

具有 65-V、4.1-A 整合式 MOSFET 的車用 42-VIN 無光耦返馳式轉換器

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Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 150 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Topology PSR flyback Iout (max) (A) 4.1 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 42 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 12 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 350 Features Enable, Integrated Switch, Light load efficiency, Pre-bias soft start, UVLO adjustable Control mode Peak current mode Duty cycle (max) (%) 82 Switch current limit (typ) (A) 4.1
Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 150 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Topology PSR flyback Iout (max) (A) 4.1 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 42 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 12 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 350 Features Enable, Integrated Switch, Light load efficiency, Pre-bias soft start, UVLO adjustable Control mode Peak current mode Duty cycle (max) (%) 82 Switch current limit (typ) (A) 4.1
WSON (NGU) 8 16 mm² 4 x 4
  • AEC-Q100-qualified for automotive applications
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to 125°C ambient temperature range
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Designed for reliable and rugged applications
    • Wide input voltage range of 4.5 V to 42 V
    • Robust solution with only one component crossing the isolation barrier
    • ±1.5% total output regulation accuracy
    • Optional VOUT temperature compensation
    • –40°C to +150°C junction temperature range
  • Integration reduces solution size and cost
    • Integrated 65-V, 0.11-Ω power MOSFET
    • No optocoupler or transformer auxiliary winding required for VOUT regulation
  • High-efficiency PSR flyback operation
    • Quasi-resonant MOSFET turnoff in BCM
    • Single- and multi-output implementations
  • Ultra-low conducted and radiated EMI signatures
    • Soft switching avoids diode reverse recovery
    • Optimized for CISPR 25 Class 5 requirement
  • Create a custom flyback regulator design using WEBENCH Power Designer
  • AEC-Q100-qualified for automotive applications
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to 125°C ambient temperature range
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Designed for reliable and rugged applications
    • Wide input voltage range of 4.5 V to 42 V
    • Robust solution with only one component crossing the isolation barrier
    • ±1.5% total output regulation accuracy
    • Optional VOUT temperature compensation
    • –40°C to +150°C junction temperature range
  • Integration reduces solution size and cost
    • Integrated 65-V, 0.11-Ω power MOSFET
    • No optocoupler or transformer auxiliary winding required for VOUT regulation
  • High-efficiency PSR flyback operation
    • Quasi-resonant MOSFET turnoff in BCM
    • Single- and multi-output implementations
  • Ultra-low conducted and radiated EMI signatures
    • Soft switching avoids diode reverse recovery
    • Optimized for CISPR 25 Class 5 requirement
  • Create a custom flyback regulator design using WEBENCH Power Designer

The LM25184-Q1 is a primary-side regulated (PSR) flyback converter with high efficiency over a wide input voltage range of 4.5 V to 42 V. The isolated output voltage is sampled from the primary-side flyback voltage. The high level of integration results in a simple, reliable, and high-density design with only one component crossing the isolation barrier. Boundary conduction mode (BCM) switching enables a compact magnetic solution and better than ±1.5% load and line regulation performance. An integrated 65-V power MOSFET provides output power up to 15 W with enhanced headroom for line transients.

The LM25184-Q1 simplifies the implementation of isolated DC/DC supplies with optional features to optimize performance for the target end equipment. The output voltage is set by one resistor, while an optional resistor improves output voltage accuracy by negating the thermal coefficient of the flyback diode voltage drop. Additional features include an internally-fixed or externally-programmable soft-start, precision enable input with hysteresis for adjustable line UVLO, hiccup-mode overload protection, and thermal shutdown protection with automatic recovery.

The LM25184-Q1 converter is qualified to automotive AEC-Q100 grade 1 and is available in 8-pin WSON package with 0.8-mm pin pitch and wettable flanks.

The LM25184-Q1 is a primary-side regulated (PSR) flyback converter with high efficiency over a wide input voltage range of 4.5 V to 42 V. The isolated output voltage is sampled from the primary-side flyback voltage. The high level of integration results in a simple, reliable, and high-density design with only one component crossing the isolation barrier. Boundary conduction mode (BCM) switching enables a compact magnetic solution and better than ±1.5% load and line regulation performance. An integrated 65-V power MOSFET provides output power up to 15 W with enhanced headroom for line transients.

