전원 관리 선형 및 저손실(LDO) 레귤레이터



50mA, 10V, 낮은 IQ, 저손실 전압 레귤레이터

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TPS769 활성 100mA, 10V, 초저 IQ, 저손실 전압 레귤레이터(활성화) Higher Iout
다른 핀 출력을 지원하지만 비교 대상 장치와 동일한 기능
TLV767 활성 조정 가능 및 고정 출력, 1A, 16V, 양극 전압 저손실(LDO) 선형 레귤레이터 Alternative product offering better accuracy, better PSRR, lower Iq and wider input voltage
TPS7A24 활성 200mA, 18V, 초저 IQ, 저손실(LDO) 전압 레귤레이터(활성화) SOT-23-5 package option offering wider VIN (18 V) and ultra-low-IQ (2 µA)

제품 상세 정보

Output options Adjustable Output, Fixed Output Iout (max) (A) 0.05 Vin (max) (V) 10 Vin (min) (V) 2.7 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Vout (min) (V) 1.2 Fixed output options (V) 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8, 3, 3.3, 5 Rating Catalog Noise (µVrms) 190 PSRR at 100 KHz (dB) 27 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.017 Thermal resistance θJA (°C/W) 180 Load capacitance (min) (µF) 4.7 Regulated outputs (#) 1 Features Enable Accuracy (%) 3 Dropout voltage (Vdo) (typ) (mV) 48 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Output options Adjustable Output, Fixed Output Iout (max) (A) 0.05 Vin (max) (V) 10 Vin (min) (V) 2.7 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Vout (min) (V) 1.2 Fixed output options (V) 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.5, 2.7, 2.8, 3, 3.3, 5 Rating Catalog Noise (µVrms) 190 PSRR at 100 KHz (dB) 27 Iq (typ) (mA) 0.017 Thermal resistance θJA (°C/W) 180 Load capacitance (min) (µF) 4.7 Regulated outputs (#) 1 Features Enable Accuracy (%) 3 Dropout voltage (Vdo) (typ) (mV) 48 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
SOT-23 (DBV) 5 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8
  • 50-mA Low-Dropout Regulator
  • Available in 1.2-V, 1.5-V, 1.8-V, 2.5-V, 2.7-V, 2.8-V, 3.0-V, 3.3-V, and 5-V Fixed-Output and Adjustable Versions
  • Only 17 uA Quiescent Current at 50 mA
  • 1 uA Quiescent Current in Standby Mode
  • Dropout Voltage Typically 35 mV at 50 mA
  • Over Current Limitation
  • \x9640°C to 125°C Operating Junction Temperature Range
  • 5-Pin SOT-23 (DBV) Package
  • 50-mA Low-Dropout Regulator
  • Available in 1.2-V, 1.5-V, 1.8-V, 2.5-V, 2.7-V, 2.8-V, 3.0-V, 3.3-V, and 5-V Fixed-Output and Adjustable Versions
  • Only 17 uA Quiescent Current at 50 mA
  • 1 uA Quiescent Current in Standby Mode
  • Dropout Voltage Typically 35 mV at 50 mA
  • Over Current Limitation
  • \x9640°C to 125°C Operating Junction Temperature Range
  • 5-Pin SOT-23 (DBV) Package

The TPS770xx family of low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators offers the benefits of low dropout voltage, ultralow-power operation, and miniaturized packaging. These regulators feature low dropout voltages and ultralow quiescent current compared to conventional LDO regulators. Offered in a 5-terminal small outline integrated-circuit SOT-23 package, the TPS770xx series devices are ideal for micropower operations and where board space is at a premium.

A combination of new circuit design and process innovation has enabled the usual PNP pass transistor to be replaced by a PMOS pass element. Because the PMOS pass element behaves as a low-value resistor, the dropout voltage is very low \x97 typically 35 mV at 50 mA of load current (TPS77050) \x97 and is directly proportional to the load current. Since the PMOS pass element is a voltage-driven device, the quiescent current is ultralow (28 uA maximum) and is stable over the entire range of output load current (0 mA to 50 mA). Intended for use in portable systems such as laptops and cellular phones, the ultralow-dropout voltage feature and ultralow-power operation result in a significant increase in system battery operating life.

The TPS770xx also features a logic-enabled sleep mode to shut down the regulator, reducing quiescent current to 1 uA typical at TJ = 25°C. The TPS770xx is offered in 1.2-V, 1.5-V, 1.8-V, 2.5-V, 2.7-V, 2.8-V, 3.0-V, 3.3-V, and 5-V fixed-voltage versions and in a variable version (programmable over the range of 1.2 V to 5.5 V).

The TPS770xx family of low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators offers the benefits of low dropout voltage, ultralow-power operation, and miniaturized packaging. These regulators feature low dropout voltages and ultralow quiescent current compared to conventional LDO regulators. Offered in a 5-terminal small outline integrated-circuit SOT-23 package, the TPS770xx series devices are ideal for micropower operations and where board space is at a premium.

A combination of new circuit design and process innovation has enabled the usual PNP pass transistor to be replaced by a PMOS pass element. Because the PMOS pass element behaves as a low-value resistor, the dropout voltage is very low \x97 typically 35 mV at 50 mA of load current (TPS77050) \x97 and is directly proportional to the load current. Since the PMOS pass element is a voltage-driven device, the quiescent current is ultralow (28 uA maximum) and is stable over the entire range of output load current (0 mA to 50 mA). Intended for use in portable systems such as laptops and cellular phones, the ultralow-dropout voltage feature and ultralow-power operation result in a significant increase in system battery operating life.

The TPS770xx also features a logic-enabled sleep mode to shut down the regulator, reducing quiescent current to 1 uA typical at TJ = 25°C. The TPS770xx is offered in 1.2-V, 1.5-V, 1.8-V, 2.5-V, 2.7-V, 2.8-V, 3.0-V, 3.3-V, and 5-V fixed-voltage versions and in a variable version (programmable over the range of 1.2 V to 5.5 V).

다운로드 스크립트와 함께 비디오 보기 동영상

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유형 직함 날짜
* Data sheet Ultra Low-Power 50-mA Low-Dropout Linear Regulators datasheet (Rev. D) 2001/05/04
Application note LDO Noise Demystified (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2020/08/18
Application note LDO PSRR Measurement Simplified (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2017/08/09
User guide DEM-SOT23LDO Demonstration Fixture User's Guide (Rev. A) 2005/06/02

설계 및 개발

추가 조건 또는 필수 리소스는 사용 가능한 경우 아래 제목을 클릭하여 세부 정보 페이지를 확인하세요.

평가 보드

DEM-SOT23LDO — DEM-SOT23LDO 호환 최대 양극 출력 LDO 레귤레이터(5 또는 6 리드 SOT23(DBV) 패키지)

사용 설명서: PDF
TI.com에서 구매 불가
시뮬레이션 모델

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SLVM795.ZIP (22 KB) - PSpice Model
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Design guide: PDF
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Design guide: PDF
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Design guide: PDF
회로도: PDF
레퍼런스 디자인

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Design guide: PDF
회로도: PDF
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Test report: PDF
회로도: PDF
패키지 CAD 기호, 풋프린트 및 3D 모델
SOT-23 (DBV) 5 Ultra Librarian

주문 및 품질

포함된 정보:
  • RoHS
  • 디바이스 마킹
  • 납 마감/볼 재질
  • MSL 등급/피크 리플로우
  • MTBF/FIT 예측
  • 물질 성분
  • 인증 요약
  • 지속적인 신뢰성 모니터링
포함된 정보:
  • 팹 위치
  • 조립 위치

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지원 및 교육

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