

3-Phasen-BLDC-Motortreiber, max. 40 V, 4 A Spitzenstrom, sensorlose FOC-Regelung

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Rating Catalog Architecture Integrated FET Control topology Field-oriented control (FOC), Sensorless Control interface 1xPWM, Analog, Serial Vs (min) (V) 4.5 Vs ABS (max) (V) 40 Features 5-point configurable speed profile support, Anti-voltage surge protections prevents overvoltage, Code-free Field Oriented Control (FOC), Configurable motor startup and stop options, Improved acoustic performance with automatic dead time compensation, Offline motor parameters measurement with Motor Parameter Extraction Tool (MPET), Variable monitoring through DACOUT, Windmilling support through forward resynchronization and reverse drive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Rating Catalog Architecture Integrated FET Control topology Field-oriented control (FOC), Sensorless Control interface 1xPWM, Analog, Serial Vs (min) (V) 4.5 Vs ABS (max) (V) 40 Features 5-point configurable speed profile support, Anti-voltage surge protections prevents overvoltage, Code-free Field Oriented Control (FOC), Configurable motor startup and stop options, Improved acoustic performance with automatic dead time compensation, Offline motor parameters measurement with Motor Parameter Extraction Tool (MPET), Variable monitoring through DACOUT, Windmilling support through forward resynchronization and reverse drive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
VQFN (RGF) 40 35 mm² 7 x 5
  • Three-phase BLDC motor driver with integrated sensorless motor control algorithm
    • Code-free Field Oriented Control (FOC)
    • Analog, PWM and freq. based speed input modes: available only when MCF8315A is configured as a standby device (DEV_MODE = 0b)
    • I 2C based speed input mode: available in both sleep (DEV_MODE = 1b) and standby devices (DEV_MODE = 0b).
    • Offline motor parameters measurement with Motor Parameter Extraction Tool (MPET)
    • 5-point configurable speed profile support
    • Windmilling support through forward resynchronization and reverse drive
    • Anti-voltage surge (AVS) protection
    • Improved acoustic performance with automatic dead time compensation
  • 4.5- to 35-V operating voltage (40-V abs max)
  • High output current capability: 4-A peak
  • Low MOSFET on-state resistance
    • R DS(ON) (HS + LS) at T A = 25°C : 240-mΩ (typ.)
  • Low power sleep mode : Refer
    • 5-µA (maximum) at V VM = 24-V, T A = 25°C
  • Speed loop accuracy: 3% with internal clock and 1% with external clock reference
  • Supports up to 75-kHz PWM frequency for low inductance motor support
  • Does not require external current sense resistors; uses built-in current sensing
  • Built-in 3.3-V, 20-mA LDO regulator
  • Built-in 3.3-V/5-V, 170-mA buck regulator
  • Dedicated DRVOFF pin to disable (Hi-Z) outputs
  • Spread spectrum and slew rate for EMI mitigation
  • Suite of integrated protection features
    • Supply under voltage lockout (UVLO)
    • Supply over voltage protection (OVP)
    • Motor lock detection (5 different types)
    • Over current protection (OCP)
    • Thermal warning and shutdown (OTW/TSD)
    • Fault condition indication pin (nFAULT)
    • Optional fault diagnostics over I 2C interface
  • Three-phase BLDC motor driver with integrated sensorless motor control algorithm
    • Code-free Field Oriented Control (FOC)
    • Analog, PWM and freq. based speed input modes: available only when MCF8315A is configured as a standby device (DEV_MODE = 0b)
    • I 2C based speed input mode: available in both sleep (DEV_MODE = 1b) and standby devices (DEV_MODE = 0b).
    • Offline motor parameters measurement with Motor Parameter Extraction Tool (MPET)
    • 5-point configurable speed profile support
    • Windmilling support through forward resynchronization and reverse drive
    • Anti-voltage surge (AVS) protection
    • Improved acoustic performance with automatic dead time compensation
  • 4.5- to 35-V operating voltage (40-V abs max)
  • High output current capability: 4-A peak
  • Low MOSFET on-state resistance
    • R DS(ON) (HS + LS) at T A = 25°C : 240-mΩ (typ.)
  • Low power sleep mode : Refer
    • 5-µA (maximum) at V VM = 24-V, T A = 25°C
  • Speed loop accuracy: 3% with internal clock and 1% with external clock reference
  • Supports up to 75-kHz PWM frequency for low inductance motor support
  • Does not require external current sense resistors; uses built-in current sensing
  • Built-in 3.3-V, 20-mA LDO regulator
  • Built-in 3.3-V/5-V, 170-mA buck regulator
  • Dedicated DRVOFF pin to disable (Hi-Z) outputs
  • Spread spectrum and slew rate for EMI mitigation
  • Suite of integrated protection features
    • Supply under voltage lockout (UVLO)
    • Supply over voltage protection (OVP)
    • Motor lock detection (5 different types)
    • Over current protection (OCP)
    • Thermal warning and shutdown (OTW/TSD)
    • Fault condition indication pin (nFAULT)
    • Optional fault diagnostics over I 2C interface

The MCF8315A provides a single-chip, code-free sensorless FOC solution for customers driving speed-controlled 12- to 24-V brushless-DC motors (BLDC) or Permanent Magnet Synchronous motor (PMSM) up to 4-A peak current. The MCF8315A integrates three ½-bridges with 40-V absolute maximum capability and a low R DS(ON) of 240 mΩ (high-side + low-side FETs). MCF8315A integrates power management circuits including an voltage-adjustable buck regulator (3.3 V / 5 V, 170-mA) and LDO (3.3 V / 20 mA) that can be used to power external circuits.

The FOC algorithm configuration can be stored in non-volatile EEPROM, which allows the device to operate stand-alone once it has been configured. The device receives a speed command through a PWM input, analog voltage, variable frequency square wave or I 2C command. There are a large number of protection features integrated into the MCF8315A, intended to protect the device, motor, and system against fault events.

Documentation for reference:

The MCF8315A provides a single-chip, code-free sensorless FOC solution for customers driving speed-controlled 12- to 24-V brushless-DC motors (BLDC) or Permanent Magnet Synchronous motor (PMSM) up to 4-A peak current. The MCF8315A integrates three ½-bridges with 40-V absolute maximum capability and a low R DS(ON) of 240 mΩ (high-side + low-side FETs). MCF8315A integrates power management circuits including an voltage-adjustable buck regulator (3.3 V / 5 V, 170-mA) and LDO (3.3 V / 20 mA) that can be used to power external circuits.

The FOC algorithm configuration can be stored in non-volatile EEPROM, which allows the device to operate stand-alone once it has been configured. The device receives a speed command through a PWM input, analog voltage, variable frequency square wave or I 2C command. There are a large number of protection features integrated into the MCF8315A, intended to protect the device, motor, and system against fault events.

Documentation for reference:

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VQFN (RGF) 40 Ultra Librarian

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