SimpleLink™ 低消費電力 SDK (ソフトウェア開発キット)
SimpleLink™ Low Power SDK は、CC13xx、CC23xx、CC26xx の各製品ファミリをサポートしています。これらの SDK を組み合わせると、SimpleLink CC13xx/CC23xx/CC26xx の各ワイヤレス マイコン上で Bluetooth® Low Energy、Mesh、ZigBee®、Matter、Thread、802.15.4 ベース、独自仕様、マルチプロトコルの各ソリューションをサポートする Sub-1GHz/2.4GHz アプリケーションを開発するための包括的なソフトウェア パッケージを実現できます。
SimpleLink 低消費電力 SDK ファミリは、以下のデバイス ファミリをサポートできる設計を採用しています。
- SIMPLELINK-LOWPOWER-F2-SDK:CC13x1、CC13x2、CC13x4、CC26x1、CC26x2、CC26x4 の各デバイス。
- SIMPLELINK-LOWPOWER-F3-SDK - CC27xx と CC23xx デバイス。
サポートは SDK とデバイスによって異なります。このソフトウェア ファミリ全体で、以下のものを含め、Sub-1GHz、2.4GHz、独自仕様の各アプリケーションをサポートしています。
- 独自仕様 RF (無線周波数) 向けの RX (受信) と TX (送信) の基本的な例
- TI 15.4-Stack は、Sub-1GHz と 2.4 GHz の各帯域に対応する、IEEE 802.15.4 をベースとするスター トポロジ ネットワーキング ソリューションです
- Wi-SUN® FAN 1.0 に準拠する Sub-1GHz メッシュ スタック
- Bluetooth 5.2 と Bluetooth Mesh をサポートする Bluetooth Low Energy ソフトウェア プロトコル スタック
- Matter 1.0 と Thread 1.3 の各ネットワーク プロトコルは、オープン ソースの Matter プロジェクトと Openthread をベースにしています
- ZigBee ソフトウェア プロトコル スタック
- ダイナミック マルチプロトコルを使用して、BLE + Sub-1GHz (TI 15.4-Stack または独自の Sub-1GHz) と、BLE + ZigBee の同時動作をサポートします
- Amazon Sidewalk Sub-1GHz FSK と Bluetooth Low Energy をサポート
- LaunchPad™ 開発キットのご購入
- 関連する SimpleLink Low Power SDK (ソフトウェア開発キット) をダウンロードします
- SimpleLink Academy を使用して、開発を開始します
SIMPLELINK-MATTER — SimpleLink™ family of devices Matter software
SIMPLELINK-MATTER — SimpleLink™ family of devices Matter software
Release Information
The SimpleLink™ Matter links to the Texas Instruments GitHub repository that contains all the software development tools that enable engineers to develop Matter Accessory Device and is the starting point for Matter development on all SimpleLink CC13xx and CC26xx family of wireless microcontrollers (MCUs). It contains essential software components, such as a Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) protocol stack supporting Bluetooth, Thread networking stack based on OpenThread and Matter application layer stack based on open source Matter stack. In addition, the Dynamic Multi-Protocol Manager (DMM) software component enables multiprotocol development on a single SimpleLink wireless MCU.
The SimpleLink MCU portfolio offers a single development environment that delivers flexible hardware, software, and tool options for customers developing wired and wireless applications. With 100 percent code reuse across host MCUs, Wi-Fi™, Bluetooth Low Energy, 2.4GHz, Sub-1GHz devices and more, choose the MCU or connectivity standard that fits your design. A one-time investment with the SimpleLink software development kit allows you to reuse often, opening the door to create unlimited applications. For more information, visit
- MATTER-276: Add support for matter v1.2 specification
- MATTER-289: Add support to build matter application with pre-built certified thread libraries for simplifying matter certification process.
- MATTER-264: Add Intermittent connected devices feature support
- MATTER-225: Add support for ability to create programmable image build with unique factory data elements per device.
- MATTER-228: Add support for genericApp, a template starting point for developing any matter compliant product
- MATTER-226: Add support for CC1354P10-6 platform
- MATTER-308: Deprecate CC2652x7 platform support
- MATTER-286: Add support for CC2674 platform via migration guide
- See release notes link above for more details
SIMPLELINK-LOWPOWER-F3-SDK — SimpleLink™ Low Power F3 software development kit (SDK) for the CC23xx and CC27xx devices
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
SIMPLELINK-LOWPOWER-F3-SDK — SimpleLink™ Low Power F3 software development kit (SDK) for the CC23xx and CC27xx devices
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
The SimpleLink™ Low Power F3 Software Development Kit (SDK) delivers components that enable engineers to develop applications on the Texas Instruments SimpleLink CC23xx and CC27xx family of wireless microcontrollers (MCUs). This software toolkit provides a cohesive and consistent software experience for all SimpleLink CC23xx and CC27xx wireless MCU users by packaging essential software components, such as:
- Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) protocol stack
- Zigbee® protocol stack supporting low power wireless mesh networks
- ProprietaryRF 2.4 GHz stack
- TI Drivers
All of the above are provided in one easy-to-use software package along with example applications and documentation.
