

具 D-CAP3 控制的 4.5-V 至 17-V、8-A 同步 SWIFT™ 降壓轉換器


open-in-new 比較替代產品
TPS568231 現行 具 D-CAP3 控制功能的 3.8-V 至 17-V、8-A 同步降壓轉換器 Pin-to-pin solution with higher efficiency


Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 8 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 17 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 400 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 1200 Features Adjustable current limit, Enable, Forced PWM, Light Load Efficiency, Power good, Pre-Bias Start-Up, Soft Start Adjustable, Synchronous Rectification Control mode D-CAP3 Vout (min) (V) 0.6 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Iq (typ) (µA) 600 Duty cycle (max) (%) 90
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 8 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 17 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 400 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 1200 Features Adjustable current limit, Enable, Forced PWM, Light Load Efficiency, Power good, Pre-Bias Start-Up, Soft Start Adjustable, Synchronous Rectification Control mode D-CAP3 Vout (min) (V) 0.6 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Iq (typ) (µA) 600 Duty cycle (max) (%) 90
VQFN-HR (RNN) 18 12.25 mm² 3.5 x 3.5
  • Integrated 19-mΩ and 9.4-mΩ MOSFETs
  • Selectable F SW of 400 kHz, 800 kHz, and 1.2 MHz
  • Adjustable current limit settings with hiccup re-start
  • 0.6-V ±1% reference voltage across full temperature range
  • Optional external 5-V bias support for enhanced efficiency
  • D-CAP3™ control mode for fast transient response
  • Selectable forced continuous conduction mode (FCCM) for tight output voltage ripple or auto- skipping Eco-mode™ for high light-load efficiency
  • 0.6-V to 5.5-V output voltage range
  • Supports all ceramic capacitors
  • Monotonic start-up into pre-biased outputs
  • Adjustable soft start with a default 1-ms soft-start time
  • –40°C to 150°C operating junction temperature
  • Small 3.5-mm × 3.5-mm HotRod™ QFN package
  • Pin-to-pin compatible with 8-A TPS568231 and 12-A TPS56C231 and TPS56C215
  • Supported at the WEBENCH design center
  • Integrated 19-mΩ and 9.4-mΩ MOSFETs
  • Selectable F SW of 400 kHz, 800 kHz, and 1.2 MHz
  • Adjustable current limit settings with hiccup re-start
  • 0.6-V ±1% reference voltage across full temperature range
  • Optional external 5-V bias support for enhanced efficiency
  • D-CAP3™ control mode for fast transient response
  • Selectable forced continuous conduction mode (FCCM) for tight output voltage ripple or auto- skipping Eco-mode™ for high light-load efficiency
  • 0.6-V to 5.5-V output voltage range
  • Supports all ceramic capacitors
  • Monotonic start-up into pre-biased outputs
  • Adjustable soft start with a default 1-ms soft-start time
  • –40°C to 150°C operating junction temperature
  • Small 3.5-mm × 3.5-mm HotRod™ QFN package
  • Pin-to-pin compatible with 8-A TPS568231 and 12-A TPS56C231 and TPS56C215
  • Supported at the WEBENCH design center

The TPS568215 is TI’s smallest, monolithic, 8-A, synchronous buck converter with an adaptive on-time D-CAP3™ control mode. The device integrates low R DS(on) power MOSFETs that enable high efficiency and offers ease-of-use with minimum external component count for space-conscious power systems. Key features include a very accurate reference voltage, fast load transient response, auto-skip mode operation for light load efficiency, adjustable current limit, and no requirement for external compensation. A forced continuous conduction mode helps meet tight voltage regulation accuracy requirements for performance DSPs and FPGAs. The TPS568215 is available in a thermally enhanced 18-pin HotRod QFN package and is designed to operate from –40°C to 150°C junction temperature. TPS568215 is pin-to-pin compatible with TPS56C215 which gives the user flexibility to pick solutions from 6 A to 12 A in the same footprint.

The TPS568215 is TI’s smallest, monolithic, 8-A, synchronous buck converter with an adaptive on-time D-CAP3™ control mode. The device integrates low R DS(on) power MOSFETs that enable high efficiency and offers ease-of-use with minimum external component count for space-conscious power systems. Key features include a very accurate reference voltage, fast load transient response, auto-skip mode operation for light load efficiency, adjustable current limit, and no requirement for external compensation. A forced continuous conduction mode helps meet tight voltage regulation accuracy requirements for performance DSPs and FPGAs. The TPS568215 is available in a thermally enhanced 18-pin HotRod QFN package and is designed to operate from –40°C to 150°C junction temperature. TPS568215 is pin-to-pin compatible with TPS56C215 which gives the user flexibility to pick solutions from 6 A to 12 A in the same footprint.

