Startseite Schnittstelle LIN transceivers



PHYSISCHE LIN-Schnittstelle

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Drop-In-Ersatz mit gegenüber dem verglichenen Baustein verbesserter Funktionalität
TLIN1021A-Q1 AKTIV Fehlergeschützter LIN-Transceiver für die Automobilindustrie mit Inhibit und Wake Newer version


Protocols LIN Number of channels 1 Supply voltage (V) 5 to 27 Bus fault voltage (V) -27 to 45 Signaling rate (max) (bps) 100000 Rating Automotive
Protocols LIN Number of channels 1 Supply voltage (V) 5 to 27 Bus fault voltage (V) -27 to 45 Signaling rate (max) (bps) 100000 Rating Automotive
SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6
  • AEC-Q100 (Grade 1) qualified for automotive applications
  • Compliant with LIN 2.0, LIN 2.1, LIN 2.2, LIN 2.2A, and ISO/DIS 17987-4 electrical physical layer (EPL) specification
  • Extended operation with supply from 5 V to 27 V DC
  • LIN Transmits speed up to 20-kbps (LIN specified maximum), high-speed receive capable
  • Sleep mode: ultra-low current consumption allows wake-up events from:
    • LIN bus
    • wake-up through EN
  • Wake-up request on RXD pin
  • Wake-up source recognition on TXD pin
  • Interfaces to MCU with 5-V or 3.3-V I/O pins
  • High electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
  • Control of external voltage regulator (INH Pin)
  • Supports ISO9141 (K-line)
  • ESD protection to ±12 kV (human body model) on LIN pin
  • LIN pin handles voltage from –27 V to 45 V (short to battery or ground)
  • Survives transient damage in automotive environment (ISO 7637)
  • Undervoltage protection on VSUP
  • TXD dominant state time-out protection
  • Prevention of false wakeups with false wake-up lockout
  • Thermal shutdown
  • Unpowered node or ground disconnection failsafe at system level, node does not disturb bus (no load on bus)
  • AEC-Q100 (Grade 1) qualified for automotive applications
  • Compliant with LIN 2.0, LIN 2.1, LIN 2.2, LIN 2.2A, and ISO/DIS 17987-4 electrical physical layer (EPL) specification
  • Extended operation with supply from 5 V to 27 V DC
  • LIN Transmits speed up to 20-kbps (LIN specified maximum), high-speed receive capable
  • Sleep mode: ultra-low current consumption allows wake-up events from:
    • LIN bus
    • wake-up through EN
  • Wake-up request on RXD pin
  • Wake-up source recognition on TXD pin
  • Interfaces to MCU with 5-V or 3.3-V I/O pins
  • High electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
  • Control of external voltage regulator (INH Pin)
  • Supports ISO9141 (K-line)
  • ESD protection to ±12 kV (human body model) on LIN pin
  • LIN pin handles voltage from –27 V to 45 V (short to battery or ground)
  • Survives transient damage in automotive environment (ISO 7637)
  • Undervoltage protection on VSUP
  • TXD dominant state time-out protection
  • Prevention of false wakeups with false wake-up lockout
  • Thermal shutdown
  • Unpowered node or ground disconnection failsafe at system level, node does not disturb bus (no load on bus)

The SN65HVDA100-Q1 device is a Local Interconnect Network (LIN) physical interface, which integrates the serial transceiver with wakeup and protection features. The LIN bus is a single-wire bidirectional bus typically used for low-speed in-vehicle networks using data rates from 2.4 kbps to 20 kbps. The LIN protocol output data stream on TXD is converted by the SN65HVDA100-Q1 into the LIN bus signal through a current-limited wave-shaping driver as outlined by the LIN Physical Layer Specification and ISO 17987. The receiver converts the data stream from the LIN bus and outputs the data stream through RXD. The LIN bus has two states: dominant state (voltage near ground) and recessive state (voltage near battery). In the recessive state, the LIN bus is pulled high by the internal pullup resistor (30 kΩ) and series diode, so no external pullup components are required for responder applications. Commander applications require an external pullup resistor (1 kΩ) plus a series diode per the LIN specification.

The SN65HVDA100-Q1 device is a Local Interconnect Network (LIN) physical interface, which integrates the serial transceiver with wakeup and protection features. The LIN bus is a single-wire bidirectional bus typically used for low-speed in-vehicle networks using data rates from 2.4 kbps to 20 kbps. The LIN protocol output data stream on TXD is converted by the SN65HVDA100-Q1 into the LIN bus signal through a current-limited wave-shaping driver as outlined by the LIN Physical Layer Specification and ISO 17987. The receiver converts the data stream from the LIN bus and outputs the data stream through RXD. The LIN bus has two states: dominant state (voltage near ground) and recessive state (voltage near battery). In the recessive state, the LIN bus is pulled high by the internal pullup resistor (30 kΩ) and series diode, so no external pullup components are required for responder applications. Commander applications require an external pullup resistor (1 kΩ) plus a series diode per the LIN specification.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet SN65HVDA100-Q1 LIN Physical Interface datasheet (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 19 Apr 2022
Application note LIN Protocol and Physical Layer Requirements (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 24 Aug 2022

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