- Functional Safety-Capable
- Miniature solution size and low component cost
- 2-mm × 2-mm HotRod™ package with wettable flanks
- Internal compensation
- Optimized for ultra-low EMI requirements
- Pin selectable FPWM mode for constant frequency at light loads with MODE/SYNC pin
- F SW synchronization with MODE/SYNC pin
- Designed for industrial applications
- –40°C to +150°C junction temperature range
- Supports 42-V transients
- Supports 3-V IN minimum
- Adjustable up to 95% of V IN, 3.3-V and 5-V fixed V OUT options available
- Greater than 85% efficiency at 1 mA
- 1.3-µA I Q at 24 V IN, 5 V OUT (fixed)
- Designed for scalable power supplies
The LMR436x0 is the industry smallest 36-V, 2-A, and 1-A synchronous step-down DC/DC converters in a 2-mm × 2-mm HotRod package. This easy-to-use converter supports a wide input voltage range of 3.0 V to 36 V with transients up to 42 V.
The control architecture and feature-set are optimized for an ultra-small solution size. The device uses peak current mode control to minimize output capacitance. The LMR436x0 minimizes input filter size by using dual random spread spectrum, a low-EMI HotRod package, and an optimized pinout. The MODE/SYNC and RT pin variants can be used to set or synchronize the frequency between 200 kHz and 2.2 MHz to avoid noise sensitive frequency bands.
The compact solution size and rich feature set of LMR436x0 simplifies implementation for a wide range of industrial applications.
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LMR43620MQ3EVM-2M — LMR43620-Q1 36-V 輸入、3.3-V 輸出、2-A 同步降壓轉換器評估模組
LMR43620MQ3EVM-2M 評估模組 (EVM) 可協助設計人員評估 LMR43620-Q1 廣泛輸入降壓穩壓器的運作及性能。LMR43620-Q1 為一款簡單易用的同步降壓 DC/DC 轉換器,可從最高 36 V 的輸入電壓中驅動高達 2 A 負載電流。LMR43620-Q1 在低負載下具有超低運作靜態電流和高效率。LMR43620-Q1 採用小型 2-mm x 2-mm HotRod™ 封裝,可提供超小型、低 EMI 解決方案尺寸。
LMR43620RQ5EVM-400 — LMR43620-Q1 36-V 輸入、5-V 輸出、2-A 同步降壓轉換器評估模組
LMR43620RQ5EVM-400 評估模組 (EVM) 可協助評估 LMR43620-Q1 廣泛輸入降壓穩壓器的運作情形及性能。LMR43620-Q1 為一款簡單易用的同步降壓 DC/DC 轉換器,可從最高 36 V 的輸入電壓中驅動高達 2 A 負載電流。LMR43620-Q1 在低負載下具有超低運作靜態電流和高效率。LMR43620-Q1 採用小型 2x2 mm HotRod™ 封裝,提供超小型、低 EMI 解決方案尺寸。
封裝 | 針腳 | CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型 |
VQFN-HR (RPE) | 9 | Ultra Librarian |
- RoHS
- 產品標記
- 鉛塗層/球物料
- MSL 等級/回焊峰值
- MTBF/FIT 估算值
- 材料內容
- 認證摘要
- 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
- 晶圓廠位置
- 組裝地點