Inicio Amplificadores Amplificadores operacionales (op amps) Amplificadores de propósito general



Amplificador operacional doble de entrada a V-, 16 V, 85 kHz, baja potencia (10 μA/canal) y tensión

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TLV9102 ACTIVO Amplificador operacional doble de baja potencia, de 16 V y 1.1 MHz Rail-to-rail I/O, higher GBW (1.1 MHz), faster slew rate (4.5 V/us), lower offset voltage (1.5 mV), lower noise (30 nV/√Hz), higher output current (80 mA)

Detalles del producto

Number of channels 2 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (max) (V) 16 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (min) (V) 3 Rail-to-rail In to V- GBW (typ) (MHz) 0.085 Slew rate (typ) (V/µs) 0.03 Vos (offset voltage at 25°C) (max) (mV) 5 Iq per channel (typ) (mA) 0.01 Vn at 1 kHz (typ) (nV√Hz) 68 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Offset drift (typ) (µV/°C) 1.1 Input bias current (max) (pA) 60 CMRR (typ) (dB) 94 Iout (typ) (A) 0.01 Architecture CMOS Input common mode headroom (to negative supply) (typ) (V) -0.3 Input common mode headroom (to positive supply) (typ) (V) -0.8 Output swing headroom (to negative supply) (typ) (V) 0.03 Output swing headroom (to positive supply) (typ) (V) -1.2
Number of channels 2 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (max) (V) 16 Total supply voltage (+5 V = 5, ±5 V = 10) (min) (V) 3 Rail-to-rail In to V- GBW (typ) (MHz) 0.085 Slew rate (typ) (V/µs) 0.03 Vos (offset voltage at 25°C) (max) (mV) 5 Iq per channel (typ) (mA) 0.01 Vn at 1 kHz (typ) (nV√Hz) 68 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Offset drift (typ) (µV/°C) 1.1 Input bias current (max) (pA) 60 CMRR (typ) (dB) 94 Iout (typ) (A) 0.01 Architecture CMOS Input common mode headroom (to negative supply) (typ) (V) -0.3 Input common mode headroom (to positive supply) (typ) (V) -0.8 Output swing headroom (to negative supply) (typ) (V) 0.03 Output swing headroom (to positive supply) (typ) (V) -1.2
PDIP (P) 8 92.5083 mm² 9.81 x 9.43 SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6 SOP (PS) 8 48.36 mm² 6.2 x 7.8
  • Trimmed Offset Voltage: TLC27L7...500 µV Max at 25°C, VDD = 5 V
  • Input Offset Voltage Drift . . . Typically 0.1 µV/Month, Including the First 30 Days
  • Wide Range of Supply Voltages Over Specified Temperature Range:>
      0°C to 70°C...3 V to 16 V
      -40°C to 85°C...4 V to 16 V
      -55°C to 125°C...4 V to 16 V
  • Single-Supply Operation
  • Common-Mode Input Voltage Range Extends Below the Negative Rail (C-Suffix, I-Suffix Types)
  • Ultra-Low Power...Typically 95 µW at 25°C, VDD = 5 V
  • Output Voltage Range Includes Negative Rail
  • High Input Impedance...1012 Typ
  • ESD-Protection Circuitry
  • Small-Outline Package Option Also Available in Tape and Reel
  • Designed-In Latch-Up immunity

LinCMOS is a trademark of Texas Instruments.

  • Trimmed Offset Voltage: TLC27L7...500 µV Max at 25°C, VDD = 5 V
  • Input Offset Voltage Drift . . . Typically 0.1 µV/Month, Including the First 30 Days
  • Wide Range of Supply Voltages Over Specified Temperature Range:>
      0°C to 70°C...3 V to 16 V
      -40°C to 85°C...4 V to 16 V
      -55°C to 125°C...4 V to 16 V
  • Single-Supply Operation
  • Common-Mode Input Voltage Range Extends Below the Negative Rail (C-Suffix, I-Suffix Types)
  • Ultra-Low Power...Typically 95 µW at 25°C, VDD = 5 V
  • Output Voltage Range Includes Negative Rail
  • High Input Impedance...1012 Typ
  • ESD-Protection Circuitry
  • Small-Outline Package Option Also Available in Tape and Reel
  • Designed-In Latch-Up immunity

LinCMOS is a trademark of Texas Instruments.

