
Applications Encoders/event counters, Metal proximity detection Number of input channels 1 Vs (max) (V) 3.46 Vs (min) (V) 1.71 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Applications Encoders/event counters, Metal proximity detection Number of input channels 1 Vs (max) (V) 3.46 Vs (min) (V) 1.71 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
WSON (DSG) 8 4 mm² 2 x 2
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Threshold tolerance: <1 % of coil diameter
  • Temperature stable switching operation
  • Average supply current: < 20µA at 10sps
  • Shutdown supply current: 140nA
  • Push-pull output
  • Resistor programmable threshold
  • Insensitive to DC magnetic fields
  • Contactless switching operation
  • Sample rate up to 4ksps
  • Supply voltage: 1.8V – 3.3V
  • Operating temperature range: –40 to 125 °C
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Threshold tolerance: <1 % of coil diameter
  • Temperature stable switching operation
  • Average supply current: < 20µA at 10sps
  • Shutdown supply current: 140nA
  • Push-pull output
  • Resistor programmable threshold
  • Insensitive to DC magnetic fields
  • Contactless switching operation
  • Sample rate up to 4ksps
  • Supply voltage: 1.8V – 3.3V
  • Operating temperature range: –40 to 125 °C

The LDC0851 is a close range inductive switch ideal for contactless, simple switch applications such as presence detection and event counting.

The switch is triggered when a conductive object comes within close proximity of the sensing coil. Hysteresis is included to ensure a reliable switching threshold. The differential implementation prevents false triggering over environmental factors such as temperature variation or humidity effects. The LDC0851 does not require an MCU to operate, allowing for a simplistic solution.

Inductive sensing technology provides reliable and accurate sensing even in the presence of dirt, oil, or moisture making it ideal for use in harsh or dirty environments. The solid state switching eliminates the failures due to reed, mechanical, or contact switching. Unlike competitive products, the LDC0851 does not require magnets, nor is it affected by DC magnetic fields.

The LDC0851 is a close range inductive switch ideal for contactless, simple switch applications such as presence detection and event counting.

The switch is triggered when a conductive object comes within close proximity of the sensing coil. Hysteresis is included to ensure a reliable switching threshold. The differential implementation prevents false triggering over environmental factors such as temperature variation or humidity effects. The LDC0851 does not require an MCU to operate, allowing for a simplistic solution.

Inductive sensing technology provides reliable and accurate sensing even in the presence of dirt, oil, or moisture making it ideal for use in harsh or dirty environments. The solid state switching eliminates the failures due to reed, mechanical, or contact switching. Unlike competitive products, the LDC0851 does not require magnets, nor is it affected by DC magnetic fields.

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star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 24
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet LDC0851 Differential Inductive Switch datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2024年 4月 16日
Functional safety information LDC0851 Functional Safety, FIT Rate, Failure Mode Distribution and Pin FMA (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2024年 4月 16日
Application note Common Inductive and Capacitive Sensing Applications (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2021年 6月 22日
Application note Simulate Inductive Sensors Using FEMM (Finite Element Method Magnetics) (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2021年 6月 16日
Application note LDC Device Selection Guide (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 2021年 6月 15日
Application note Sensor Design for Inductive Sensing Applications Using LDC (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2021年 5月 21日
Application note LDC Target Design (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2021年 5月 13日
Application note LDC0851 Quick-Start Guide (Rev. A) 2020年 2月 7日
Technical article Understanding tamper detection sensors PDF | HTML 2019年 11月 18日
Technical article An open-and-shut case, part 2: advantages of inductive-based case tamper detection PDF | HTML 2018年 11月 29日
Technical article An open-and-shut case, part 1: limitations of mechanical case tamper detection in PDF | HTML 2018年 11月 15日
Application note LDC0851 Stacked Coil Design Considerations 2018年 2月 12日
EVM User's guide LDC0851EVM User's Guide (Rev. A) 2017年 7月 30日
Application note EMI Considerations for Inductive Sensing 2017年 2月 22日
Technical article Inductive sensing: reliably detect faults in circuit breakers using contactless in PDF | HTML 2017年 1月 17日
Application note LDC0851 - Troubleshooting 2017年 1月 3日
Technical article Inductive sensing: make your proximity-switch applications as easy as 1, 2, 3 with PDF | HTML 2016年 12月 13日
Technical article How you can use the LDC racetrack inductor designer tool PDF | HTML 2016年 11月 29日
Technical article How to use the LDC calculations tool PDF | HTML 2016年 11月 10日
Technical article Inductive sensing: WEBENCH® Coil Designer now designs stacked coils for switch app PDF | HTML 2016年 8月 17日
Technical article Inductive sensing: How can an inductive switch be used for lid open/close detectio PDF | HTML 2016年 8月 15日
Technical article Inductive sensing: prototype side-by-side coils in four easy steps PDF | HTML 2016年 7月 25日
Technical article Inductive sensing: Switch applications made simple PDF | HTML 2016年 5月 11日
Technical article Inductive sensing: target size matters PDF | HTML 2015年 11月 16日


