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This application note gives the equations to calculate the power stage of a boost converter built with an IC with integrated switch and operating in continuous conduction mode. It is not intended to give details on the functionality of a boost converter (see Reference 1) or how to compensate a converter. See the references at the end of this document if more detail is needed.
For the equations without description, See section 8.
Figure 1-1 shows the basic configuration of a boost converter where the switch is integrated in the used IC. Often lower power converters have the diode replaced by a second switch integrated into the converter. If this is the case, all equations in this document apply besides the power dissipation equation of the diode.
The following four parameters are needed to calculate the power stage:
If these parameters are known the calculation of the power stage can take place.
The first step to calculate the switch current is to determine the duty cycle, D, for the minimum input voltage. The minimum input voltage is used because this leads to the maximum switch current.
VIN(min) = minimum input
VOUT = desired output
η = efficiency of the converter, e.g.
estimated 80%
The efficiency is added to the duty cycle calculation, because the converter has to deliver also the energy dissipated. This calculation gives a more realistic duty cycle than just the equation without the efficiency factor.
Either an estimated factor, e.g. 80%
(which is not unrealistic for a boost converter worst case efficiency), can be used
or see the Typical Characteristics section of the selected converter's data
(Reference 3 and 4).
The next step to calculate the maximum switch current is to determine the inductor ripple current. In the converters data sheet normally a specific inductor or a range of inductors is named to use with the IC. So either use the recommended inductor value to calculate the ripple current, an inductor value in the middle of the recommended range or, if none is given in the data sheet, the one calculated in the Inductor Selection section of this application note.
VIN(min) = minimum input
D = duty cycle calculated in Equation 1
fS = minimum switching frequency of
the converter
L = selected inductor value
Now it has to be determined if the selected IC can deliver the maximum output current.
ILIM(min) = minimum value
of the current limit of the integrated switch (given in the data sheet)
ΔIL = inductor ripple current calculated
in Equation 2
D = duty cycle calculated in Equation 1
If the calculated value for the maximum output current of the selected IC, IMAXOUT, is below the systems required maximum output current, another IC with a higher switch current limit has to be used.
Only if the calculate value for IMAXOUT is just a little smaller than the needed one, it is possible to use the selected IC with an inductor with higher inductance if it is still in the recommended range. A higher inductance reduces the ripple current and therefore increases the maximum output current with the selected IC.
If the calculated value is above the maximum output current of the application, the maximum switch current in the system is calculated:
ΔIL = inductor ripple
current calculated in Equation 2
IOUT(max) = maximum output current
necessary in the application
D = duty cycle calculated
in Equation 1
This is the peak current, the inductor, the integrated switch(es) and the external diode has to withstand.
Often data sheets give a range of recommended inductor values. If this is the case, it is recommended to choose an inductor from this range. The higher the inductor value, the higher is the maximum output current because of the reduced ripple current.
The lower the inductor value, the smaller is the solution size. Note that the inductor must always have a higher current rating than the maximum current given in Equation 4 because the current increases with decreasing inductance.
For parts where no inductor range is given, the following equation is a good estimation for the right inductor:
VIN = typical input
VOUT = desired output
fS = minimum switching
frequency of the converter
ΔIL = estimated
inductor ripple current, see below
The inductor ripple current cannot be calculated with Equation 1 because the inductor is not known. A good estimation for the inductor ripple current is 20% to 40% of the output current.
= estimated inductor ripple current
IOUT(max) = maximum output current necessary in the
To reduce losses, Schottky diodes should be used. The forward current rating needed is equal to the maximum output current:
IF = average forward
current of the rectifier diode
IOUT(max) =
maximum output current necessary in the application
Schottky diodes have a much higher peak current rating than average rating. Therefore the higher peak current in the system is not a problem.
The other parameter that has to be checked is the power dissipation of the diode. It has to handle:
IF = average forward
current of the rectifier diode
VF = forward
voltage of the rectifier diode
Almost all converters set the output voltage with a resistive divider network (which is integrated if they are fixed output voltage converters).