The TLC27L2 and TLC27L7 dual operational amplifiers combine a wide range of input offset voltage grades with low offset voltage drift, high input impedance, extremely low power, and high gain.

These devices use Texas Instruments silicon-gate LinCMOS™ technology, which provides offset voltage stability far exceeding the stability available with conventional metal-gate processes.

The extremely high input impedance, low bias currents, and low power consumption make these cost-effective devices ideal for high gain, low frequency, low power applications. Four offset voltage grades are available (C-suffix and I-suffix types), ranging from the low-cost TLC27L2 (10 mV) to the high-precision TLC27L7 (500 µV). These advantages, in combination with good common-mode rejection and supply voltage rejection, make these devices a good choice for new state-of-the-art designs as well as for upgrading existing designs.

In general, many features associated with bipolar technology are available in LinCMOS™ operational amplifiers, without the power penalties of bipolar technology. General applications such as transducer interfacing, analog calculations, amplifier blocks, active filters, and signal buffering are easily designed with the TLC27L2 and TLC27L7. The devices also exhibit low voltage single-supply operation and ultra-low power consumption, making them ideally suited for remote and inaccessible battery-powered applications. The common-mode input voltage range includes the negative rail.

A wide range of packaging options is available, including small-outline and chip-carrier versions for high-density system applications.

The device inputs and outputs are designed to withstand -100-mA surge currents without sustaining latch-up.

The TLC27L2 and TLC27L7 incorporate internal ESD-protection circuits that prevent functional failures at voltages up to 2000 V as tested under MIL-STD-883C, Method 3015.2; however, care should be exercised in handling these devices as exposure to ESD may result in the degradation of the device parametric performance.

The C-Suffix devices are characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The I-suffix devices are characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. The M-suffix devices are characterized for operation over the full military temperature range of -55°C to 125°C.

The TLC27L2 and TLC27L7 dual operational amplifiers combine a wide range of input offset voltage grades with low offset voltage drift, high input impedance, extremely low power, and high gain.

These devices use Texas Instruments silicon-gate LinCMOS™ technology, which provides offset voltage stability far exceeding the stability available with conventional metal-gate processes.

The extremely high input impedance, low bias currents, and low power consumption make these cost-effective devices ideal for high gain, low frequency, low power applications. Four offset voltage grades are available (C-suffix and I-suffix types), ranging from the low-cost TLC27L2 (10 mV) to the high-precision TLC27L7 (500 µV). These advantages, in combination with good common-mode rejection and supply voltage rejection, make these devices a good choice for new state-of-the-art designs as well as for upgrading existing designs.

In general, many features associated with bipolar technology are available in LinCMOS™ operational amplifiers, without the power penalties of bipolar technology. General applications such as transducer interfacing, analog calculations, amplifier blocks, active filters, and signal buffering are easily designed with the TLC27L2 and TLC27L7. The devices also exhibit low voltage single-supply operation and ultra-low power consumption, making them ideally suited for remote and inaccessible battery-powered applications. The common-mode input voltage range includes the negative rail.

A wide range of packaging options is available, including small-outline and chip-carrier versions for high-density system applications.

The device inputs and outputs are designed to withstand -100-mA surge currents without sustaining latch-up.

The TLC27L2 and TLC27L7 incorporate internal ESD-protection circuits that prevent functional failures at voltages up to 2000 V as tested under MIL-STD-883C, Method 3015.2; however, care should be exercised in handling these devices as exposure to ESD may result in the degradation of the device parametric performance.

The C-Suffix devices are characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The I-suffix devices are characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C. The M-suffix devices are characterized for operation over the full military temperature range of -55°C to 125°C.


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TLV27L2 ACTIVO Amplificador operacional doble de 16 V y 160 kHz Higher GBW (0.16 MHz), faster slew rate (0.06 V/us), lower power (0.007 mA), wider temperature range (-40 to 125, 0 to 70)

Documentación técnica

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* Errata Errata for TLC27L2/2A/2B/L7 Data Sheet SLOS052D: Error in Figure 44 18 mar 2011
* Data sheet LinCMOS Precision Dual Operational Amplifiers datasheet (Rev. D) 25 oct 2005

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

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