

具有待機功能的車用雙訊號改善功能 CAN FD 收發器


Protocols CAN, CAN FD, CAN SIC Number of channels 1 Supply voltage (V) 4.5 to 5.5 Bus fault voltage (V) -58 to 58 Signaling rate (max) (bps) 8000000 Rating Automotive
Protocols CAN, CAN FD, CAN SIC Number of channels 1 Supply voltage (V) 4.5 to 5.5 Bus fault voltage (V) -58 to 58 Signaling rate (max) (bps) 8000000 Rating Automotive
SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6 VSON (DRB) 8 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • AEC Q100 (Grade 1): Qualified for automotive applications
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Meets the requirements of ISO 11898-2:2016 and CiA 601-4 standards
  • Classical CAN and CAN FD up to 8Mbps
    • Actively improves the bus signal by reducing ringing effects in complex topologies
    • Backward compatible for use in classic CAN networks
  • VIO level shifting supports: 1.7V to 5.5V
  • Operating Modes
    • Normal mode
    • Low-power standby mode supporting remote wake-up request
  • Passive behavior when unpowered
    • Bus and logic terminals are high impedance (no load to operating bus or application)
    • Hot plug capable: power up or down glitch free operation on bus and RXD output
    • Defined device behavior with floating logic pins and in undervoltage supply conditions
  • Protection features
    • IEC ESD protection on bus pins
    • ±58 V CAN bus fault tolerant
    • Undervoltage protection on VCC and VIO (V variants only) supply terminals
    • TXD dominant state timeout (TXD DTO)
    • Thermal shutdown protection (TSD)
  • Available in SOIC (8), small footprint SOT-23 (8) and leadless 3mm x 3mm VSON (8) package with wettable flanks for improved automated optical inspection (AOI) capability
  • AEC Q100 (Grade 1): Qualified for automotive applications
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Meets the requirements of ISO 11898-2:2016 and CiA 601-4 standards
  • Classical CAN and CAN FD up to 8Mbps
    • Actively improves the bus signal by reducing ringing effects in complex topologies
    • Backward compatible for use in classic CAN networks
  • VIO level shifting supports: 1.7V to 5.5V
  • Operating Modes
    • Normal mode
    • Low-power standby mode supporting remote wake-up request
  • Passive behavior when unpowered
    • Bus and logic terminals are high impedance (no load to operating bus or application)
    • Hot plug capable: power up or down glitch free operation on bus and RXD output
    • Defined device behavior with floating logic pins and in undervoltage supply conditions
  • Protection features
    • IEC ESD protection on bus pins
    • ±58 V CAN bus fault tolerant
    • Undervoltage protection on VCC and VIO (V variants only) supply terminals
    • TXD dominant state timeout (TXD DTO)
    • Thermal shutdown protection (TSD)
  • Available in SOIC (8), small footprint SOT-23 (8) and leadless 3mm x 3mm VSON (8) package with wettable flanks for improved automated optical inspection (AOI) capability

The TCAN1462-Q1 is a high speed Controller Area Network (CAN) transceiver that meet the physical layer requirements of the ISO 11898-2:2016 high speed CAN specification and the CiA 601-4 Signal Improvement Capability (SIC) specification. The devices reduce signal ringing at dominant-to-recessive edge and enable higher throughput in complex network topologies. Signal improvement capability allows the applications to extract real benefit of CAN FD (flexible data rate) by operating at 2Mbps, or operating at 5Mbps or higher in large networks with multiple unterminated stubs.

The device meets the timing specifications mandated by CiA 601-4; thus, have much tighter bit timing symmetry compared to a regular CAN FD transceivers. This provides larger timing window to sample the correct bit and enables error-free communication in large complex star networks where ringing and bit distortion are inherent.

These devices are pin-compatible to 8-pin CAN FD transceivers, such as TCAN1044A-Q1 or TCAN1042-Q1.

The TCAN1462-Q1 with suffix ’V’ includes internal logic level translation via the VIO logic supply terminal to allow for interfacing directly to 1.8V, 2.5V, or 3.3V controllers. The transceivers support low power standby mode which allows remote wake-up via CAN bus compliant with ISO 11898-2:2016 defined wake-up pattern (WUP). The device family also includes many protection features such as undervoltage detection, thermal shutdown (TSD), driver dominant timeout (TXD DTO), and ±58V bus fault protection.

The TCAN1462-Q1 is a high speed Controller Area Network (CAN) transceiver that meet the physical layer requirements of the ISO 11898-2:2016 high speed CAN specification and the CiA 601-4 Signal Improvement Capability (SIC) specification. The devices reduce signal ringing at dominant-to-recessive edge and enable higher throughput in complex network topologies. Signal improvement capability allows the applications to extract real benefit of CAN FD (flexible data rate) by operating at 2Mbps, or operating at 5Mbps or higher in large networks with multiple unterminated stubs.

The device meets the timing specifications mandated by CiA 601-4; thus, have much tighter bit timing symmetry compared to a regular CAN FD transceivers. This provides larger timing window to sample the correct bit and enables error-free communication in large complex star networks where ringing and bit distortion are inherent.

