

레이더 MMIC를 위한 오토모티브 3A 저잡음 벅 컨버터 3개, I/O LDO 및 부하 스위치 PMIC

alarm알림 지금 주문

제품 상세 정보

Processor supplier Texas Instruments Processor name mmWave AWR, mmWave IWR Regulated outputs (#) 5 Step-down DC/DC converter 3 LDO 1 Vin (min) (V) 3 Vin (max) (V) 4 Vout (min) (V) 0.9 Vout (max) (V) 1.8 Iout (max) (A) 3 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Compliant Configurability Factory programmable, Software configurable Features Output Short-Circuit and Overload Protection, Overtemperature warning and protection, Overvoltage protection, SPI, UVLO Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Step-down DC/DC controller 0 Step-up DC/DC controller 0 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.02 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 19200 Shutdown current (ISD) (typ) (µA) 20 Switching frequency (typ) (kHz) 17600
Processor supplier Texas Instruments Processor name mmWave AWR, mmWave IWR Regulated outputs (#) 5 Step-down DC/DC converter 3 LDO 1 Vin (min) (V) 3 Vin (max) (V) 4 Vout (min) (V) 0.9 Vout (max) (V) 1.8 Iout (max) (A) 3 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Compliant Configurability Factory programmable, Software configurable Features Output Short-Circuit and Overload Protection, Overtemperature warning and protection, Overvoltage protection, SPI, UVLO Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Step-down DC/DC controller 0 Step-up DC/DC controller 0 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.02 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 19200 Shutdown current (ISD) (typ) (µA) 20 Switching frequency (typ) (kHz) 17600
VQFN-HR (RAG) 24 16 mm² 4 x 4
  • AEC-Q100 qualified with the following results:
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C ambient operating temperature
  • Functional safety-compliant device
    • Developed for functional safety applications
    • Documentation to aid ISO 26262 functional safety system design up to ASIL-B
    • BUCK, LDO and load switch output and Input supply overvoltage and undervoltage monitoring
    • Q&A Watchdog
    • Level or PWM error signal monitor (ESM)
    • ABIST and CRC
  • Input voltage: 3.3 V nominal (3 V to 4 V range)
  • 3 high-efficiency, low noise, high frequency step-down DC/DC converters:
    • Output voltage: 0.8 V, 0.82 V, 0.9 V to 1.9 V with 20 mV output voltage step
    • Maximum output current: 3.5 A
    • Switching frequency: 4.4 MHz, 8.8 MHz, and 17.6 MHz
  • 600 mA linear regulator with bypass \ load switch mode (LDO_LS1)
    • Input voltage, LDO mode: 1.2 V to 4 V
    • Output voltage: 0.6 V to 3.4 V with 50 mV output voltage step
    • Input voltage, bypass \ load switch mode: 1.6 V to 3.4 V
  • 400 mA load switch (LS2)
    • Input voltage range: 1.6 V to 3.6 V
    • On resistance 3.3-V input, 200 mA: 75 mΩ -typ
  • Output short-circuit and overload protection
  • Regulator output dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) through I2C interface
  • Input overvoltage protection (OVP) and undervoltage lockout (UVLO)
  • Two general purpose voltage monitors shared with LDO_LS1 and LS2 output
  • Overtemperature warning and protection
  • I2C interface supporting standard, fast mode, fast-mode+ and optional I2C address selection
  • AEC-Q100 qualified with the following results:
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C ambient operating temperature
  • Functional safety-compliant device
    • Developed for functional safety applications
    • Documentation to aid ISO 26262 functional safety system design up to ASIL-B
    • BUCK, LDO and load switch output and Input supply overvoltage and undervoltage monitoring
    • Q&A Watchdog
    • Level or PWM error signal monitor (ESM)
    • ABIST and CRC
  • Input voltage: 3.3 V nominal (3 V to 4 V range)
  • 3 high-efficiency, low noise, high frequency step-down DC/DC converters:
    • Output voltage: 0.8 V, 0.82 V, 0.9 V to 1.9 V with 20 mV output voltage step
    • Maximum output current: 3.5 A
    • Switching frequency: 4.4 MHz, 8.8 MHz, and 17.6 MHz
  • 600 mA linear regulator with bypass \ load switch mode (LDO_LS1)
    • Input voltage, LDO mode: 1.2 V to 4 V
    • Output voltage: 0.6 V to 3.4 V with 50 mV output voltage step
    • Input voltage, bypass \ load switch mode: 1.6 V to 3.4 V
  • 400 mA load switch (LS2)
    • Input voltage range: 1.6 V to 3.6 V
    • On resistance 3.3-V input, 200 mA: 75 mΩ -typ
  • Output short-circuit and overload protection
  • Regulator output dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) through I2C interface
  • Input overvoltage protection (OVP) and undervoltage lockout (UVLO)
  • Two general purpose voltage monitors shared with LDO_LS1 and LS2 output
  • Overtemperature warning and protection
  • I2C interface supporting standard, fast mode, fast-mode+ and optional I2C address selection

The LP8772x-Q1 device is designed to meet the power management requirements of the AWR, IWR, and other MMICs in various automotive and industrial radar applications. The device has three step-down DC/DC converters, a LDO regulator, and a load switch. The LDO is powered externally and intended for supplying Ethernet device or any other device in the system. The load switch is intended to cut off the 3.3 V IO supply during the sensor sleep mode. The device is controlled by I2C communication interface and by enable signals.

