전원 관리 통제기 및 리셋 IC



전원 장애 및 워치독 타이머를 지원하는 듀얼 프로세서 전압 통제기

제품 상세 정보

Number of supplies monitored 3 Threshold voltage 1 (typ) (V) 1.4, 1.68, 1.85, 2.25, 2.93, 4.55 Features PFI/PFO, Reset time delay, Separate VDD & sense, Timeout watchdog, Undervoltage monitor only, Watchdog disable, Watchdog timer Reset threshold accuracy (%) 2.4, 3.2 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.015 Output driver type/reset output Active-low, Open-drain Time delay (ms) 100 Supply voltage (min) (V) 2.7 Supply voltage (max) (V) 6 Rating Catalog Watchdog timer WDI (s) 0.8 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Number of supplies monitored 3 Threshold voltage 1 (typ) (V) 1.4, 1.68, 1.85, 2.25, 2.93, 4.55 Features PFI/PFO, Reset time delay, Separate VDD & sense, Timeout watchdog, Undervoltage monitor only, Watchdog disable, Watchdog timer Reset threshold accuracy (%) 2.4, 3.2 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.015 Output driver type/reset output Active-low, Open-drain Time delay (ms) 100 Supply voltage (min) (V) 2.7 Supply voltage (max) (V) 6 Rating Catalog Watchdog timer WDI (s) 0.8 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6 VSSOP (DGK) 8 14.7 mm² 3 x 4.9
  • Dual Supervisory Circuits With Power-Fail for DSP and Processor-Based Systems
  • Voltage Monitor for Power-Fail or Low-Battery Warning
  • Watchdog Timer With 0.8 Second Time-Out
  • Power-On Reset Generator With Integrated 100 ms Delay Time
  • Open-Drain Reset and Power-Fail Output
  • Supply Current of 15 µA (Typ.)
  • Supply Voltage Range: 7 V to 6 V
  • Defined RESET Output From VDD ≥ 1.1 V
  • MSOP-8 and SO-8 Packages
  • Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C
    • Multivoltage DSPs and Processors
    • Portable Battery-Powered Equipment
    • Embedded Control Systems
    • Intelligent Instruments
    • Automotive Systems

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • Dual Supervisory Circuits With Power-Fail for DSP and Processor-Based Systems
  • Voltage Monitor for Power-Fail or Low-Battery Warning
  • Watchdog Timer With 0.8 Second Time-Out
  • Power-On Reset Generator With Integrated 100 ms Delay Time
  • Open-Drain Reset and Power-Fail Output
  • Supply Current of 15 µA (Typ.)
  • Supply Voltage Range: 7 V to 6 V
  • Defined RESET Output From VDD ≥ 1.1 V
  • MSOP-8 and SO-8 Packages
  • Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C
    • Multivoltage DSPs and Processors
    • Portable Battery-Powered Equipment
    • Embedded Control Systems
    • Intelligent Instruments
    • Automotive Systems

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The TPS3306 family is a series of supervisory circuits designed for circuit initialization which require two supply voltages, primarily in DSP and processor-based systems.

The product spectrum of the TPS3306-xx is designed for monitoring two independent supply voltages of 3.3 V/1.5 V, 3.3 V/1.8 V, 3.3 V/2 V, 3.3 V/2.5 V, or 3.3 V/5 V.

The various supervisory circuits are designed to monitor the nominal supply voltage.

During power-on, RESET is asserted when the supply voltage VDD becomes higher than 1.1 V. Thereafter, the supervisory circuits monitor the SENSEn inputs and keep RESET active as long as SENSEn remains below the threshold voltage VIT.

An internal timer delays the return of the RESET output to the inactive state (high) to ensure proper system reset. The delay time, td(typ) = 100 ms, starts after SENSE1 and SENSE2 inputs have risen above the threshold voltage VIT. When the voltage at SENSE1 or SENSE2 input drops below the threshold voltage VIT, the output becomes active (low) again.

The integrated power-fail (PFI) comparator with separate open-drain (PFO) output can be used for low-battery detection, power-fail warning, or for monitoring a power supply other than the main supply.

The TPS3306-xx devices integrate a watchdog timer that is periodically triggered by a positive or negative transition of WDI. When the supervising system fails to retrigger the watchdog circuit within the time-out interval, tt(out) = 0.50 s, RESET becomes active for the time period td. This event also reinitializes the watchdog timer. Leaving WDI unconnected disables the watchdog.

