

具 +/-15-kV ESD 保護的 3 至 5.5-V 雙通道 250kbps RS-232 線路驅動器/接收器

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TRS3232E 現行 具 +/-15-kV IEC-ESD 保護的 3 至 5.5-V 雙通道 250kbps RS-232 線路驅動器/接收器 TI recommends the TRS3232E in new designs. The TRS3232E is an improved direct drop-in replacement for the TRS3232.


Drivers per package 2 Receivers per package 2 Logic voltage (min) (V) 3.3 Data rate (max) (Mbps) 0.25 Main supply voltage (nom) (V) 3.3, 5 ESD HBM (kV) 15 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Vout (typ) (V) 5.4
Drivers per package 2 Receivers per package 2 Logic voltage (min) (V) 3.3 Data rate (max) (Mbps) 0.25 Main supply voltage (nom) (V) 3.3, 5 ESD HBM (kV) 15 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Vout (typ) (V) 5.4
SOIC (D) 16 59.4 mm² 9.9 x 6 SOIC (DW) 16 106.09 mm² 10.3 x 10.3 SSOP (DB) 16 48.36 mm² 6.2 x 7.8 TSSOP (PW) 16 32 mm² 5 x 6.4
  • RS-232 Bus-terminal ESD protection exceeds ±15 kV using human-body model (HBM)
  • Meets or exceeds the requirements of TIA/EIA-232-F and ITU V.28 standards
  • Operates with 3-V to 5.5-V VCC supply
  • Operates up to 250 kbps
  • Two drivers and two receivers
  • Low supply current: 300-µA typical
  • External capacitors: 4 × 0.1 µF
  • Accepts 5-V logic input with 3.3-V supply
  • Alternative high-speed terminal-compatible devices s (1 Mbps)
    • SN65C3232 (–40°C to 85°C)
    • SN75C3232 (0°C to 70°C)
  • RS-232 Bus-terminal ESD protection exceeds ±15 kV using human-body model (HBM)
  • Meets or exceeds the requirements of TIA/EIA-232-F and ITU V.28 standards
  • Operates with 3-V to 5.5-V VCC supply
  • Operates up to 250 kbps
  • Two drivers and two receivers
  • Low supply current: 300-µA typical
  • External capacitors: 4 × 0.1 µF
  • Accepts 5-V logic input with 3.3-V supply
  • Alternative high-speed terminal-compatible devices s (1 Mbps)
    • SN65C3232 (–40°C to 85°C)
    • SN75C3232 (0°C to 70°C)

The TRS3232 consists of two line drivers, two line receivers, and a dual charge-pump circuit with ±15-kV ESD protection terminal-to-terminal (serial-port connection terminals, including GND). The device meets the requirements of TIA/EIA-232-F and provides the electrical interface between an asynchronous communication controller and the serial-port connector. The charge pump and four small external capacitors allow operation from one 3-V to 5.5-V supply. The devices operate at data-signaling rates up to 250 kbps and a maximum of 30-V/µs driver-output slew rate.

The TRS3232 consists of two line drivers, two line receivers, and a dual charge-pump circuit with ±15-kV ESD protection terminal-to-terminal (serial-port connection terminals, including GND). The device meets the requirements of TIA/EIA-232-F and provides the electrical interface between an asynchronous communication controller and the serial-port connector. The charge pump and four small external capacitors allow operation from one 3-V to 5.5-V supply. The devices operate at data-signaling rates up to 250 kbps and a maximum of 30-V/µs driver-output slew rate.

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star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 9
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet TRS3232 3-V to 5.5-V Multichannel RS-232 Line Driver and Receiver With ±15-kV ESD Protection datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2021年 6月 8日
Certificate TRS3232RGTEVM EU RoHS Declaration of Conformity (DoC) (Rev. A) 2020年 12月 7日
Application note RS-232 Frequently Asked Questions 2020年 11月 10日
Technical article Designing compact, efficient and high performing multiparameter patient monitors PDF | HTML 2019年 6月 25日
Application note AN-438 Low Power RS-232C Driver and Receiver in CMOS (Rev. B) 2013年 4月 26日
Application note Understanding Power Requirements in RS-232 Applications (Rev. B) 2013年 4月 26日
Application note Removing Ground Noise in Data Transmission Systems 2007年 10月 5日
Application note Interface Circuits for TIA/EIA-232-F (Rev. A) 2002年 9月 19日
Application note Low-Voltage, Single-Supply 232-Standard Interface Solutions (Rev. A) 2000年 9月 19日


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Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF

TIDA-00601 — 具有隔離分流感測器的多相能源量測參考設計

TIDA-00601 參考設計實作了具有隔離式分流感測器的 0.5% 級三相電能量測系統。  隔離的方式是透過使用隔離式 ΔΣ 調變器,將輸出電路與輸入電路電容隔離。  電能量測 SoC 從隔離式調變器中取得不同的位元串流,並使用其板載數位濾波器產生 ADC 取樣讀數。  電能量測 SoC 也可用於感測電壓、計算量測參數值、驅動電路板的 LCD,以及透過電路板的隔離式 RS-232 電路與 PC GUI 通訊。

此參考設計使用 ISO7420ISO7421。此參考設計也可搭配 ISO7320CISO7321C 使用。

此參考設計使用 AMC1304M05。此參考設計也可搭配 (...)

使用指南: PDF
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Design guide: PDF
電路圖: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
SOIC (D) 16 Ultra Librarian
SOIC (DW) 16 Ultra Librarian
SSOP (DB) 16 Ultra Librarian
TSSOP (PW) 16 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點

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