The TPS2393A integrated circuit is a hot swap power manager optimized for use in nominal 48-V systems. It operates with supply voltage ranges from 20-V to 80-V, and is rated to withstand spikes to 100 V. In conjunction with an external N-channel FET and sense resistor, it can be used to enable live insertion of plug-in cards and modules in powered systems. It provides load current slew rate control and peak magnitude limiting. Undervoltage and overvoltage shutdown thresholds are easily programmed via a three-resistor divider network. In addition, two active-low, debounced inputs provide plug-in insertion and removal detection. The associated debounce delay applies to both actions. A power good (PG)\ output enables downstream converters. The TPS2393A also provides the basic hot swap functions of electrical isolation of faulty cards, filtered protection against nuisance overcurrent trips, and single-line fault reporting.
The TPS2393A periodically retries the load in the event of a fault.
The TPS2393A integrated circuit is a hot swap power manager optimized for use in nominal 48-V systems. It operates with supply voltage ranges from 20-V to 80-V, and is rated to withstand spikes to 100 V. In conjunction with an external N-channel FET and sense resistor, it can be used to enable live insertion of plug-in cards and modules in powered systems. It provides load current slew rate control and peak magnitude limiting. Undervoltage and overvoltage shutdown thresholds are easily programmed via a three-resistor divider network. In addition, two active-low, debounced inputs provide plug-in insertion and removal detection. The associated debounce delay applies to both actions. A power good (PG)\ output enables downstream converters. The TPS2393A also provides the basic hot swap functions of electrical isolation of faulty cards, filtered protection against nuisance overcurrent trips, and single-line fault reporting.
The TPS2393A periodically retries the load in the event of a fault.