제품 상세 정보

Local sensor accuracy (max) 1 Type Local Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Supply voltage (min) (V) 1.14 Interface type I2C, SMBus Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Features ALERT, One-shot conversion Temp resolution (max) (bps) 12 Remote channels (#) 0 Addresses 8 Rating Catalog
Local sensor accuracy (max) 1 Type Local Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Supply voltage (min) (V) 1.14 Interface type I2C, SMBus Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Features ALERT, One-shot conversion Temp resolution (max) (bps) 12 Remote channels (#) 0 Addresses 8 Rating Catalog
X2SON (DPW) 5 0.64 mm² 0.8 x 0.8
  • Ultra-small, leadless X2SON-5 package
    • Package size: 0.8 × 0.8 × 0.4mm
  • Wide operating ranges
    • V+ operating range: 1.14V to 5.5V
    • Temperature range: -40°C to 125°C
  • Accuracy holds across temperature
    • ±1.0°C (maximum) from -40°C to 125°C
  • 12-bit resolution: 0.0625°C (LSB)
  • Flexible digital interface
    • I2C and SMBus compatible
    • I3C Mixed Bus co-existence capable
  • Pinout and software compatible upgrades
    • ±0.5°C → TMP112 (X2SON package)
  • Low supply current
    • 55µA Active current (typical)
    • 0.15µA Shutdown current (typical)
    • 3.2µA Average current (typical) at 1Hz
  • Software compatible with Industry-Standard
  • Two (2) pinout options available
    • ALERT Pin: TMP110D0, TMP110D1, TMP110D2, TMP110D3
    • Address Pin: TMP110D
  • GUI-Based C-Code Generator

  • Ultra-small, leadless X2SON-5 package
    • Package size: 0.8 × 0.8 × 0.4mm
  • Wide operating ranges
    • V+ operating range: 1.14V to 5.5V
    • Temperature range: -40°C to 125°C
  • Accuracy holds across temperature
    • ±1.0°C (maximum) from -40°C to 125°C
  • 12-bit resolution: 0.0625°C (LSB)
  • Flexible digital interface
    • I2C and SMBus compatible
    • I3C Mixed Bus co-existence capable
  • Pinout and software compatible upgrades
    • ±0.5°C → TMP112 (X2SON package)
  • Low supply current
    • 55µA Active current (typical)
    • 0.15µA Shutdown current (typical)
    • 3.2µA Average current (typical) at 1Hz
  • Software compatible with Industry-Standard
  • Two (2) pinout options available
    • ALERT Pin: TMP110D0, TMP110D1, TMP110D2, TMP110D3
    • Address Pin: TMP110D
  • GUI-Based C-Code Generator

The TMP110 is a I2C-compatible digital temperature sensor in an ultra-small (0.64mm2) 5-pin package. The small size and height package optimizes volume constrained systems where DSBGA packages can be considered unsuitable. Unlike DSBGA packages of comparable size, TMP110 provides a 5th pin that can either be used as an address pin or alert pin, providing flexibility for both scalability of number of sensors or monitoring critical thermal events.

The TMP110 offers an accuracy of ±1.0°C across the temperature range with an on-chip 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that provides a temperature resolution of 0.0625°C.

The TMP110 is designed to operate from a supply range as low as 1.14V, with a low average and shutdown current of 3.2µA (at 1Hz) and 0.15µA, respectively, allowing for an on-demand temperature conversion and maximizing of battery life. The supply can also be raised to as high as 5.5V for a range of industrial applications.

The TMP110 is a I2C-compatible digital temperature sensor in an ultra-small (0.64mm2) 5-pin package. The small size and height package optimizes volume constrained systems where DSBGA packages can be considered unsuitable. Unlike DSBGA packages of comparable size, TMP110 provides a 5th pin that can either be used as an address pin or alert pin, providing flexibility for both scalability of number of sensors or monitoring critical thermal events.