These devices are pin-compatible to 8-pin CAN FD transceivers, such as TCAN1044A-Q1 or TCAN1042-Q1.

The TCAN1462-Q1 with suffix ’V’ includes internal logic level translation via the VIO logic supply terminal to allow for interfacing directly to 1.8V, 2.5V, or 3.3V controllers. The transceivers support low power standby mode which allows remote wake-up via CAN bus compliant with ISO 11898-2:2016 defined wake-up pattern (WUP). The device family also includes many protection features such as undervoltage detection, thermal shutdown (TSD), driver dominant timeout (TXD DTO), and ±58V bus fault protection.

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open-in-new 比較替代產品
TCAN1463-Q1 現行 具有抑制 (INH) 和喚醒功能的車用低功率訊號改善 CAN FD 收發器 Adds Wake, INH, and sleep mode


star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 6
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet TCAN1462-Q1 Automotive Fault-Protected CAN FD Transceiver with Signal Improvement Capability (SIC) and Standby Mode datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 2024年 10月 8日
Certificate TCAN1462EVM EU RoHS Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 2022年 7月 19日
Application note Protecting Automotive CAN Bus Systems From ESD Overvoltage Events PDF | HTML 2022年 4月 27日
White paper 訊號改善功能如何協助發揮 CAN-FD 收發器的實際潛力 PDF | HTML 2022年 4月 13日
Functional safety information TCAN1462x-Q1 Functional Safety FIT Rate, Failure Mode Distribution, and Pin FMA PDF | HTML 2022年 3月 3日
User guide TCAN1462-Q1 Evaluation Module With SIC Network PDF | HTML 2021年 10月 21日


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TCAN-SOIC8-EVM — 採用 8 針腳 SOIC 或 SOT 封裝且適用於 CAN 收發器的通用評估模組

TCAN-SOIC8-EVM 的開發用途,在於為使用者提供評估所有德州儀器 8 針腳 CAN 收發器裝置的選項。電路板透過元件尺寸和跨接器選項提供評估彈性。

使用指南: PDF | HTML 無法提供

TCAN1042DEVM — TCAN10xx 控制器區域網路 (CAN) 評估模組

The evaluation module (EVM) comes with the TCAN1042D CAN transceiver factory installed. The CAN EVM can be reconfigured by a user for use with all TI CAN transceiver families: TCAN33x, SN65HVD23x, SN65HVD25x, SN65HVD10x0 and SN65HVDA54x by replacing the transceiver and setting jumpers on the (...)

使用指南: PDF 無法提供

TCAN1462EVM — 適用可改善汽車訊號 CAN FD 收發器的 TCAN1462-Q1 評估模組

此 EVM 已安裝 TCAN162DRQ1,且可用於在訊號改善網路中評估收發器的運作。您可依使用者指南中所述,更換 EVM 上的收發器並設定跨接器,以配置此 EVM 以搭配 TCAN1042(V)/51(V)、TCAN1044(A)(V)/57(A)(V) 和 TCAN1462(V) 8 針腳 CAN 收發器使用。

使用指南: PDF | HTML 無法提供

PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® for TI 設計與模擬工具

PSpice® for TI 是有助於評估類比電路功能的設計和模擬環境。這款全功能設計和模擬套件使用 Cadence® 的類比分析引擎。PSpice for TI 包括業界最大的模型庫之一,涵蓋我們的類比和電源產品組合,以及特定類比行為模型,且使用無需支付費用。

PSpice for TI 設計和模擬環境可讓您使用其內建函式庫來模擬複雜的混合訊號設計。在進行佈局和製造之前,建立完整的終端設備設計和解決方案原型,進而縮短上市時間並降低開發成本。 

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TINA-TI — 基於 SPICE 的類比模擬程式

TINA-TI provides all the conventional DC, transient and frequency domain analysis of SPICE and much more. TINA has extensive post-processing capability that allows you to format results the way you want them. Virtual instruments allow you to select input waveforms and probe circuit nodes voltages (...)
使用指南: PDF

TIDM-02014 — 高功率、高性能車用 SiC 牽引變流器參考設計

TIDM-02014 是由德州儀器開發的 800-V、300kW SiC 式牽引變流器系統參考設計,在這設計中,Wolfspeed 為 OEM 和設計工程師提供良好根基,讓他們能夠打造高性能、高效率的牽引變流器系統,加快上市速度。本解決方案展現了 TI 和 Wolfspeed 的牽引變流器系統技術如何藉由高性能隔離式閘極驅動器,和驅動 Wolfspeed SiC 電源模組的即時可變閘極驅動器強度,藉以降低可用電壓過衝,進而達到提升系統效率之目的。與 TI 隔離式偏壓電源解決方案耦合的隔離式閘極驅動器可大幅降低 PCB 尺寸,將 PCB 面積縮小 2 倍以上,且高度低於 4mm,可省下 30 (...)
Design guide: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
SOIC (D) 8 Ultra Librarian
VSON (DRB) 8 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點

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