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Transceiver für Local Interconnect Network (LIN), mit Dominant-State-Timeout

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Protocols LIN Number of channels 1 Supply voltage (V) 4.5 to 36 Bus fault voltage (V) -45 to 45 Signaling rate (max) (bps) 20000 Rating Automotive
Protocols LIN Number of channels 1 Supply voltage (V) 4.5 to 36 Bus fault voltage (V) -45 to 45 Signaling rate (max) (bps) 20000 Rating Automotive
SOT-23-THN (DDF) 8 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8
  • AEC-Q100 (Grade 1) Qualified for automotive applications
  • Compliant to LIN 2.0, LIN 2.1, LIN 2.2, LIN 2.2A and ISO/DIS 17987–4 electrical physical layer (EPL) specification
  • Compliant to SAE J2602-1 LIN network for vehicle applications
  • Functional safety-capable
  • Supports 12-V applications
  • Wide operational supply voltage range from 4.5 V to 36 V
  • LIN transmit data rate up to 20 kbps
  • LIN receive data rate up to 100 kbps
  • Sleep mode: ultra-low current consumption allows wake-up event from:
    • LIN bus
    • Local wake up through EN
  • Integrated 45 kΩ LIN pull-up resistor
  • Power-up/down glitch-free operation on LIN bus and RXD output
  • Protection features:
    • ±45 V LIN bus fault tolerant
    • Under voltage protection on VSUP
    • TXD Dominant time out protection (DTO)
    • Thermal shutdown protection
    • Unpowered node or ground disconnection failsafe at system level
  • Junction temperatures from -40°C to 150°C
  • Available in small footprint SOT-23 package
  • AEC-Q100 (Grade 1) Qualified for automotive applications
  • Compliant to LIN 2.0, LIN 2.1, LIN 2.2, LIN 2.2A and ISO/DIS 17987–4 electrical physical layer (EPL) specification
  • Compliant to SAE J2602-1 LIN network for vehicle applications
  • Functional safety-capable
  • Supports 12-V applications
  • Wide operational supply voltage range from 4.5 V to 36 V
  • LIN transmit data rate up to 20 kbps
  • LIN receive data rate up to 100 kbps
  • Sleep mode: ultra-low current consumption allows wake-up event from:
    • LIN bus
    • Local wake up through EN
  • Integrated 45 kΩ LIN pull-up resistor
  • Power-up/down glitch-free operation on LIN bus and RXD output
  • Protection features:
    • ±45 V LIN bus fault tolerant
    • Under voltage protection on VSUP
    • TXD Dominant time out protection (DTO)
    • Thermal shutdown protection
    • Unpowered node or ground disconnection failsafe at system level
  • Junction temperatures from -40°C to 150°C
  • Available in small footprint SOT-23 package

The TLIN1039-Q1 is a local interconnect network (LIN) physical layer transceiver with integrated wake-up and protection features, compliant with LIN 2.0, LIN 2.1, LIN 2.2, LIN 2.2A and ISO/DIS 17987–4 standards. LIN is a single-wire bidirectional bus typically used for in-vehicle networks. The TLIN1039-Q1 is designed to support 12-V applications with wider operating voltage and additional bus-fault protection.

The TLIN1039-Q1 transmitter supports data rates up to 20 kbps. The TLIN1039-Q1 receiver supports data rates up to 100 kbps for faster in-line programming. The TLIN1039-Q1 converts the data stream on the TXD input into a LIN bus signal using a current-limited wave-shaping driver which reduces electromagnetic emissions (EME). The receiver converts the data stream to logic level signals that are sent to the microprocessor through the open-drain RXD pin. Ultra-low current consumption is possible using the sleep mode which allows wake-up via LIN bus or EN pin.

The TLIN1039-Q1 is a local interconnect network (LIN) physical layer transceiver with integrated wake-up and protection features, compliant with LIN 2.0, LIN 2.1, LIN 2.2, LIN 2.2A and ISO/DIS 17987–4 standards. LIN is a single-wire bidirectional bus typically used for in-vehicle networks. The TLIN1039-Q1 is designed to support 12-V applications with wider operating voltage and additional bus-fault protection.

The TLIN1039-Q1 transmitter supports data rates up to 20 kbps. The TLIN1039-Q1 receiver supports data rates up to 100 kbps for faster in-line programming. The TLIN1039-Q1 converts the data stream on the TXD input into a LIN bus signal using a current-limited wave-shaping driver which reduces electromagnetic emissions (EME). The receiver converts the data stream to logic level signals that are sent to the microprocessor through the open-drain RXD pin. Ultra-low current consumption is possible using the sleep mode which allows wake-up via LIN bus or EN pin.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TLIN1039-Q1 Local Interconnect Network (LIN) Transceiver with Dominant State Timeout datasheet PDF | HTML 04 Mär 2020
Functional safety information TLIN1039-Q1 Functional Safety FIT Rate, Failure Mode Distribution, and Pin FMA PDF | HTML 16 Feb 2021
EVM User's guide TLIN1039 Evaluation Module PDF | HTML 28 Apr 2020

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