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3-V 至 17-V 輸入電壓、3-A Eco 模式同步降壓模組


Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Topology Synchronous Buck Type Module Iout (max) (A) 3 Vin (min) (V) 3 Vin (max) (V) 17 Vout (min) (V) 0.6 Vout (max) (V) 10 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 1200 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 1200 Features Enable, Light Load Efficiency, Overcurrent protection, Power good Control mode D-CAP3 Duty cycle (max) (%) 95
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Topology Synchronous Buck Type Module Iout (max) (A) 3 Vin (min) (V) 3 Vin (max) (V) 17 Vout (min) (V) 0.6 Vout (max) (V) 10 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 1200 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 1200 Features Enable, Light Load Efficiency, Overcurrent protection, Power good Control mode D-CAP3 Duty cycle (max) (%) 95
QFN-FCMOD (RDX) 7 13.2 mm² 4 x 3.3
  • Configured for a wide range of applications
    • 3V to 17V input voltage range
    • 0.6V to 10V output voltage range for TPSM863252
    • 0.6V to 5.5V output voltage range for TPSM863257
    • Fixed 3.3V output voltage for TPSM863253
    • 0.6V reference voltage
    • ±1% reference accuracy at 25°C
    • ±1.5% reference accuracy at –40°C to 125°C
    • Integrated 55mΩ and 24mΩ MOSFETs
    • 100µA low quiescent current
    • 1.2MHz switching frequency
    • Maximum 95% large duty cycle operation
    • Precision EN threshold voltage
    • 1.6ms fixed typical soft-start time
  • Ease of use and small design size
    • TPSM863252 Eco-mode, TPSM863257 and TPSM863253 FCCM mode at light loading
    • Fast transient D-CAP3™ control mode
    • Easy layout with integrated bootstrap capacitor and inductor
    • Support start-up with prebiased output voltage
    • Non-latch for OV, OT, and UVLO protection
    • Cycle-by-cycle OC and NOC protection
    • –40°C to 125°C operating junction temperature
    • 3.3mm × 4mm × 2mm QFN package
  • Create a custom design using the TPSM863252 with the WEBENCH Power Designer
  • Create a custom design using the TPSM863253 with the WEBENCH® Power Designer
  • Create a custom design using the TPSM863257 with the WEBENCH® Power Designer
  • Configured for a wide range of applications
    • 3V to 17V input voltage range
    • 0.6V to 10V output voltage range for TPSM863252
    • 0.6V to 5.5V output voltage range for TPSM863257
    • Fixed 3.3V output voltage for TPSM863253
    • 0.6V reference voltage
    • ±1% reference accuracy at 25°C
    • ±1.5% reference accuracy at –40°C to 125°C
    • Integrated 55mΩ and 24mΩ MOSFETs
    • 100µA low quiescent current
    • 1.2MHz switching frequency
    • Maximum 95% large duty cycle operation
    • Precision EN threshold voltage
    • 1.6ms fixed typical soft-start time
  • Ease of use and small design size
    • TPSM863252 Eco-mode, TPSM863257 and TPSM863253 FCCM mode at light loading
    • Fast transient D-CAP3™ control mode
    • Easy layout with integrated bootstrap capacitor and inductor
    • Support start-up with prebiased output voltage
    • Non-latch for OV, OT, and UVLO protection
    • Cycle-by-cycle OC and NOC protection
    • –40°C to 125°C operating junction temperature
    • 3.3mm × 4mm × 2mm QFN package
  • Create a custom design using the TPSM863252 with the WEBENCH Power Designer
  • Create a custom design using the TPSM863253 with the WEBENCH® Power Designer
  • Create a custom design using the TPSM863257 with the WEBENCH® Power Designer

The TPSM86325x is a simple, easy-to-use, high-efficiency, high-power density, synchronous buck module with input voltage ranging from 3V to 17V and supports up to 3A continuous current.

The TPSM86325x employs D-CAP3 control mode to provide a fast transient response and to support low-ESR output capacitors with no requirement for external compensation. The device can support up to 95% duty cycle operation.

The TPSM863252 operates in Eco-mode, which maintains high efficiency during light loading. The TPSM863257 operates in FCCM mode, which keeps the same frequency and lower output ripple during all load conditions. TPSM863253 is a fixed 3.3V output voltage part with FCCM mode. TPS863253 integrated divider resistors and a feedforward cap in internal module. The device integrates complete protection through OVP, OCP, UVLO, OTP, and UVP with hiccup.

The device is available in a QFN package. The junction temperature is specified from –40°C to 125°C.

The TPSM86325x is a simple, easy-to-use, high-efficiency, high-power density, synchronous buck module with input voltage ranging from 3V to 17V and supports up to 3A continuous current.

