Induktivität-Digital-Wandler für die Automobilindustrie, 5 V, Grade 0
- AEC-Q100 Qualified for Automotive Applications:
- Temperature grade 0: –40°C to 150°C, TA
- Magnet-free operation
- Sub-micron precision
- Adjustable sensing range (through coil design)
- Lower system cost
- Remote sensor placement (decoupling the LDC from harsh environments)
- High durability (by virtue of contact-less operation)
- Insensitivity to environmental interference (such as dirt, dust, water, oil)
- Supply voltage, analog: 4.75 V to 5.25 V
- Supply voltage, IO: 1.8 V to 5.25 V
- Supply current (without LC tank): 1.7 mA
- RP resolution: 16-bit
- L resolution: 24-bit
- LC frequency range: 5 kHz to 5 MHz
The LDC1001-Q1 device is a 4.75-V to 5.25-V automotive-qualified inductance-to-digital converter designed for parallel resistance (Rp) and inductance (L) measurements. Inductive sensing technology enables precise measurement of linear or angular position of metal targets in automotive and industrial applications.
Inductive sensing is a contactless, short-range sensing technology that can enable high-resolution sensing of conductive targets in the presence of dust, dirt, oil, and moisture, which can be used by applications in harsh environments.
The LDC1001-Q1 system consists of an inductive sensor, typically a PCB coil, and a conductive target.
The LDC1001-Q1 is available in a 16-pin TSSOP package and offers several modes of operation. A serial peripheral interface (SPI) simplifies connection to an MCU.
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LDC1000EVM — LDC1000EVM - Evaluierungsmodul für Induktivität-Digital-Wandler mit PCB-Spulenmuster
The LDC1000EVM (Evaluation Module) demonstrates the use of inductive sensing technology to sense and measure the presence, position or composition of a conductive target object. The module includes an example of a PCB sensor coil. An MSP430 microcontroller is used to interface the LDC to a host (...)
Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
TSSOP (PW) | 16 | Ultra Librarian |
Bestellen & Qualität
- RoHS
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- Qualifikationszusammenfassung
- Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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