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OPT3004 ACTIVO Sensor digital de luz ambiental (ALS) con mayor rechazo angular de IR Increased resolution of 10mLux without the increased IR rejection for video survellance applications

Detalles del producto

Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Applications Enterprise
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Applications Enterprise
SOT-5X3 (DTS) 8 2.52 mm² 2.1 x 1.2
  • Precision optical filtering to match human eye:
    • Rejects 99.99+% (4+ orders) of Near Infrared (NIR) light over a large angle of incidence
  • Built-in automatic full-scale light range selection logic, which switches measurement range based on input light condition with excellent gain matching between ranges
  • Measurements: 20 mlux to 167 klux
  • 23-Bit Effective dynamic range with automatic gain ranging
  • 12 Binary-weighted full-scale range settings: < 0.2% (typical) matching between ranges
  • Low operating current: 1.8 µA (Typical)
  • Operating temperature range: –40°C to +85°C
  • Wide power-supply range: 1.6 V to 3.6 V
  • 5.5-V Tolerant I/O
  • Flexible interrupt system
  • Small-form factor:
    • 2.1 mm × 1.9 mm × 0.6 mm for SOT-5X3 package
  • Precision optical filtering to match human eye:
    • Rejects 99.99+% (4+ orders) of Near Infrared (NIR) light over a large angle of incidence
  • Built-in automatic full-scale light range selection logic, which switches measurement range based on input light condition with excellent gain matching between ranges
  • Measurements: 20 mlux to 167 klux
  • 23-Bit Effective dynamic range with automatic gain ranging
  • 12 Binary-weighted full-scale range settings: < 0.2% (typical) matching between ranges
  • Low operating current: 1.8 µA (Typical)
  • Operating temperature range: –40°C to +85°C
  • Wide power-supply range: 1.6 V to 3.6 V
  • 5.5-V Tolerant I/O
  • Flexible interrupt system
  • Small-form factor:
    • 2.1 mm × 1.9 mm × 0.6 mm for SOT-5X3 package

The OPT3005 is a sensor that measures the intensity of visible light. The spectral response of the sensor tightly matches the photopic response of the human eye along with extreme rejection to 850nm and 940nm infrared light over a wide angle of incidence.

The OPT3005 is a single-chip lux meter, measuring the intensity of light as visible by the human eye. The precision spectral response and extreme IR rejection of the device enables the OPT3005 to accurately meter the intensity of light as seen by the human eye regardless of light source and any stray light from 850nm or 940nm active illumination. The extreme IR rejection also helps to maintain high accuracy when industrial design calls for mounting the sensor under dark glass, especially with active 850nm or 940nm NIR illumination. Such systems typically have a lot of NIR stray reflections from the cover glass which can affect the light sensor measurement. The precision optical filtering of OPT3005 is verified for resilience to such stray NIR refection and truly measures the ambient light as perceived by human eye. The OPT3005 is designed for systems that create light-based experiences for humans, and is a preferred replacement for photodiodes, photoresistors, or other ambient light sensors with less human eye matching and IR rejection.

Measurements can be made from 20mlux up to 166klux without manually selecting full-scale ranges by using the built-in, full-scale setting feature. This capability allows light measurement over a 23-bit effective dynamic range.

The OPT3005 is a sensor that measures the intensity of visible light. The spectral response of the sensor tightly matches the photopic response of the human eye along with extreme rejection to 850nm and 940nm infrared light over a wide angle of incidence.

The OPT3005 is a single-chip lux meter, measuring the intensity of light as visible by the human eye. The precision spectral response and extreme IR rejection of the device enables the OPT3005 to accurately meter the intensity of light as seen by the human eye regardless of light source and any stray light from 850nm or 940nm active illumination. The extreme IR rejection also helps to maintain high accuracy when industrial design calls for mounting the sensor under dark glass, especially with active 850nm or 940nm NIR illumination. Such systems typically have a lot of NIR stray reflections from the cover glass which can affect the light sensor measurement. The precision optical filtering of OPT3005 is verified for resilience to such stray NIR refection and truly measures the ambient light as perceived by human eye. The OPT3005 is designed for systems that create light-based experiences for humans, and is a preferred replacement for photodiodes, photoresistors, or other ambient light sensors with less human eye matching and IR rejection.

Measurements can be made from 20mlux up to 166klux without manually selecting full-scale ranges by using the built-in, full-scale setting feature. This capability allows light measurement over a 23-bit effective dynamic range.

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Documentación técnica

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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet OPT3005 Ambient Light Sensor (ALS) for Video Surveillance Cameras datasheet PDF | HTML 19 dic 2022
EVM User's guide LIGHTSOURCE01EVM Light Source EVM User's Guide (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 11 sep 2024
Application brief How to Select a Light Sensor for Your Application (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 19 ene 2024
Certificate OPT3005DTSEVM EU RoHS Declaration of Conformity (DoC) (Rev. A) 08 dic 2022

Diseño y desarrollo

Para conocer los términos adicionales o los recursos necesarios, haga clic en cualquier título de abajo para ver la página de detalles cuando esté disponible.

Placa de evaluación

OPT3005DTSEVM — Módulo de evaluación OPT3005 para sensor de luz ambiental para cámaras de videovigilancia en encapsu

El módulo de evaluación (EVM) OPT3005DTS es una plataforma para evaluar el rendimiento del OPT3005 en el encapsulado DTS. El OPT3005 es un sensor de luz ambiental (ALS) para cámaras de videovigilancia, y puede utilizarse en múltiples condiciones de iluminación, así como detrás de múltiples (...)

Guía del usuario: PDF | HTML
Placa de evaluación

MIKRO-3P-OPT-CLICK — MikroE Optical CLICK evaluation boards

MikroE Click™ boards are compact add-on boards based around TI Optical Sensing Products that are suitable for obtaining ambient light data in applications like display optical-intensity, industrial, or commercial lighting control and enable quick cross-platform prototyping in a standardized (...)

Kit de desarrollo

LIGHTSOURCE01EVM — Fuente de luz estable para calibración de módulo de evaluación de sensores de luz ambiental de TI

El LIGHTSOURCE01EVM es una fuente de luz uniforme estable que se usa para la calibración de sensores de luz ambiental (ALS) y sensores de color. Esta fuente de luz está diseñada para su uso en entornos de producción para calibrar y probar productos finales que contienen sensores de luz de TI. Esta (...)

Guía del usuario: PDF | HTML
Diseños de referencia

TIDA-010254 — Diseño de referencia de sensor de radar mmWave alimentado por batería con Sub‑1 GHz y Bluetooth&r

Este diseño de referencia industrial demuestra el uso de un radar mmWave IWRL6432 de 60 GHz alimentado por batería con comunicación inalámbrica de Sub‑1 GHz o Bluetooth® 5.2. Este diseño se ha demostrado en el recuento y seguimiento de personas y el seguimiento de movimiento de una batería de (...)
Design guide: PDF
Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
SOT-5X3 (DTS) 8 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

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Soporte y capacitación

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