The TPSM86325x employs D-CAP3 control mode to provide a fast transient response and to support low-ESR output capacitors with no requirement for external compensation. The device can support up to 95% duty cycle operation.

The TPSM863252 operates in Eco-mode, which maintains high efficiency during light loading. The TPSM863257 operates in FCCM mode, which keeps the same frequency and lower output ripple during all load conditions. TPSM863253 is a fixed 3.3V output voltage part with FCCM mode. TPS863253 integrated divider resistors and a feedforward cap in internal module. The device integrates complete protection through OVP, OCP, UVLO, OTP, and UVP with hiccup.

The device is available in a QFN package. The junction temperature is specified from –40°C to 125°C.

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star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 4
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet TPSM86325x 3V to 17V Input, 3A, Synchronous Buck Module in QFN Package datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2024年 1月 10日
Application brief Solving power design challenges in oscilloscope applications PDF | HTML 2023年 10月 31日
EVM User's guide TPSM863252, TPSM86325 and TPSM863257 Step-Down Converter Module EVM User's Guide (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2023年 9月 22日
Certificate TPSM863252 EU RoHS Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 2023年 4月 2日


如需其他條款或必要資源,請按一下下方的任何標題以檢視詳細頁面 (如有)。


TPSM863252EVM — 適用於 3-V 至 17-V 輸入電壓、3-A Eco 模式同步降壓模組的 TPSM863252 評估模組

TPSM863252 評估模組 (EVM) 是一款簡單易用 3 A 同步降壓模組。TPSM863252EVM 是完全組裝且經過測試的電路板,可用於評估 TPSM863252 降壓模組。此 EVM 可在 3 V 至 17 V 輸入 (12 V 額定值) 間運作,並在 3 A 時提供 1.05 V 輸出。其中也包含用於回饋迴路量測的 AC 訊號注入端子。

使用指南: PDF | HTML
TI.com 無法提供

TPSM863252 PSPICE Model

SLUM864.ZIP (486 KB) - PSpice Model

PMP41081 — 使用 C2000™ 即時微控制器的 1-kW、12-V HHC LLC 參考設計

此參考設計為一個 1-kW,400-V 至 12-V 半橋諧振 DC/DC 平臺,適用於評估採用 F280039C 微控制器的混合磁滯控制 (HHC) 負載瞬態性能。HHC 是一種結合直接頻率控制 (DFC) 和充電控制的方法,並透過增加的頻率補償斜率進行充電控制。藉由額外的內部迴路,HHC 可改善電感器-電感器-電容器 (LLC) 的負載瞬態回應性能。
Test report: PDF

PMP23338 — 具備智慧電表功能的 3.6kW 單相圖騰柱無橋接 PFC 參考設計

此參考設計是一款氮化鎵 (GaN) 架構的 3.6kW、單相連續傳導模式 (CCM) 圖騰柱無橋接功率因數校正 (PFC) 轉換器,其以 M-CRPS 電源為目標。此設計包括準確度為 0.5% 的電表功能,不再需要外部電源量測 IC。供應器的設計可支援 16A RMS 最大輸入電流及 3.6kW 峰值功率。功率級之後配備了一個小型升壓轉換器,有助於大幅縮減大型電容器的尺寸。具整合式驅動器與防護的 LMG3522 頂端冷卻 GaN 產品可實現更高效率,並可縮減電源供應器尺寸和複雜性。F28003x C2000™ 即時微控制器適用所有進階控制件,包括重新突波電流控制、在 AC (...)
Test report: PDF

PMP40586 — 1-kW 數位控制的電流模式 LLC 參考設計

此參考設計為業界首款數位混合磁滯控制 (HHC) 解決方案,專為配備 12-V 至 54-V 輸出的伺服器 PSU 應用領域打造。此參考設計展現 UCD3138 在 400-V 至 12-V 1-kW LLC 功率級的 HHC 控制優勢。此設計可實現 8-kHz 峰值迴路頻寬。它在 2.5 A/us 的 0% 和 100% 負載轉換下保持小於 500 mV 的峰間偏差,在 2.5 A/us 的 0% 和 150% 負載轉換下保持小於 800-mV 的峰值偏差。
Test report: PDF

PMP41017 — 採用 GaN 和 C2000™ MCU 的 3kW 雙相交錯半橋 LLC 參考設計

此參考設計是使用 LMG3422 及 F280039C 裝置的 3-kW、雙相、交錯式半橋電感器-電感器-電容器 (LLC)。此設計可達到 98.1% 峰值效率與 313 W/in³ 功率密度,可做為常用備援電源供應器 (CRP) 伺服器電源供應器的輸出階段,可用於評估兩個並聯 LLC 階段的控制方法,例如交叉與電流平衡。
Test report: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
QFN-FCMOD (RDX) 7 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點


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