SLUA887A August   2018  – September 2023 LM2005 , LM2101 , LM2103 , LM2104 , LM2105 , LM25101 , LM27222 , LM2724A , LM5100A , LM5100B , LM5100C , LM5101 , LM5101A , LM5101B , LM5101C , LM5102 , LM5104 , LM5105 , LM5106 , LM5107 , LM5108 , LM5109 , LM5109A , LM5109B , LM5109B-Q1 , LM5113-Q1 , LMG1205 , LMG1210 , SM72295 , SM74104 , TPS28225 , TPS28225-Q1 , TPS28226 , TPS2832 , TPS2836 , TPS2837 , UC2950 , UCC27200 , UCC27200-Q1 , UCC27200A , UCC27201 , UCC27201A , UCC27201A-DIE , UCC27201A-Q1 , UCC27211 , UCC27211A , UCC27211A-Q1 , UCC27212 , UCC27212A-Q1 , UCC27222 , UCC27282 , UCC27282-Q1 , UCC27284 , UCC27284-Q1 , UCC27288 , UCC27289 , UCC27301A , UCC27301A-Q1 , UCC27311A , UCC27311A-Q1 , UCC27710 , UCC27712 , UCC27712-Q1 , UCC27714


  1.   1
  2.   Bootstrap Circuitry Selection for Half-Bridge Configurations
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
  5. 2Basic Operation of Bootstrap Circuit
  6. 3Bootstrap Components Selection
    1. 3.1 Bootstrap Capacitor
    2.     8
    3. 3.2 VDD Bypass Capacitor
    4. 3.3 External Bootstrap Diode
    5.     11
    6. 3.4 Bootstrap Resistor
    7.     13
  7. 4Layout Considerations for Bootstrap Components
  8. 5Summary
  9. 6References
  10. 7Revision History


Driving MOSFETs in half-bridge configurations present many challenges for designers. One of those challenges is generating bias for the high-side FET. A bootstrap circuit takes care of this issue when properly designed.

This document uses UCC27710, TI's 620V half-bridge gate driver with interlock to present the different components in a bootstrap circuit and how to properly select them in order to ensure predictable switching of the power FETs.