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5V UVLO、分割出力対応、SON パッケージ封止、4A/8A、シングルチャネル・ゲート・ドライバ

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Number of channels 1 Power switch GaNFET, IGBT, MOSFET Peak output current (A) 8 Input supply voltage (min) (V) 4.5 Input supply voltage (max) (V) 18 Features Hysteretic Logic Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 140 Rise time (ns) 9 Fall time (ns) 7 Propagation delay time (µs) 0.013 Input threshold CMOS, TTL Channel input logic Inverting, Non-Inverting Input negative voltage (V) 0 Rating Catalog Undervoltage lockout (typ) (V) 4 Driver configuration Inverting, Non-Inverting
Number of channels 1 Power switch GaNFET, IGBT, MOSFET Peak output current (A) 8 Input supply voltage (min) (V) 4.5 Input supply voltage (max) (V) 18 Features Hysteretic Logic Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 140 Rise time (ns) 9 Fall time (ns) 7 Propagation delay time (µs) 0.013 Input threshold CMOS, TTL Channel input logic Inverting, Non-Inverting Input negative voltage (V) 0 Rating Catalog Undervoltage lockout (typ) (V) 4 Driver configuration Inverting, Non-Inverting
WSON (DRS) 6 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Low-Cost Gate-Driver Device Offering Superior
    Replacement of NPN and PNP Discrete Solutions
  • 4-A Peak Source and 8-A Peak Sink Asymmetrical
  • Strong Sink Current Offers Enhanced Immunity
    Against Miller Turnon
  • Split Output Configuration (Allows Easy and
    Independent Adjustment of Turnon and Turnoff
    Speeds) in the UCC27511 Saves 1 Diode
  • Fast Propagation Delays (13-ns Typical)
  • Fast Rise and Fall Times (9-ns and 7-ns Typical)
  • 4.5-V to 18-V Single Supply Range
  • Outputs Held Low During VDD UVLO (Ensures
    Glitch-Free Operation at Power Up and Power
  • TTL and CMOS Compatible Input-Logic Threshold
    (Independent of Supply Voltage)
  • Hysteretic-Logic Thresholds for High-Noise
  • Dual-Input Design (Choice of an Inverting
    (IN– Pin) or Noninverting (IN+ Pin)
    Driver Configuration)
    • Unused Input Pin can be Used for Enable or
      Disable Function
  • Output Held Low When Input Pins Are Floating
  • Input Pin Absolute Maximum Voltage Levels Not
    Restricted by VDD Pin Bias Supply Voltage
  • Operating Temperature Range of –40°C
    to 140°C
  • 6-Pin DBV (SOT-23) and 6-Pin DRS (3-mm ×
    3-mm WSON With Exposed Thermal Pad) Package
  • Low-Cost Gate-Driver Device Offering Superior
    Replacement of NPN and PNP Discrete Solutions
  • 4-A Peak Source and 8-A Peak Sink Asymmetrical
  • Strong Sink Current Offers Enhanced Immunity
    Against Miller Turnon
  • Split Output Configuration (Allows Easy and
    Independent Adjustment of Turnon and Turnoff
    Speeds) in the UCC27511 Saves 1 Diode
  • Fast Propagation Delays (13-ns Typical)
  • Fast Rise and Fall Times (9-ns and 7-ns Typical)
  • 4.5-V to 18-V Single Supply Range
  • Outputs Held Low During VDD UVLO (Ensures
    Glitch-Free Operation at Power Up and Power
  • TTL and CMOS Compatible Input-Logic Threshold
    (Independent of Supply Voltage)
  • Hysteretic-Logic Thresholds for High-Noise
  • Dual-Input Design (Choice of an Inverting
    (IN– Pin) or Noninverting (IN+ Pin)
    Driver Configuration)
    • Unused Input Pin can be Used for Enable or
      Disable Function
  • Output Held Low When Input Pins Are Floating
  • Input Pin Absolute Maximum Voltage Levels Not
    Restricted by VDD Pin Bias Supply Voltage
  • Operating Temperature Range of –40°C
    to 140°C
  • 6-Pin DBV (SOT-23) and 6-Pin DRS (3-mm ×
    3-mm WSON With Exposed Thermal Pad) Package

The UCC27511 and UCC27512 single-channel, high-speed, low-side gate-driver device can effectively drive MOSFET and IGBT power switches. Using a design that inherently minimizes shoot-through current, UCC27511 and UCC27512 are capable of sourcing and sinking high peak-current pulses into capacitive loads offering rail-to-rail drive capability and extremely small propagation delay, typically 13 ns.

UCC27511 features a dual-input design which offers flexibility of implementing both inverting (IN– pin) and noninverting (IN+ pin) configuration with the same device. Either IN+ or IN– pin can be used to control the state of the driver output. The unused input pin can be used for enable and disable functions. For safety purpose, internal pullup and pulldown resistors on the input pins ensure that outputs are held low when input pins are in floating condition. Hence the unused input pin is not left floating and must be properly biased to ensure that driver output is in enabled for normal operation.

The input pin threshold of the UCC27511 device is based on TTL and CMOS-compatible low-voltage logic which is fixed and independent of the VDD supply voltage. Wide hysteresis between the high and low thresholds offers excellent noise immunity.

The UCC27511 and UCC27512 provides 4-A source, 8-A sink (asymmetrical drive) peak-drive current capability. Strong sink capability in asymmetrical drive boosts immunity against parasitic, Miller turnon effect. The UCC27511 device also features a unique split output configuration where the gate-drive current is sourced through OUTH pin and sunk through OUTL pin. This unique pin arrangement allows the user to apply independent turnon and turnoff resistors to the OUTH and OUTL pins respectively and easily control the switching slew rates.

