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4-Kanal-PCI Express Gen-4-Linearredriver

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Type Redriver Protocols CXL, PCIe1, PCIe2, PCIe3, PCIe4, UPI Applications CXL, PCIe, UPI Number of channels 4 Speed (max) (Gbpp) 25 Supply voltage (V) 3.3 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Type Redriver Protocols CXL, PCIe1, PCIe2, PCIe3, PCIe4, UPI Applications CXL, PCIe, UPI Number of channels 4 Speed (max) (Gbpp) 25 Supply voltage (V) 3.3 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
WQFN (RNQ) 40 24 mm² 6 x 4
  • Quad-channel linear equalizer supporting PCIe 1.0/2.0/3.0/4.0 up to 16 Gbps interfaces
  • CTLE boosts up to 18 dB at 8 GHz helps to extend channel reach
  • Automatic receiver detection for PCIe use cases
  • Protocol agnostic linear redriver allows seamless support for PCIe link training
  • Supports data rates up to 25 Gbps including Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI)
  • Ultra-low latency of 70 ps (typical)
  • Low additive random jitter of 60 fs (typical) with PRBS data
  • Single 3.3 V supply
  • Low active power of 124 mW/channel (typical) - no heat sink required
  • Pin-strap, SMBus or EEPROM programming
  • Support for x2, x4, x8, x16 PCIe bus width with one or multiple DS160PR410
  • Industrial temperature range of –40ºC to 85ºC
  • 4.0 mm × 6.0 mm, 40 pin WQFN package
  • Quad-channel linear equalizer supporting PCIe 1.0/2.0/3.0/4.0 up to 16 Gbps interfaces
  • CTLE boosts up to 18 dB at 8 GHz helps to extend channel reach
  • Automatic receiver detection for PCIe use cases
  • Protocol agnostic linear redriver allows seamless support for PCIe link training
  • Supports data rates up to 25 Gbps including Ultra Path Interconnect (UPI)
  • Ultra-low latency of 70 ps (typical)
  • Low additive random jitter of 60 fs (typical) with PRBS data
  • Single 3.3 V supply
  • Low active power of 124 mW/channel (typical) - no heat sink required
  • Pin-strap, SMBus or EEPROM programming
  • Support for x2, x4, x8, x16 PCIe bus width with one or multiple DS160PR410
  • Industrial temperature range of –40ºC to 85ºC
  • 4.0 mm × 6.0 mm, 40 pin WQFN package

The DS160PR410 is a four channel low-power high-performance linear repeater/redriver designed to support PCI Express (PCIe) Generation 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0. The device is a protocol agnostic linear redriver that can operate for interfaces up to 25 Gbps including Ultra Path Interface (UPI) 2.0.

The DS160PR410 receivers deploy continuous time linear equalizers (CTLE) to provide a programmable high-frequency boost. The equalizer can open an input eye that is completely closed due to inter-symbol interference (ISI) induced by an interconnect medium, such as PCB traces. The CTLE receiver is followed by a linear output driver. The linear datapaths of DS160PR410 preserve transmit preset signal characteristics. The linear redriver becomes part of the passive channel that as a whole get link trained for best transmit and receive equalization settings. This transparency in the link training protocol result in best electrical link and lowest possible latency. The programmable equalization of the device along with its linear datapaths maximizes the flexibility of physical placement within the interconnect channel and improves overall channel performance.

The programmable settings can be applied easily through software (SMBus or I2C), direct loading from an external EEPROM, or by using pin control. In EEPROM mode, the configurations are automatically loaded on power up, eliminating the need for an external microprocessor or software driver.

The DS160PR410 is a four channel low-power high-performance linear repeater/redriver designed to support PCI Express (PCIe) Generation 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0. The device is a protocol agnostic linear redriver that can operate for interfaces up to 25 Gbps including Ultra Path Interface (UPI) 2.0.

The DS160PR410 receivers deploy continuous time linear equalizers (CTLE) to provide a programmable high-frequency boost. The equalizer can open an input eye that is completely closed due to inter-symbol interference (ISI) induced by an interconnect medium, such as PCB traces. The CTLE receiver is followed by a linear output driver. The linear datapaths of DS160PR410 preserve transmit preset signal characteristics. The linear redriver becomes part of the passive channel that as a whole get link trained for best transmit and receive equalization settings. This transparency in the link training protocol result in best electrical link and lowest possible latency. The programmable equalization of the device along with its linear datapaths maximizes the flexibility of physical placement within the interconnect channel and improves overall channel performance.

The programmable settings can be applied easily through software (SMBus or I2C), direct loading from an external EEPROM, or by using pin control. In EEPROM mode, the configurations are automatically loaded on power up, eliminating the need for an external microprocessor or software driver.

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Technische Dokumentation

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Alle anzeigen 11
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet DS160PR410 Quad Channel PCI Express 4.0 Linear Redriver datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 19 Dez 2019
User guide CEM2SLIMSAS-EVM Adapter Board User's Guide (Rev. A) 01 Sep 2021
User guide DS160PR410EVM-RSC Evaluation Module (EVM) (Rev. B) 31 Aug 2021
User guide DS160PR410EVM-SMA Evaluation Module (EVM) (Rev. B) 31 Aug 2021
Application note How to Tune DS160PR410 for Best Signal Integrity (Rev. A) 30 Aug 2021
White paper Signal Conditioners for Reliable and Robust Industrial High Speed Links PDF | HTML 02 Jun 2021
Certificate DS160PR410EVM-RSC EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 21 Apr 2020
Certificate DS160PR410EVM-SMA EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 21 Apr 2020
User guide DS160PR410 Programming Guide 05 Aug 2019
Application note Understanding EEPROM Programming for DS160PR410 PCI-Express Gen-4 Redriver 05 Aug 2019
Technical article Signal Conditioning functions go mainstream in PCI Express Gen 4 PDF | HTML 29 Jan 2018

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