SPRADE3 January   2024 ADS8329 , LM5110 , LM5111 , LM5180 , LMR38010 , OPA182 , SM72482 , SN75372 , TMS320F28384D , TPS2811 , TPS2813 , UC1707-SP , UC1708 , UC1708-SP , UC1709-SP , UC1715-SP , UC2714 , UC3708 , UC3709 , UCC27323 , UCC27324 , UCC27324-Q1 , UCC27325 , UCC27423 , UCC27423-EP , UCC27423-Q1 , UCC27424 , UCC27424-EP , UCC27424-Q1 , UCC27425 , UCC27425-Q1 , UCC27444 , UCC27444-Q1 , UCC27523 , UCC27524 , UCC27524A , UCC27524A-Q1 , UCC27524A1-Q1 , UCC27525 , UCC27526 , UCC27527 , UCC27528 , UCC27528-Q1 , UCC27624 , UCC27624-Q1 , UCC37323 , UCC37324 , UCC37325 , UCD7201


  1.   1
  2.   Abstract
  3.   Trademarks
  4. 1Introduction
    1. 1.1 Magnet of the MRI
    2. 1.2 Key Challenge to Design a Power Supply to Driver Superconductor
  5. 2Four-Phase Interleaving Phase-Shifted Full Bridge Power Supply Design
  6. 3Sub-System Description
    1. 3.1 Micro-Controller
    2. 3.2 Auxiliary Power Supply
    3. 3.3 Current Sensing
    4. 3.4 ADC Interface
    5. 3.5 MOSFET Driver
  7. 4Summary
  8. 5References

Key Challenge to Design a Power Supply to Driver Superconductor

As highlighted in the introduction, to produce a high-strength magnetism for MRI systems like 1.5 T, 3 T, 5 T or 7 T, modern MRI machines use superconductor coil. The current that drives these superconductor coils can potentially be high up to 500 A or more. Here are some challenges that can arise while designing such power supply.

  1. High current designs need high-capacity power MOSFETs. Not many manufacturers produce such large current capacity power electronic devices. Possibly, paralleling two or several MOSFETs can support higher current capacity. However, current sharing is common issue with such schemes and extremely difficult to solve.
  2. High current capacity corresponds to high power consumption which can cause potential thermal and reliability issues.
  3. MRI systems need power supply has high-stable output voltage. since high current power MOSFET can not implement high speed switching. then large buffer capacitor has to be used for stable the output voltage and this means potentially bigger capacitor for buffer which can affect the size of the design.
  4. For this specific application, adopt large capacity current power MOSFET also potential means higher cost than use two small capacity MOSFET for exactly same output current.