UCC27511 and UCC27512 are designed to operate over a wide VDD range of 4.5 to 18 V and wide temperature range of –40°C to 140°C. Internal Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) circuitry on VDD pin holds output low outside VDD operating range. The capability to operate at low voltage levels such as below 5 V, along with best-in-class switching characteristics, is especially suited for driving emerging wide band-gap power-switching devices such as GaN power-semiconductor devices.

The UCC27511 and UCC27512 single-channel, high-speed, low-side gate-driver device can effectively drive MOSFET and IGBT power switches. Using a design that inherently minimizes shoot-through current, UCC27511 and UCC27512 are capable of sourcing and sinking high peak-current pulses into capacitive loads offering rail-to-rail drive capability and extremely small propagation delay, typically 13 ns.

UCC27511 features a dual-input design which offers flexibility of implementing both inverting (IN– pin) and noninverting (IN+ pin) configuration with the same device. Either IN+ or IN– pin can be used to control the state of the driver output. The unused input pin can be used for enable and disable functions. For safety purpose, internal pullup and pulldown resistors on the input pins ensure that outputs are held low when input pins are in floating condition. Hence the unused input pin is not left floating and must be properly biased to ensure that driver output is in enabled for normal operation.

The input pin threshold of the UCC27511 device is based on TTL and CMOS-compatible low-voltage logic which is fixed and independent of the VDD supply voltage. Wide hysteresis between the high and low thresholds offers excellent noise immunity.

The UCC27511 and UCC27512 provides 4-A source, 8-A sink (asymmetrical drive) peak-drive current capability. Strong sink capability in asymmetrical drive boosts immunity against parasitic, Miller turnon effect. The UCC27511 device also features a unique split output configuration where the gate-drive current is sourced through OUTH pin and sunk through OUTL pin. This unique pin arrangement allows the user to apply independent turnon and turnoff resistors to the OUTH and OUTL pins respectively and easily control the switching slew rates.

UCC27511 and UCC27512 are designed to operate over a wide VDD range of 4.5 to 18 V and wide temperature range of –40°C to 140°C. Internal Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) circuitry on VDD pin holds output low outside VDD operating range. The capability to operate at low voltage levels such as below 5 V, along with best-in-class switching characteristics, is especially suited for driving emerging wide band-gap power-switching devices such as GaN power-semiconductor devices.

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種類 タイトル 最新の英語版をダウンロード 日付
* データシート UCC2751x Single-Channel, High-Speed, Low-Side Gate Driver (With 4-A Peak Source and 8-A Peak Sink) データシート (Rev. F) PDF | HTML 2013年 12月 9日
アプリケーション・ノート Review of Different Power Factor Correction (PFC) Topologies' Gate Driver Needs PDF | HTML 2024年 1月 22日
アプリケーション・ノート Using a Single-Output Gate-Driver for High-Side or Low-Side Drive (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2023年 9月 8日
アプリケーション・ノート Benefits of a Compact, Powerful, and Robust Low-Side Gate Driver PDF | HTML 2021年 11月 10日
アプリケーション概要 External Gate Resistor Selection Guide (Rev. A) 2020年 2月 28日
アプリケーション概要 Understanding Peak IOH and IOL Currents (Rev. A) 2020年 2月 28日
アプリケーション概要 How to overcome negative voltage transients on low-side gate drivers' inputs 2019年 1月 18日
その他の技術資料 Fundamentals of MOSFET and IGBT Gate Driver Circuits (Replaces SLUP169) (Rev. A) 2018年 10月 29日
セレクション・ガイド 電源 IC セレクション・ガイド 2018 (Rev. R 翻訳版) 英語版 (Rev.R) 2018年 9月 13日
アプリケーション概要 Enable Function with Unused Differential Input 2018年 7月 11日
アプリケーション概要 Low-Side Gate Drivers With UVLO Versus BJT Totem-Pole 2018年 3月 16日
その他の技術資料 シングル・チャネル、高速ローサイド・ゲート・ドライバ (ピーク・ソース電流:4A、ピーク・シンク電流: 8A) 2014年 4月 3日




UCC27512 PSpice Transient Model (Rev. B)

SLUM316B.ZIP (50 KB) - PSpice Model

UCC27512 TINA-TI Transient Model

SLUM442.ZIP (9 KB) - TINA-TI Spice Model

UCC27512 TINA-TI Transient Reference Design

SLUM441.TSC (74 KB) - TINA-TI Reference Design

UCC27512 Unencrypted PSpice Transient Model

SLUM489.ZIP (2 KB) - PSpice Model

SLURB27 UCC27511 and UCC27512 Schematic Review Template



UCC27511 5V UVLO 搭載、複数の分割出力、13ns の伝搬遅延、4A/8A、シングルチャネル・ゲート・ドライバ UCC27512 5V UVLO、分割出力対応、SON パッケージ封止、4A/8A、シングルチャネル・ゲート・ドライバ

PSPICE-FOR-TI — TI Design / シミュレーション・ツール向け PSpice®

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パッケージ ピン数 CAD シンボル、フットプリント、および 3D モデル
WSON (DRS) 6 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • デバイスのマーキング
  • リード端子の仕上げ / ボールの原材料
  • MSL 定格 / ピーク リフロー
  • MTBF/FIT 推定値
  • 使用原材料
  • 認定試験結果
  • 継続的な信頼性モニタ試験結果
  • ファブの拠点
  • 組み立てを実施した拠点

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