- Single Supply Voltage: 3.3 V
- Low Power Consumption: 3-mA Nominal Supply Current
- Sequences and Monitors Eight Voltage Rails
- Rail Voltages Sampled With 3.2-mV Resolution
- Internal or External Voltage Reference
- Four Configurable Digital Outputs for Power-On-Reset and Other Functions
- Configurable Digital Output Polarity
- Flexible Rail Sequencing Based on Timeline (ms), Parent Rail Regulation Window, or Parent Rail Achieving Defined Threshold
- Independent Under- and Overvoltage Thresholds Per Rail
- Configurable Regulation Expiration Times Per Rail
- Flexible Alarm Processing: Ignore, Log Only, Retry n Times, Retry Continuously, Sequence, Parent Rail Can Shutdown Child Rails
- Alarm Conditions Logged With Timestamp: Under- and Overvoltage Glitch, Sustained Under- and Overvoltage, Rail Did Not Start
- On-Chip Flash for Storing User Data
- Error Logging to Flash for System Failure Analysis
- I2C™ Interface for Configuration and Monitoring
- Microsoft Windows™ GUI for Configuration and Monitoring
- Telecommunications Switches
- Servers
- Networking Equipment
- Test Equipment
- Industrial
- Any System Requiring Sequencing of Multiple Voltage Rails
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners
The UCD9081 power-supply sequencer controls the enable sequence of up to eight independent voltage rails and provides four general-purpose digital outputs (GPO). The device operates from a 3.3-V supply, provides 3.2-mV resolution of voltage rails, and requires no external memory or clock. The UCD9081 monitors the voltage rails independently and has a high degree of rail sequence and alarm response options. The sequencing of rails can be based on timed events or on timed events in conjunction with other rails achieving regulation or a voltage threshold. In addition, each rail is monitored for undervoltage and overvoltage glitches and thresholds. Each rail the UCD9081 monitors can be configured to shut down a user-defined set of other rails and GPOs, and alarm conditions are monitored on a per-rail basis.
UCD9081EVM — UCD9081EVM 評価モジュール
SLVC490 — UCD9081 GUI Win 7
UCD9081-EVM-GUI — Graphical user interface (GUI) software used to configure and monitor TI UCD9081 sequencer EVM
PSPICE-FOR-TI — TI Design / シミュレーション ツール向け PSpice®
設計とシミュレーション向けの環境である PSpice for TI を使用すると、内蔵のライブラリを使用して、複雑なミックスド (...)
パッケージ | ピン数 | CAD シンボル、フットプリント、および 3D モデル |
VQFN (RHB) | 32 | Ultra Librarian |
- RoHS
- デバイスのマーキング
- リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
- MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
- MTBF/FIT 推定値
- 使用原材料
- 認定試験結果
- 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
- ファブの拠点
- 組み立てを実施した拠点