
QML V 類四路差動線路接收器

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Number of receivers 4 Number of transmitters 0 Duplex Half Supply voltage (nom) (V) 5 Signaling rate (max) (Mbps) 10 IEC 61000-4-2 contact (±V) None Fault protection (V) -25 to 25 Common-mode range (V) -15 to 15 Number of nodes 32 Isolated No Supply current (max) (µA) 70000 Rating Space Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125
Number of receivers 4 Number of transmitters 0 Duplex Half Supply voltage (nom) (V) 5 Signaling rate (max) (Mbps) 10 IEC 61000-4-2 contact (±V) None Fault protection (V) -25 to 25 Common-mode range (V) -15 to 15 Number of nodes 32 Isolated No Supply current (max) (µA) 70000 Rating Space Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125
CDIP (J) 16 135.3552 mm² 19.56 x 6.92
  • AM26LS33A Devices Meet or Exceed the Requirements of ANSI TIA/EIA-422-B,
    TIA/EIA-423-B, and ITU Recommendations V.10 and V.11
  • ±15-V Common-Mode Range With ±500-mV Sensitivity
  • Input Hysteresis . . . 50 mV Typical
  • Operate From a Single 5-V Supply
  • Low-Power Schottky Circuitry
  • 3-State Outputs
  • Complementary Output-Enable Inputs
  • Input Impedance . . . 12 k Minimum
  • Designed to Be Interchangeable With Advanced Micro Device AM26LS33™
  • QML-V Qualified, SMD 5962-78020
  • Military Temperature Range (–55°C to 125°C)
  • Rad-Tolerant: 25 kRad (Si) TID(1)

(1) Radiation tolerance is a typical value based upon initial device qualification with dose rate = 10 mrad/sec. Radiation Lot Acceptance Testing is available - contact factory for details.

  • AM26LS33A Devices Meet or Exceed the Requirements of ANSI TIA/EIA-422-B,
    TIA/EIA-423-B, and ITU Recommendations V.10 and V.11
  • ±15-V Common-Mode Range With ±500-mV Sensitivity
  • Input Hysteresis . . . 50 mV Typical
  • Operate From a Single 5-V Supply
  • Low-Power Schottky Circuitry
  • 3-State Outputs
  • Complementary Output-Enable Inputs
  • Input Impedance . . . 12 k Minimum
  • Designed to Be Interchangeable With Advanced Micro Device AM26LS33™
  • QML-V Qualified, SMD 5962-78020
  • Military Temperature Range (–55°C to 125°C)
  • Rad-Tolerant: 25 kRad (Si) TID(1)

(1) Radiation tolerance is a typical value based upon initial device qualification with dose rate = 10 mrad/sec. Radiation Lot Acceptance Testing is available - contact factory for details.

The AM26LS33A is a quadruple differential line receiver for balanced and unbalanced digital data transmission. The enable function is common to all four receivers and offers a choice of active-high or active-low input. The 3-state outputs permit connection directly to a bus-organized system. Fail-safe design ensures that, if the inputs are open, the outputs always are high.

Compared to the AM26LS33, the AM26LS33A incorporates an additional stage of amplification to improve sensitivity. The input impedance has been increased, resulting in less loading of the bus line. The additional stage has increased propagation delay; however, this does not affect interchangeability in most applications.

The AM26LS33A is characterized for operation over the temperature range of –55°C to 125°C.

The AM26LS33A is a quadruple differential line receiver for balanced and unbalanced digital data transmission. The enable function is common to all four receivers and offers a choice of active-high or active-low input. The 3-state outputs permit connection directly to a bus-organized system. Fail-safe design ensures that, if the inputs are open, the outputs always are high.

Compared to the AM26LS33, the AM26LS33A incorporates an additional stage of amplification to improve sensitivity. The input impedance has been increased, resulting in less loading of the bus line. The additional stage has increased propagation delay; however, this does not affect interchangeability in most applications.

The AM26LS33A is characterized for operation over the temperature range of –55°C to 125°C.



open-in-new 比較替代產品
AM26LS33A 現行 四路差分線路接收器 Catalog version


star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 2
類型 標題 日期
* Radiation & reliability report AM26LS33AMJ ELDRS Report 2015年 3月 27日
* Data sheet Quadruple Differential Line Receiver. datasheet 2010年 2月 4日


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點


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