The TMP110 offers an accuracy of ±1.0°C across the temperature range with an on-chip 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that provides a temperature resolution of 0.0625°C.

The TMP110 is designed to operate from a supply range as low as 1.14V, with a low average and shutdown current of 3.2µA (at 1Hz) and 0.15µA, respectively, allowing for an on-demand temperature conversion and maximizing of battery life. The supply can also be raised to as high as 5.5V for a range of industrial applications.

다운로드 스크립트와 함께 비디오 보기 동영상

관심 가지실만한 유사 제품

open-in-new 대안 비교
비교 대상 장치보다 업그레이드된 기능을 지원하는 드롭인 대체품
신규 TMP112D 활성 알림 옵션을 지원하는 ±0.5°C 정확도 I²C 온도 센서 Higher accuracy (±0.5°C), software compatible, in a slightly lower VCC range (1.4-3.6V)
다른 핀 출력을 지원하지만 비교 대상 장치와 동일한 기능
TMP102 활성 2C 디지털 온도 센서, I2C/SMBus 2.56mm2 패키지 Software compatible device with similar accuracy (±2.0°C) in a SOT563 leaded package
TMP103 활성 1.4V의 I2C/SMBus를 지원하는 ±2°C 디지털 온도 센서(WCSP) Similar accuracy (±2.0°C), in a slightly smaller WCSP BGA package (0.76 mm × 0.76 mm)
TMP112 활성 I²C/SMBus를 지원하는 ±0.5°C 1.4V~-3.6V 디지털 온도 센서 Higher accuracy (±0.5°C), pin-to-pin and software-compatible alternative, in a slightly lower narrower VCC range (1.4 to 3.6V)
신규 TMP118 활성 ±0.1°C 정확도, 초음파(336μm²) 얇은( 240μm) I²C 디지털 온도 센서 Smaller (336 μm²) and thinner (240 μm) with improved accuracy (±0.1°C)

기술 자료

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5개 모두 보기
유형 직함 날짜
* Data sheet TMP110 Ultra-Small, ±1.0°C Accurate, I2 C Digital Temperature Sensor for Cost-Sensitive Systems datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2024/07/30
Product overview Ultra-Small Temperature Sensor Comparison Guide (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2025/01/21
Application note LM75B and TMP1075 Industry-Standard Devices: Design Guidelines and Spec Comparison (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2024/03/07
Certificate TMP110EVM EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 2023/10/24
Application note Designing and Manufacturing with TI's X2SON Packages 2017/08/23

설계 및 개발

추가 조건 또는 필수 리소스는 사용 가능한 경우 아래 제목을 클릭하여 세부 정보 페이지를 확인하세요.

평가 보드

TMP110EVM — 소형 DPW 패키지의 저전력 디지털 온도 센서용 TMP110 평가 모듈

TMP110EVM은 TMP110 디지털 온도 센서의 성능을 평가할 수 있습니다. 이 보드는 MSP430F5528 마이크로컨트롤러를 사용하여 USB 스틱 폼 팩터에서 주변 온도를 모니터링하는 작은 DPW 패키지의 TMP110을 보여줍니다. 이 보드는 원격 평가 및 사용 편의성을 위해 센서와 컨트롤러 섹션 사이에 천공이 있도록 설계되었습니다.
사용 설명서: PDF | HTML
TI.com에서 구매 불가
시뮬레이션 모델

TMP110 IBIS model

SNIM013.ZIP (88 KB) - IBIS Model
패키지 CAD 기호, 풋프린트 및 3D 모델
X2SON (DPW) 5 Ultra Librarian

주문 및 품질

포함된 정보:
  • RoHS
  • 디바이스 마킹
  • 납 마감/볼 재질
  • MSL 등급/피크 리플로우
  • MTBF/FIT 예측
  • 물질 성분
  • 인증 요약
  • 지속적인 신뢰성 모니터링
포함된 정보:
  • 팹 위치
  • 조립 위치

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