The low noise step-down DC/DC converters support factory programmed switching frequency of 17.6 MHz or 8.8 MHz or 4.4 MHz. High switching frequency and low noise across wide frequency range, enables LDO-free power solution which helps to reduce the solution cost and improve thermal performance. The switching clock is forced to PWM mode for excellent RF performance and can also be synchronized to an external clock. The LP8772x-Q1 device supports remote voltage sensing to compensate IR drop between the regulator output and the point-of-load (POL) which improves the accuracy of the output voltage.

The LP8772x-Q1 device supports programmable start-up and shutdown delays and sequences which are synchronized to the ENABLE signal. These sequences can also include GPO signal to control external regulators, load switches, and processor reset. The default settings for the device are programmed into nonvolatile memory (NVM) / one time programmable (OTP) memory at the factory and user cannot change the device default NVM / OTP settings. The device controls the output slew rate to minimize output voltage overshoot and in-rush current during device start-up.

The LP8772x-Q1 device is designed to meet the power management requirements of the AWR, IWR, and other MMICs in various automotive and industrial radar applications. The device has three step-down DC/DC converters, a LDO regulator, and a load switch. The LDO is powered externally and intended for supplying Ethernet device or any other device in the system. The load switch is intended to cut off the 3.3 V IO supply during the sensor sleep mode. The device is controlled by I2C communication interface and by enable signals.

The low noise step-down DC/DC converters support factory programmed switching frequency of 17.6 MHz or 8.8 MHz or 4.4 MHz. High switching frequency and low noise across wide frequency range, enables LDO-free power solution which helps to reduce the solution cost and improve thermal performance. The switching clock is forced to PWM mode for excellent RF performance and can also be synchronized to an external clock. The LP8772x-Q1 device supports remote voltage sensing to compensate IR drop between the regulator output and the point-of-load (POL) which improves the accuracy of the output voltage.

The LP8772x-Q1 device supports programmable start-up and shutdown delays and sequences which are synchronized to the ENABLE signal. These sequences can also include GPO signal to control external regulators, load switches, and processor reset. The default settings for the device are programmed into nonvolatile memory (NVM) / one time programmable (OTP) memory at the factory and user cannot change the device default NVM / OTP settings. The device controls the output slew rate to minimize output voltage overshoot and in-rush current during device start-up.

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* Data sheet LP8772x-Q1 Three Buck Converters, One Linear Regulator and One Load Switch for mmWave Radar Sensors datasheet PDF | HTML 2023/12/18

설계 및 개발

전원 공급 솔루션

LP87725-Q1을 포함하는 솔루션을 살펴보세요. TI는 칩(SoC), 프로세서, 마이크로컨트롤러, 센서 또는 FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array)의 TI와 비TI 시스템을 위한 전원 공급 솔루션을 제공합니다.

평가 보드

AWR2544LOPEVM — 차량용 2세대, 76GHz~81GHz, 고성능 SoC용 AWR2544LOP 평가 모듈

AWR2544LOPEVM은 사용하기 간편한 AWR254x mmWave 감지 장치용 평가 보드로, DCA1000EVM에 직접 연결됩니다. 이 EVM 키트에는 온칩 ARM Cortex-R5F 컨트롤러 및 하드웨어 억셀러레이터(HWA 1.5)용 소프트웨어 개발을 시작하는 데 필요한 모든 것이 포함되어 있습니다. 이 보드에는 프로그래밍 및 디버깅을 위한 온보드 에뮬레이션과 온보드 버튼, 간단한 사용자 인터페이스를 신속하게 통합할 수 있도록 하는 LED도 포함되어 있습니다.
사용 설명서: PDF
평가 보드

LP87725Q1EVM — LP87725-Q1 평가 모듈

LP87725-Q1 디바이스는 다양한 차량용 및 산업용 레이더 애플리케이션에서 AWR 및 IWR MMIC의 전원 관리 요구 사항을 충족하도록 설계되었습니다. 이 디바이스에는 강압 DC/DC 컨버터 3개, LDO 조정기 및 부하 스위치가 있습니다. LDO는 외부에서 전원을 공급 받으며 이더넷 장치 코어 공급용으로 사용됩니다. 부하 스위치는 센서 절전 모드 동안 3.3V IO 공급을 차단하도록 설계되었습니다. 이 디바이스는 I²C 직렬 인터페이스에 의해 제어되고 활성화 신호로 제어됩니다.
사용 설명서: PDF | HTML
시뮬레이션 모델

LP8772X-Q1 PSpice Model

SNVMCC9.ZIP (46 KB) - PSpice Model
시뮬레이션 모델

LP8772X-Q1 SIMPLIS Model

계산 툴

PEET-GUI — TPS6594-Q1, LP8756-Q1, LP8758, LP8770 및 TPS650330-Q1용 효율성 예측 툴

The PMIC Efficiency Estimator Tool (PEET GUI) is a graphical user interface used to easily evaluate PMIC DC/DC regulator efficiency relative to your design conditions. The PEET GUI can be used to configure each DC/DC regulator separately and provides real-time efficiency and power dissipation data (...)
패키지 CAD 기호, 풋프린트 및 3D 모델
VQFN-HR (RAG) 24 Ultra Librarian

주문 및 품질

포함된 정보:
  • RoHS
  • 디바이스 마킹
  • 납 마감/볼 재질
  • MSL 등급/피크 리플로우
  • MTBF/FIT 예측
  • 물질 성분
  • 인증 요약
  • 지속적인 신뢰성 모니터링
포함된 정보:
  • 팹 위치
  • 조립 위치

권장 제품에는 본 TI 제품과 관련된 매개 변수, 평가 모듈 또는 레퍼런스 디자인이 있을 수 있습니다.

지원 및 교육

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