

プリバイアス動作対応、オフライン・アプリケーション向け、高性能ハーフ・ブリッジ / フルブリッジ PWM コントローラ

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Vin (max) (V) 17 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Current, Feedforward, Voltage Topology Forward, Full bridge, Half bridge, Push pull Rating Catalog Features Current limiting, Leading edge blanking, Multi-topology, Pre-bias startUp, Programmable slope compensation, SR logic, Soft start, Synchronization pin Duty cycle (max) (%) 100
Vin (max) (V) 17 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Current, Feedforward, Voltage Topology Forward, Full bridge, Half bridge, Push pull Rating Catalog Features Current limiting, Leading edge blanking, Multi-topology, Pre-bias startUp, Programmable slope compensation, SR logic, Soft start, Synchronization pin Duty cycle (max) (%) 100
TSSOP (PW) 20 41.6 mm² 6.5 x 6.4 VQFN (RGP) 20 16 mm² 4 x 4
  • Prebiased Startup
  • Synchronous Rectifier Control Outputs with
    Programmable Delays (Including Zero Delay
  • Voltage Mode Control with Input Voltage
    Feed-Forward or Current Mode Control
  • Primary or Secondary-Side Control
  • 3.3-V, 1.5% Accurate Reference Output
  • Lower Minimum Operating Frequency
  • 1% Accurate Cycle-by-Cycle Over Current
    Protection with Matched Duty Cycle Outputs
  • Programmable Soft-Start and Hiccup Restart
  • Thermally Enhanced 4-mm × 4-mm VQFN-20
    Package and 20-pin TSSOP Package
  • Prebiased Startup
  • Synchronous Rectifier Control Outputs with
    Programmable Delays (Including Zero Delay
  • Voltage Mode Control with Input Voltage
    Feed-Forward or Current Mode Control
  • Primary or Secondary-Side Control
  • 3.3-V, 1.5% Accurate Reference Output
  • Lower Minimum Operating Frequency
  • 1% Accurate Cycle-by-Cycle Over Current
    Protection with Matched Duty Cycle Outputs
  • Programmable Soft-Start and Hiccup Restart
  • Thermally Enhanced 4-mm × 4-mm VQFN-20
    Package and 20-pin TSSOP Package

The UCC28251 PWM controller is designed for high power density applications that may have stringent prebiased startup requirements. The UCC28251’s integrated synchronous rectifier control outputs target high efficiency and high performance topologies such as half-bridge, full-bridge, interleaved forward, and push-pull. The UCC27210 half bridge drivers and UCC2752x MOSFET drivers used in conjunction with the UCC28251 provide a complete power converter solution.

The UCC28251 is a functional variant of the UCC28250 PWM Controller. While the same basic functionality of the UCC28250 is largely maintained, the UCC28251 is designed to enhance performance in both offline, 400-V input DC-to-DC applications and 48-V input full-bridge or half-bridge applications.

Externally programmable soft-start, used in conjunction with an internal pre-biased startup circuit, allows the controller to gradually reach a steady-state operating point under all output conditions. The UCC28251 can be configured for primary or secondary-side control and either voltage or current mode control can be implemented.

The oscillator operates at frequencies up to 1.8 MHz, and can be synchronized to an external clock. Input voltage feedforward, cycle-by-cycle current limit, and a programmable hiccup timer allow the system to stay within a safe operation range. Input voltage, output voltage and temperature protection can be implemented. Dead time between primary-side switch and secondary-side synchronous rectifiers can be independently programmed.

The UCC28251 PWM controller is designed for high power density applications that may have stringent prebiased startup requirements. The UCC28251’s integrated synchronous rectifier control outputs target high efficiency and high performance topologies such as half-bridge, full-bridge, interleaved forward, and push-pull. The UCC27210 half bridge drivers and UCC2752x MOSFET drivers used in conjunction with the UCC28251 provide a complete power converter solution.

The UCC28251 is a functional variant of the UCC28250 PWM Controller. While the same basic functionality of the UCC28250 is largely maintained, the UCC28251 is designed to enhance performance in both offline, 400-V input DC-to-DC applications and 48-V input full-bridge or half-bridge applications.

Externally programmable soft-start, used in conjunction with an internal pre-biased startup circuit, allows the controller to gradually reach a steady-state operating point under all output conditions. The UCC28251 can be configured for primary or secondary-side control and either voltage or current mode control can be implemented.

The oscillator operates at frequencies up to 1.8 MHz, and can be synchronized to an external clock. Input voltage feedforward, cycle-by-cycle current limit, and a programmable hiccup timer allow the system to stay within a safe operation range. Input voltage, output voltage and temperature protection can be implemented. Dead time between primary-side switch and secondary-side synchronous rectifiers can be independently programmed.

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star =TI が選定したこの製品の主要ドキュメント
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種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
* データシート UCC28251 Advanced PWM Controller With Prebias Operation データシート (Rev. E) PDF | HTML 2014年 12月 29日
セレクション・ガイド 電源 IC セレクション・ガイド 2018 (Rev. R 翻訳版) 英語版 (Rev.R) 2018年 9月 13日
Analog Design Journal Analog Applications Journal 3Q 2015 2015年 7月 24日
Analog Design Journal Fast input-voltage transient response with digitally-controlled isolated DC/DC 2015年 7月 24日
ホワイト・ペーパー GaNの将来性に基づく電源ソリューションの向上 英語版 2015年 3月 2日
アプリケーション・ノート Differences Between the UCC28251 and UCC28250 and Evaluation of the UCC28251 in (Rev. A) 2013年 2月 15日




UCC28250EVM-501 — 評価モジュール、UCC28250 用、1 次側制御、高性能 PWM コントローラ

The UCC28250EVM-501 is a fully assembled and tested circuit for evaluating the UCC28250 Advanced PWM Controller with Pre-Bias Operation. The UCC28250EVM-501 comprises a symmetrical half-bridge DC/DC converter, which converts a 36V to 72V DC input to a 3.3V DC output with a maximum 75W output power.
ユーザー ガイド: PDF

UCC28250EVM-564 — 評価モジュール、UCC28250 PWM コントローラ用、プリバイアス負荷動作、 2 次側制御付

The UCC28250EVM-564 is a fully assembled and tested circuit for evaluating the UCC28250 Advanced PWM Controller with Pre-Bias Operation. The UCC28250EVM-564 comprises a symmetrical half bridge DC-DC converter which converts a 36V to 75V DC input to a 3.3V DC output with 100W maximum output power.
ユーザー ガイド: PDF

UCC28251 TINA-TI Average Reference Design

SLUM389.TSC (96 KB) - TINA-TI Reference Design

UCC28251 TINA-TI Average Spice Model

SLUM390.ZIP (8 KB) - TINA-TI Spice Model

UCC28251 Unencrypted PSpice Average Model Package (Rev. A)

SLUM358A.ZIP (59 KB) - PSpice Model
パッケージ ピン数 CAD シンボル、フットプリント、および 3D モデル
TSSOP (PW) 20 Ultra Librarian
VQFN (RGP) 20 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • デバイスのマーキング
  • リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
  • MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
  • MTBF/FIT 推定値
  • 使用原材料
  • 認定試験結果
  • 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
  • ファブの拠点
  • 組み立てを実施した拠点


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