

航太級 QMLV、22-V 輸入、1-A 雙輸出諧振模式 500-kHz PWM 控制器

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Vin (max) (V) 22 Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Control mode Voltage Topology Full bridge, Half bridge, Push pull Rating Space Features Error amplifier, Multi-topology, Soft start, Soft switching Duty cycle (max) (%) 50
Vin (max) (V) 22 Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Control mode Voltage Topology Full bridge, Half bridge, Push pull Rating Space Features Error amplifier, Multi-topology, Soft start, Soft switching Duty cycle (max) (%) 50
LCCC (FK) 20 79.0321 mm² 8.89 x 8.89
  • Controls Zero Current Switched (ZCS) or Zero Voltage Switched (ZVS) Quasi-Resonant Converters
  • Zero-Crossing Terminated One-Shot Timer
  • Precision 1%, Soft-Started 5V Reference
  • Programmable Restart Delay Following Fault
  • Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) with Programmable Minimum and Maximum Frequencies from 10kHz to 1MHz
  • Low Start-Up Current (150µA typical)
  • Dual 1 Amp Peak FET Drivers
  • UVLO Option for Off-Line or DC/DC Applications
  • Controls Zero Current Switched (ZCS) or Zero Voltage Switched (ZVS) Quasi-Resonant Converters
  • Zero-Crossing Terminated One-Shot Timer
  • Precision 1%, Soft-Started 5V Reference
  • Programmable Restart Delay Following Fault
  • Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (VCO) with Programmable Minimum and Maximum Frequencies from 10kHz to 1MHz
  • Low Start-Up Current (150µA typical)
  • Dual 1 Amp Peak FET Drivers
  • UVLO Option for Off-Line or DC/DC Applications

The UC1861-1868 family of ICs is optimized for the control of Zero Current Switched and Zero Voltage Switched quasi-resonant converters. Differences between members of this device family result from the various combinations of UVLO thresholds and output options. Additionally, the one-shot pulse steering logic is configured to program either on-time for ZCS systems (UC1865-1868), or off-time for ZVS applications (UC1861-1864).

The primary control blocks implemented include an error amplifier to compensate the overall system loop and to drive a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), featuring programmable minimum and maximum frequencies. Triggered by the VCO, the one-shot generates pulses of a programmed maximum width, which can be modulated by the Zero Detection comparator. This circuit facilitates "true" zero current or voltage switching over various line, load, and temperature changes, and is also able to accommodate the resonant components' initial tolerances.

Under-Voltage Lockout is incorporated to facilitate safe starts upon power-up. The supply current during the under-voltage lockout period is typically less than 150µA, and the outputs are actively forced to the low state.

UVLO thresholds for the UC1861/62/65/66 are 16.5V (ON) and 10.5V (OFF), whereas the UC1863/64/67/68 thresholds are 8V (ON) and 7V (OFF). After VCC exceeds the UVLO threshold, a 5V generator is enabled which provides bias for the internal circuits and up to 10mA for external usage.

A Fault comparator serves to detect fault conditions and set a latch while forcing the output drivers low. The Soft-Ref pin serves three functions: providing soft start, restart delay, and the internal system reference.

Each device features dual 1 Amp peak totem pole output drivers for direct interface to power MOSFETS. The outputs are programmed to alternate in the UC1861/63/65/67 devices. The UC1862/64/66/68 outputs operate in unison alllowing a 2 Amp peak current.

The UC1861-1868 family of ICs is optimized for the control of Zero Current Switched and Zero Voltage Switched quasi-resonant converters. Differences between members of this device family result from the various combinations of UVLO thresholds and output options. Additionally, the one-shot pulse steering logic is configured to program either on-time for ZCS systems (UC1865-1868), or off-time for ZVS applications (UC1861-1864).

The primary control blocks implemented include an error amplifier to compensate the overall system loop and to drive a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), featuring programmable minimum and maximum frequencies. Triggered by the VCO, the one-shot generates pulses of a programmed maximum width, which can be modulated by the Zero Detection comparator. This circuit facilitates "true" zero current or voltage switching over various line, load, and temperature changes, and is also able to accommodate the resonant components' initial tolerances.

Under-Voltage Lockout is incorporated to facilitate safe starts upon power-up. The supply current during the under-voltage lockout period is typically less than 150µA, and the outputs are actively forced to the low state.

UVLO thresholds for the UC1861/62/65/66 are 16.5V (ON) and 10.5V (OFF), whereas the UC1863/64/67/68 thresholds are 8V (ON) and 7V (OFF). After VCC exceeds the UVLO threshold, a 5V generator is enabled which provides bias for the internal circuits and up to 10mA for external usage.

A Fault comparator serves to detect fault conditions and set a latch while forcing the output drivers low. The Soft-Ref pin serves three functions: providing soft start, restart delay, and the internal system reference.

Each device features dual 1 Amp peak totem pole output drivers for direct interface to power MOSFETS. The outputs are programmed to alternate in the UC1861/63/65/67 devices. The UC1862/64/66/68 outputs operate in unison alllowing a 2 Amp peak current.



open-in-new 比較替代產品
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TPS7H5005-SEP 現行 附帶同步整流的耐輻射、2-MHz、雙輸出 PWM 控制器 More feature rich radiation-tolerant PWM controller family for LEO or shorter duration missions


star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 1
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet Resonant-Mode Power Supply Controllers datasheet (Rev. B) 2007年 9月 13日


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點


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