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open-in-new 比較替代產品
TPS56C215 現行 具有 D-CAP3 控制功能的 3.8-V 至 17-V、12-A 同步 SWIFT™ 降壓轉換器 Optimized for higher output current.
TPS568230 現行 針對解決方案成本進行最佳化的 4.5V 至 18V、8A 同步 SWIFT™ 降壓轉換器 Offers improved efficiency in a smaller package.


star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 12
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet TPS568215 4.5-V to 17-V Input , 8-A Synchronous Step-Down SWIFT Converter datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2023年 8月 11日
Application note 8-A DC/DC Buck Converter Selection Guide of Mid-range VIN (1.5 V - 28 V) PDF | HTML 2023年 10月 6日
Application note Measuring the Bode Plot of D-CAP™, D-CAP2™, and D-CAP3™ DC/DC Converters (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2023年 4月 21日
EVM User's guide TPS568215 SWIFT™ Step-Down Converter Evaluation Module User's Guide (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2021年 6月 24日
Selection guide Buck Converter Quick Reference Guide (Rev. B) 2021年 4月 8日
Technical article Options for reducing the MLCC count for DC/DC switching regulators PDF | HTML 2019年 9月 17日
Application note Expand Minimum Input Voltage with External VCC Bias in Buck Converter PDF | HTML 2019年 1月 9日
Application note DC/DC Point-of-load Power Solutions for Wired Networking Switch Systems 2018年 12月 11日
Application note Solve Point-of-Load Power Design Challenges: Single Board Computer Applications 2018年 8月 24日
Technical article How PMICs can help streamline FPGA power design challenges PDF | HTML 2018年 6月 23日
Application note Reduced Size, Double Sided Layout for High-Current DC/DC Converters 2018年 4月 5日
Application note Understanding Eco-mode(TM) Operation 2016年 12月 5日


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TPS568215EVM-762 — TPS568215 同步降壓 SWIFT™ 轉換器評估模組

TPS568215EVM-762 is an 8 A synchronous converter evaluation module (EVM).  The EVM generates a 1.2 V output voltage from a nominal 12 V input.  The input voltage range is 4.5 V to 17 V with a typical start up voltage of 4.2 V.  The circuit is set upfor default operation frequency of (...)
使用指南: PDF | HTML 無法提供

TPS568215 PSpice Transient Model

SLVMBT9.ZIP (123 KB) - PSpice Model

TIDA-01480 — 適用於 Xilinx Zynq® UltraScale+™ ZU2CG−ZU5EV MPSoC 的整合式電源供應參考設計

TIDA-01480 參考設計是一款可擴充電源供應器,設計用於為 MPSoC 裝置的 Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ (ZU+) 系列供電。此設計會從標準 DC 電源供應器接收電源,並透過清楚定義的 Samtec 插座端子排連線供電至 Xilinx 晶片組和 DDR 記憶體的所有軌。

設計可擴展,能夠支援最基本的 ZU2CG 裝置,其配備雙核心 ARM® Cortex™-A53 應用處理器和雙核心 ARM® Cortex™-R5 即時處理器,並可擴充至新增圖形處理單元 (GPU) 的 ZUxEG 產品,甚至支援包含視訊轉碼器單元和高達 (...)

Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDA-050000 — 適合 Xilinx Artix®-7、Spartan®-7 與 Zynq®-7000 FPGAs 的整合式電源供應參考設計

此參考設計是可擴充的電源供應器,旨在為 FPGA 架構裝置的 Xilinx Artix-7、Spartan-7 和 Zynq-7000 系列供電。此設計會從標準 DC 電源供應器接收電源,並透過清楚定義的 Samtec 插座端子排連線供電至 Xilinx 晶片組和 DDR 記憶體的所有軌。

此設計可進行擴充,以支援最基本的 Spartan-7 FPGA 裝置、具有多個 Gigabit 收發器 (MGT) 的較複雜 Artix-7 FPGA,以及最高達配備雙核心 Arm Cortex-A9 處理器的 Zynq-7000。由於具備可擴充的設計且與 Xilinx 系列裝置相近,此參考設計是以適用於 (...)

Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
VQFN-HR (RNN) 18 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
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  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
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  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
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