The SimpleLink MCU portfolio offers a single development environment that delivers flexible hardware, software, and tool options for customers developing wired and wireless applications. With 100 percent code reuse across host MCUs, Wi-Fi™, Bluetooth Low Energy, Sub-1GHz devices and more, choose the MCU or connectivity standard that fits your design. A one-time investment with the SimpleLink software development kit allows you to reuse often, opening the door to create unlimited applications. For more information, visit TI SimpleLink Wireless Connectivity.
- CC27xx family of devices are now supported.
- The CC2745R10-Q1 is suitable to evaluate other device variants in the CC27xx family of devices. For more information regarding the new device, please visit the product page
- Bluetooth LE 5.4 qualified stack for the CC27xx devices.
- Controller-Only examples have been added for the CC23xx and CC27xx family of devices.
- Early access to Zigbee Stack; Fully qualified on CC2340Rx only.
SIMPLELINK-TI-OPENTHREAD-SDK — SimpleLink™ family of devices OpenThread software
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
SIMPLELINK-TI-OPENTHREAD-SDK — SimpleLink™ family of devices OpenThread software
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
SIMPLELINK-LOWPOWER-F2-SDK — SimpleLink™ Low Power F2 software development kit (SDK) for the CC13x1, CC13x2, CC13x4, CC26x1, CC26x2 and CC26x4 devices
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
Sub-1GHz ワイヤレス・マイコン
SIMPLELINK-LOWPOWER-F2-SDK — SimpleLink™ Low Power F2 software development kit (SDK) for the CC13x1, CC13x2, CC13x4, CC26x1, CC26x2 and CC26x4 devices
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
Sub-1GHz ワイヤレス・マイコン
The SimpleLink™ Low Power F2 Software Development Kit (SDK), formerly known as the CC13xx and CC26xx SDK, delivers components that enable engineers to develop applications on the Texas Instruments SimpleLink CC13xx and CC26xx family of wireless microcontrollers (MCUs). This software toolkit provides a cohesive and consistent software experience for all SimpleLink CC13xx and CC26xx wireless MCU users by packaging essential software components, such as a Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) protocol stack supporting Bluetooth 5.2, Zigbee 3.0 compliant protocol suite, RF-Proprietary examples, TI’s 15.4 Stack, TI Wi-SUN FAN Stack, Amazon Sidewalk examples, as well as the TI-RTOS7 and FreeRTOS™ kernels and TI Drivers in one easy-to-use software package along with example applications and documentation. In addition, the Dynamic Multi-Protocol Manager (DMM) software component enables multiprotocol development on a single SimpleLink wireless MCU.
Although not included in the SDK, SimpleLink CC13xx and CC26xx wireless MCUs are also capable of supporting the following wireless solutions: Please refer to their respective repositories for resources and more information.
- The Matter standard:
- Thread 1.1.1 networking stack based on OpenThread:
The SimpleLink MCU portfolio offers a single development environment that delivers flexible hardware, software, and tool options for customers developing wired and wireless applications. With 100 percent code reuse across host MCUs, Wi-Fi™, Bluetooth Low Energy, Sub-1GHz devices and more, choose the MCU or connectivity standard that fits your design. A one-time investment with the SimpleLink software development kit allows you to reuse often, opening the door to create unlimited applications. For more information, visit
This is version of the SimpleLink Low Power F2 SDK. This version only contains internal metadata updates for integrating with the TI Developer Zone; there are no embedded software changes from the release. This SDK is also available on GitHub at
- Example projects and RF settings for the upcoming CC2674P10 LaunchPad™ development kit for SimpleLink multi-standard wireless MCU.
- CCS Theia, now supports all SimpleLink F2 devices. Please use version 1.5.0 or newer. For more information, see Upcoming Features.
- The new TI Log driver simplifies adding log statements to your application without compromising on memory or processing power. The following SW modules are instrumented: Power driver, UART2 driver, TI 15.4-Stack.
- The Wi-SUN gateway example for Linux, wfantund, now supports using external authentication server and/or external DHCP server. It also supports Router Node configuration for the first time.
- The TI Wi-SUN Stack has three new Network Profiles which simplify network configuration.
- MCUboot is updated to version 2.0 and now supports using an encrypted image. You can now configure MCUboot in SysConfig.
- DMM now supports closing a handle, opening the possibility of using more than two handles in one application.
SIMPLELINK-CONNECT — SimpleLink Connect App for the SimpleLink Low Power SDKs
低消費電力 2.4GHz 製品
Sub-1GHz ワイヤレス・マイコン
Wi-Fi 製品
SIMPLELINK-CONNECT — SimpleLink Connect App for the SimpleLink Low Power SDKs
Apple App Store
Google App Store