SLYU067 December 2023 DRV5011 , DRV5012 , DRV5013 , DRV5013-Q1 , DRV5015 , DRV5015-Q1 , DRV5021 , DRV5021-Q1 , DRV5023 , DRV5023-Q1 , DRV5032 , DRV5033 , DRV5033-Q1 , DRV5053 , DRV5053-Q1 , DRV5055 , DRV5055-Q1 , DRV5056 , DRV5056-Q1 , DRV5057 , DRV5057-Q1 , TMAG3001 , TMAG5110 , TMAG5110-Q1 , TMAG5111 , TMAG5111-Q1 , TMAG5115 , TMAG5123 , TMAG5123-Q1 , TMAG5124 , TMAG5124-Q1 , TMAG5131-Q1 , TMAG5170 , TMAG5170-Q1 , TMAG5170D-Q1 , TMAG5173-Q1 , TMAG5231 , TMAG5253 , TMAG5273 , TMAG6180-Q1 , TMAG6181-Q1 , TMCS1107 , TMCS1108
The final sensor inputs relate to the orientation of the sensor package within the simulation and the physical placement. The sensor response corresponds to the sensitivity direction and rotating the package within the simulation environment to achieve the desired response.
This rotation coordinates with the sensor reference and not the global origin, similar to the magnet. The sensor reference point is typically the center of the package footprint seen on the surface of the PCB. More details for each package are available in Section A.1.
For help understanding sensor orientation and rotation within the simulation environment please refer to Section A.3.