at 130°C.

The LM20 quiescent current is less than 10 μA. Therefore, self-heating is less than 0.02°C in still air. Shutdown capability for the LM20 is intrinsic because its inherent low power consumption allows it to be powered directly from the output of many logic gates or does not necessitate shutdown.

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open-in-new 比較替代產品
LMT89 現行 具有 -11.77-mV/°C 增益的 ±2.5°C 類比輸出溫度感測器 Local sensor accuracy ±2.5°C (max)
TMP20 現行 類比輸出溫度感測器 SOT-563 and SC70 package options. Same accuracy (±2.5°C) and sensor gain (-11.77 mV/°C).
LMT88 現行 具有 -11.77-mV/°C 增益的 ±4°C 類比輸出溫度感測器 Lower accuracy (±4°C) pin-to-pin device for cost-effective designs.
TMP9A00-EP 現行 強化型產品,低功耗類比輸出溫度感測器 HiRel enhanced product pin-to-pin device. Same accuracy (±2.5°C) and sensor gain (-11.77 mV/°C) with support up to 150°C.
LMT70 現行 0.1C 類比溫度感測器、-5.19 mV/C、高精度配對、輸出啟用針腳 Higher accuracy (±0.1°C) analog-output temperature sensor with -5.19 mV/°C gain.


star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 5
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet LM20 2.4-V, 10-µA, SC70, DSBGA Temperature Sensor datasheet (Rev. Q) PDF | HTML 2015年 1月 31日
Certificate UL Certificate of Compliance Vol1-Sec12 E232195 2018年 8月 6日
Application note AN-1256 Tiny Temperature Sensors for Portable Systems (Rev. A) 2013年 4月 26日
User guide LM20X User's Guide 2013年 2月 28日
Application note Tiny Temperature Sensors for Remote Systems 2003年 2月 17日


如需其他條款或必要資源,請按一下下方的任何標題以檢視詳細頁面 (如有)。


LM20XEVM — 適用於 LM20B、LM20C 和 LM20S 類比溫度感測器的 LM20xEVM 基板

The Texas Instruments LM20xEVM evaluation module (EVM) helps designers evaluate the operation and performance of the LM20B, LM20C, and LM20S analog temperature sensors.

使用指南: PDF

PMP41081 — 使用 C2000™ 即時微控制器的 1-kW、12-V HHC LLC 參考設計

此參考設計為一個 1-kW,400-V 至 12-V 半橋諧振 DC/DC 平臺,適用於評估採用 F280039C 微控制器的混合磁滯控制 (HHC) 負載瞬態性能。HHC 是一種結合直接頻率控制 (DFC) 和充電控制的方法,並透過增加的頻率補償斜率進行充電控制。藉由額外的內部迴路,HHC 可改善電感器-電感器-電容器 (LLC) 的負載瞬態回應性能。
Test report: PDF

PMP40586 — 1-kW 數位控制的電流模式 LLC 參考設計

此參考設計為業界首款數位混合磁滯控制 (HHC) 解決方案,專為配備 12-V 至 54-V 輸出的伺服器 PSU 應用領域打造。此參考設計展現 UCD3138 在 400-V 至 12-V 1-kW LLC 功率級的 HHC 控制優勢。此設計可實現 8-kHz 峰值迴路頻寬。它在 2.5 A/us 的 0% 和 100% 負載轉換下保持小於 500 mV 的峰間偏差,在 2.5 A/us 的 0% 和 150% 負載轉換下保持小於 800-mV 的峰值偏差。
Test report: PDF

TIDA-01444 — 適用於伺服器 PSU 的 180W、雙通道、效率為 97% 的降壓轉換器參考設計

This is a reference design for server PSU, PC PSU and other step-down converter applications that implements a 180-W buck, dual-channel DC/DC converter with a regulatory 12-V DC input voltage designed to provide the terminal load voltage with greater than 97% efficiency and good thermal (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

PMP20978 — 具有高電壓 GaN FET 的高效率和高功率密度 1kW 共振轉換器參考設計

PMP20978 參考設計為具備高效率、高功率密度及輕量的共振轉換器參考設計。其可將 390V 輸入轉換為 48V/1kW 輸出。PMP20978 功率級的功率密度超過 140W/in^3。整個主機板重量小於 230g。固定 950kHz 切換頻率在穩定狀態下,可達 97.6% 的峰值效率。
Test report: PDF
電路圖: PDF

PMP21309 — 具有 HV GaN FET 的 24-V/500-W 共振轉換器參考設計

This reference design is a high-frequency resonant converter reference design. The output voltage is regulated to 24 V with input voltage ranges from 380 V to 400 V using a resonant tank with 500 kHz resonant frequency. A 97.9% peak efficiency is achieved with this design using TI’s (...)
Test report: PDF
電路圖: PDF

PMP21842 — 具有 HV GaN FET 的 12V/500W 諧振轉換器參考設計

此高頻諧振轉換器參考設計使用諧振頻率為 500kHz 的諧振腔,可在 380V 至 400V 的輸入電壓範圍內調節 12V 輸出。此設計使用我們的高電壓 GaN 裝置以及 UCD3138A 和 UCD7138 來最佳化失效時間和同步整流器 (SR) 導通,從而實現了 96.0% 的峰值效率 (包括偏壓電源)。
Test report: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDA-00381 — 具有高壓側低壓側驅動器的 360W 相移全橋諧振 LLC 參考設計

The power supply employs Full Bridge Resonant LLC with phase shift operating at ramp up, light load, low output voltage. This operating mode can replace PWM operating mode in LLC, which can improve efficiency signficantly in light load.
Test report: PDF
電路圖: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
DSBGA (YZR) 4 Ultra Librarian
SOT-SC70 (DCK) 5 Ultra Librarian


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  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
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