With the given feedback voltage, VFB, and feedback bias current, IFB, the voltage divider can be calculated.
The current through the resistive divider shall be at least 100 times as big as the feedback bias current:
IR1/2 = current through
the resistive divider to GND
IFB = feedback
bias current from data sheet
This adds less than 1% inaccuracy to the voltage measurement. The current can also be a lot higher. The only disadvantage of smaller resistor values is a higher power loss in the resistive divider, but the accuracy will be a little increased.
With the above assumption, the resistors are calculated as follows:
R1,R2 =
resistive divider, see Figure 5-1.
VFB = feedback voltage from the
data sheet
IR1/2 = current through the
resistive divider to GND, calculated in Equation 9
VOUT = desired output
The minimum value for the input capacitor is normally given in the data sheet. This minimum value is necessary to stabilize the input voltage due to the peak current requirement of a switching power supply. the best practice is to use low equivalent series resistance (ESR) ceramic capacitors. The dielectric material should be X5R or better. Otherwise, the capacitor cane lose much of its capacitance due to DC bias or temperature (see references 7 and 8).
The value can be increased if the input voltage is noisy.
Best practice is to use low ESR capacitors to minimize the ripple on the output voltage. Ceramic capacitors are a good choice if the dielectric material is X5R or better (see reference 7 and 8).
If the converter has external compensation, any capacitor value above the recommended minimum in the data sheet can be used, but the compensation has to be adjusted for the used output capacitance.
With internally compensated converters, the recommended inductor and capacitor values should be used or the recommendations in the data sheet for adjusting the output capacitors to the application should be followed for the ratio of L × C.
With external compensation, the following equations can be used to adjust the output capacitor values for a desired output voltage ripple:
COUT(min) = minimum output capacitance
IOUT(max) = maximum output current of the application
D = duty cycle calculated with Equation 1
fS = minimum switching frequency of the converter
ΔVOUT = desired output voltage ripple
The ESR of the output capacitor adds some more ripple, given with the equation:
ΔVOUT(ESR) = additional output voltage ripple due to capacitors ESR
ESR = equivalent series resistance of the used output capacitor
IOUT(max) = maximum output current of the application
D = duty cycle calculated with Equation 1
ΔIL = inductor ripple current from Equation 2 or Equation 6
VIN(min) = minimum input
VOUT = desired output
η = efficiency of the converter, e.g.
estimated 85%
VIN(min) = minimum input
D = duty cycle calculated in Equation 14
fS = minimum switching frequency of
the converter
L = selected inductor
ILIM(min) = minimum value
of the current limit of the integrated witch (given in the data sheet)
ΔIL = inductor ripple current calculated
in Equation 15
D = duty cycle calculated in Equation 14
ΔIL = inductor ripple
current calculated in Equation 15
IOUT(max) = maximum output current
necessary in the application
D = duty cycle calculated
in Equation 14
VIN = typical input
VOUT = desired output
fS = minimum switching
frequency of the converter
ΔIL= estimated
inductor ripple current, see Equation 19
ΔIL = estimated inductor
ripple current
IOUT(max) = maximum output
current necessary in the application
IOUT(max) = maximum output current necessary in the application
IF = average forward
current of the rectifier diode
VF = forward
voltage of the rectifier diode
IFB = feedback bias current from data sheet
VFB = feedback voltage
from the data sheet
IR1/2 = current through
the resistive divider to GND, calculated in Equation 22
VOUT = desired output
IOUT(max) = maximum output
current of the application
D = duty cycle calculated
in Equation 14
fS = minimum switching frequency of
the converter
ΔVOUT = desired output
voltage ripple
ESR = equivalent series resistance of
the used output capacitor
IOUT(max) =
maximum output current of the application
D = duty
cycle calculated in Equation 14
ΔIL = inductor ripple current from
Equation 15 or Equation 19
Changes from Revision C (January 2014) to Revision D (November 2022)
Changes from Revision B (July 2010) to Revision C (January 2014)
Changes from Revision A (April 2010) to Revision B (July 2010)
Changes from Revision * (November 2009) to Revision A (April 2010)
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