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Sechs 1 bis 10 Deserializer mit IEEE 1149.1 und hochschneller BIST


Protocols Catalog Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Protocols Catalog Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
NFBGA (NZH) 196 225 mm² 15 x 15
  • IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Compliant and At-Speed BIST Test Modes
  • Deserializes One to Six BusLVDS Input Serial Data Streams With Embedded Clocks
  • Seven Selectable Serial Inputs to Support N+1 Redundancy of Deserialized Streams
  • Seventh Channel Has Single Pin Monitor Output That Reflects Input From Seventh Channel Input
  • Parallel Clock Rate Up To 66 MHz
  • On Chip Filtering for PLL
  • High Impedance Inputs Upon Power Off (Vcc = 0V)
  • Single Power Supply at +3.3V
  • 196-Pin NFBGA Package (Low-Profile Ball Grid Array) Package
  • Industrial Temperature Range Operation: −40 to +85

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

  • IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Compliant and At-Speed BIST Test Modes
  • Deserializes One to Six BusLVDS Input Serial Data Streams With Embedded Clocks
  • Seven Selectable Serial Inputs to Support N+1 Redundancy of Deserialized Streams
  • Seventh Channel Has Single Pin Monitor Output That Reflects Input From Seventh Channel Input
  • Parallel Clock Rate Up To 66 MHz
  • On Chip Filtering for PLL
  • High Impedance Inputs Upon Power Off (Vcc = 0V)
  • Single Power Supply at +3.3V
  • 196-Pin NFBGA Package (Low-Profile Ball Grid Array) Package
  • Industrial Temperature Range Operation: −40 to +85

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

The SCAN921260 integrates six deserializer devices into a single chip. The SCAN921260 can simultaneously deserialize up to six data streams that have been serialized by the Texas Instruments SCAN921023 Bus LVDS serializer. The device also includes a seventh serial input channel that serves as a redundant input.

Each deserializer block in the SCAN921260 operates independently with its own clock recovery circuitry and lock-detect signaling.

The SCAN921260 uses a single +3.3V power supply with an estimated power dissipation of 1.2W at 3.3V with a PRBS-15 pattern. Refer to the Connection Diagrams for packaging information.

The SCAN921260 integrates six deserializer devices into a single chip. The SCAN921260 can simultaneously deserialize up to six data streams that have been serialized by the Texas Instruments SCAN921023 Bus LVDS serializer. The device also includes a seventh serial input channel that serves as a redundant input.

Each deserializer block in the SCAN921260 operates independently with its own clock recovery circuitry and lock-detect signaling.

The SCAN921260 uses a single +3.3V power supply with an estimated power dissipation of 1.2W at 3.3V with a PRBS-15 pattern. Refer to the Connection Diagrams for packaging information.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet SCAN921260 X6 1:10 Deserializer with IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) and at-speed BIST datasheet (Rev. F) 15 Apr 2013
Application note How to Validate BLVDS SER/DES Signal Integrity Using an Eye Mask (Rev. A) 26 Apr 2013

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