如需其他條款或必要資源,請按一下下方的任何標題以檢視詳細頁面 (如有)。


LDC0851EVM — LDC0851EVM - 具有堆疊線圈的高準確度電感式開關評估模組

LDC0851 評估模組展現電感感測技術,可精確偵測傳導性目標通過固定閾值。評估模組包含有穿孔和可互換的 4 層 PCB,其中含堆疊感測線圈及參考線圈以減少系統尺寸。有傳導性物體通過固定閾值時會以綠色 LED 指示,因此不需要 MCU 或 GUI。調整電阻電位計以輕鬆切換閾值,提供靈活性並加快系統原型設計速度。


步驟 1:購買 LDC0851EVM

步驟 2:下載 LDC0851EVM 使用者手冊快速入門指南

步驟 3:下載並檢視其他建議內容

使用指南: PDF

LDC0851 IBIS Model

SLYM096.ZIP (29 KB) - IBIS Model

LDC-CALCULATOR-TOOLS Inductive Sensing Design Calculator Tool

The inductive sensing calculator tools provide two Excel spreadsheets to assist in the design process for inductive-to-digital converter (LDC) devices. These tools provide coil design assistance as well as some device-specific configurations.



電感式感測器 AFE
LDC0851 適用於無 MCU 應用的差動式感應開關 LDC1041 單通道、5V、24 位元 L、8 位元 Rp、電感數位轉換器 LDC1051 單通道、5V、8 位元 Rp、電感數位轉換器 LDC1101 適用高速應用的 1 通道、1.8V、24 位元 L、16 位元 Rp、電感數位轉換器 LDC1312 雙通道、12 位元、通用電感數位轉換器 LDC1312-Q1 2 通道 12 位元通用車用電感數位轉換器 LDC1314 4 通道 12 位元通用電感數位轉換器 LDC1314-Q1 4 通道、12 位元通用汽車電感數位轉換器 LDC1612 雙通道、28 位元、高解析度電感數位轉換器 LDC1612-Q1 雙通道、28 位元、高解析度汽車電感數位轉換器 LDC1614 4 通道 28 位元高解析度電感至數位轉換器 LDC1614-Q1 4 通道、28 位元、高解析度汽車電感數位轉換器 LDC2112 具低功耗觸摸按鈕基線跟蹤功能的 2 通道數位電感至數位轉換器 LDC2114 適用於低功耗觸控按鈕且具有基準追蹤功能的 4 通道電感轉數位轉換器 LDC3114 適用於低功耗近距與觸控按鈕感測的 4 通道電感數位轉換器 LDC3114-Q1 適用於低功耗近距與觸控按鈕感測的 4 通道電感數位轉換器
LDC0851EVM LDC0851EVM - 具有堆疊線圈的高準確度電感式開關評估模組 LDC1614EVM 適用於電感轉數位轉換器且具有樣本 PCB 線圈的 LDC1614 評估模組

TIDA-01377 — 使用感應式感測的外殼篡改偵測參考設計

智慧電表周圍的實體外殼是防止竄改的第一道防線。智慧電表設計必須加入可偵測電表外殼開啟時機的方式,才能向服務供應商警示可能發生的竄改攻擊。  此參考設計利用小型電感感測器來準確可靠地判斷電表外殼是否已開啟,實作此類篡改的低功率偵測新方法。此全新解決方案不再需要機械元件,因其可隨時間磨耗,進而提升系統可靠性。本系統適用於智慧電表,但其設計技術也可運用在水表、瓦斯表和熱能表上。
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDA-00828 — 使用 LDC0851 的 32 位編碼器旋鈕參考設計

An inductive sensing based incremental encoder knob design can provide a robust and low-cost interface for control inputs.  It can reliably operate in environments which have dirt, moisture, or oil which would pose issues for alternate sensing technologies. This solution requires no magnets.
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDA-00851-LDC0851 — LDC0851 事件計數參考設計

An inductive sensing (LDC)-based event counting design providing a robust and low-cost interface for speed measurement and event counting applications.  The solution doesn't require magnets and reliably operates in environments with dirt, moisture or oil that usually pose challenges for (...)
Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
WSON (DSG) 8 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點

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