The LM25184-Q1 simplifies the implementation of isolated DC/DC supplies with optional features to optimize performance for the target end equipment. The output voltage is set by one resistor, while an optional resistor improves output voltage accuracy by negating the thermal coefficient of the flyback diode voltage drop. Additional features include an internally-fixed or externally-programmable soft-start, precision enable input with hysteresis for adjustable line UVLO, hiccup-mode overload protection, and thermal shutdown protection with automatic recovery.

The LM25184-Q1 converter is qualified to automotive AEC-Q100 grade 1 and is available in 8-pin WSON package with 0.8-mm pin pitch and wettable flanks.

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檢視所有 12
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet LM25184-Q1 42-VIN PSR Flyback DC/DC Converter with 65-V, 4.1-A MOSFET datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2020年 8月 17日
Analog Design Journal Why use PSR‐flyback isolated converters in dual‐battery mHEV systems (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2023年 5月 25日
Application note LM5181 Bipolar + and - 18 V Output Design for Signal Chains in PLC Applications PDF | HTML 2021年 10月 29日
Technical article MHEVs: Optimizing the automotive powertrain for efficiency and cost PDF | HTML 2021年 5月 24日
Application note LM5180 EMI Performance PDF | HTML 2021年 4月 4日
Functional safety information LM2518x, LM2518x-Q1 Functional Safety, FIT Rate, Failure Mode Distribution and P PDF | HTML 2020年 8月 26日
Technical article How to raise regulation performance with a stacked-output PSR flyback DC/DC conver PDF | HTML 2020年 6月 2日
Analog Design Journal How an auxless PSR-flyback converter can increase PLC reliability and density 2019年 9月 30日
EVM User's guide LM25184-Q1 Single-output EVM User's Guide 2019年 7月 19日
White paper An overview of radiated EMI specifications for power supplies 2018年 6月 5日
White paper An overview of conducted EMI specifications for power supplies 2018年 2月 1日
Application brief PSR Flyback DC/DC Converter Transformer Design for mHEV Applications 2017年 11月 13日


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LM25184EVM-S12 — 42-VIN、1-AOUT PSR 返馳式轉換器單輸出評估模組

The LM25184EVM-S12 evaluation module (EVM) is designed to showcase the performance of the LM25184-Q1 PSR flyback converter with wide input voltage range. The design is packaged in a miniature footprint with low component count. It operates over a wide input voltage range of 6 V to 42 V to deliver (...)
使用指南: PDF

LM25184-Q1 PSpice Transient Model

SNVMC00.ZIP (130 KB) - PSpice Model

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Welcome to the LM25183 and LM25184 quickstart design tool. This standalone tool facilitates and assists the power-supply engineer with the design of a DC/DC flyback regulator based on the LM25183 and LM25184 PSR flyback converter. As such, the user can expeditiously arrive at an optimized design (...)


AC/DC 和 DC/DC 轉換器 (整合式 FET)
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LM25184EVM-S12 42-VIN、1-AOUT PSR 返馳式轉換器單輸出評估模組
LM25183-LM25184DESIGN-CALC LM25183 和 LM25184 PSR 返馳快速入門設計工具
PCB 佈局

LM25184EVM-S12 PCB Layout Files

SNVR476.ZIP (1452 KB)

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MathWorks (...)

Design guide: PDF

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Design guide: PDF

PMP30834 — 具有整合式開關和一次側穩壓 (PSR) 功能的隔離式 4-W 參考設計

此參考設計透過 5-V 直流輸入電源提供 5.2-V、4-W 隔離電壓。隔離輸出電壓會從一次側返馳電壓進行取樣,因此無需使用光絕緣器、電壓參考或變壓器的第三個繞組來調節輸出電壓。高度整合可產生簡易、可靠及高密度的設計,且只有一個元件跨越隔離層。
Test report: PDF

PMP30934 — IGBT 和 SiC 閘極驅動器輔助 PSU 參考設計

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LM25184 控制器支援一次側穩壓,方法是控制二次側的返馳電壓。不需要額外的輔助繞組串聯。波谷切換有利於提高效率。為了減少對來源的反射漣波,已將差動輸入濾波器加入 PSR 返馳式轉換器。

Test report: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
WSON (NGU) 8 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點


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