The TPS3306-xx devices are available in either 8-pin MSOP or standard 8-pin SO packages, and are characterized for operation over a temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.

The TPS3306 family is a series of supervisory circuits designed for circuit initialization which require two supply voltages, primarily in DSP and processor-based systems.

The product spectrum of the TPS3306-xx is designed for monitoring two independent supply voltages of 3.3 V/1.5 V, 3.3 V/1.8 V, 3.3 V/2 V, 3.3 V/2.5 V, or 3.3 V/5 V.

The various supervisory circuits are designed to monitor the nominal supply voltage.

During power-on, RESET is asserted when the supply voltage VDD becomes higher than 1.1 V. Thereafter, the supervisory circuits monitor the SENSEn inputs and keep RESET active as long as SENSEn remains below the threshold voltage VIT.

An internal timer delays the return of the RESET output to the inactive state (high) to ensure proper system reset. The delay time, td(typ) = 100 ms, starts after SENSE1 and SENSE2 inputs have risen above the threshold voltage VIT. When the voltage at SENSE1 or SENSE2 input drops below the threshold voltage VIT, the output becomes active (low) again.

The integrated power-fail (PFI) comparator with separate open-drain (PFO) output can be used for low-battery detection, power-fail warning, or for monitoring a power supply other than the main supply.

The TPS3306-xx devices integrate a watchdog timer that is periodically triggered by a positive or negative transition of WDI. When the supervising system fails to retrigger the watchdog circuit within the time-out interval, tt(out) = 0.50 s, RESET becomes active for the time period td. This event also reinitializes the watchdog timer. Leaving WDI unconnected disables the watchdog.

The TPS3306-xx devices are available in either 8-pin MSOP or standard 8-pin SO packages, and are characterized for operation over a temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.

다운로드 스크립트와 함께 비디오 보기 동영상

관심 가지실만한 유사 제품

open-in-new 대안 비교
비교 대상 장치와 유사한 기능
TPS3704 활성 높은 정확도 및 소형 폼 팩터를 사용하는 다중 채널 윈도우 통제기 Window supervisor with up to four monitored supplies and included separate VDD and sense pins
TPS386000 활성 프로그래머블 지연 및 워치독 타이머를 지원하는 오픈 드레인, 쿼드 공급 전압 통제기 Offers adjustable threshold voltages, higher accuracy, separate MR pin, overvoltage and undervoltage monitoring, and programmable time delay.

기술 자료

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6개 모두 보기
유형 직함 날짜
* Data sheet Dual-Processor Supervisory Circuits with Power-Fail datasheet (Rev. C) 2006/12/01
Selection guide Voltage Supervisors (Reset ICs) Quick Reference Guide (Rev. H) 2020/02/28
E-book Voltage Supervisor and Reset ICs: Tips, Tricks and Basics 2019/06/28
Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 2018/06/25
Application note Choosing an Appropriate Pull-up/Pull-down Resistor for Open Drain Outputs 2011/09/19
Application note Monitoring Five Different Voltage Rails Using the TPS3103 and TPS3306 2003/08/28

설계 및 개발

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시뮬레이션 툴

PSPICE-FOR-TI — TI 설계 및 시뮬레이션 툴용 PSpice®

TI용 PSpice®는 아날로그 회로의 기능을 평가하는 데 사용되는 설계 및 시뮬레이션 환경입니다. 완전한 기능을 갖춘 이 설계 및 시뮬레이션 제품군은 Cadence®의 아날로그 분석 엔진을 사용합니다. 무료로 제공되는 TI용 PSpice에는 아날로그 및 전력 포트폴리오뿐 아니라 아날로그 행동 모델에 이르기까지 업계에서 가장 방대한 모델 라이브러리 중 하나가 포함되어 있습니다.

TI 설계 및 시뮬레이션 환경용 PSpice는 기본 제공 라이브러리를 이용해 복잡한 혼합 신호 설계를 시뮬레이션할 수 있습니다. 레이아웃 및 제작에 (...)
패키지 CAD 기호, 풋프린트 및 3D 모델
SOIC (D) 8 Ultra Librarian
VSSOP (DGK) 8 Ultra Librarian

주문 및 품질

포함된 정보:
  • RoHS
  • 디바이스 마킹
  • 납 마감/볼 재질
  • MSL 등급/피크 리플로우
  • MTBF/FIT 예측
  • 물질 성분
  • 인증 요약
  • 지속적인 신뢰성 모니터링
포함된 정보:
  • 팹 위치
  • 조립 위치

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