

具 PSR、波谷切換、NTC 選項和 150mV 纜線補償的定電壓、定電流 PWM

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Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Primary-side regulation Topology Buck, Flyback Rating Catalog Features CC/CV output regulation, DCM, Green mode, High voltage startup, High-voltage startup, Input line monitor, Leading edge blanking, Light load efficiency, Light-load efficiency, Low power, Overcurrent protection, PSR, Primary-side regulated, Quasi-Resonant, Soft start, Valley switching Duty cycle (max) (%) 99
Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Primary-side regulation Topology Buck, Flyback Rating Catalog Features CC/CV output regulation, DCM, Green mode, High voltage startup, High-voltage startup, Input line monitor, Leading edge blanking, Light load efficiency, Light-load efficiency, Low power, Overcurrent protection, PSR, Primary-side regulated, Quasi-Resonant, Soft start, Valley switching Duty cycle (max) (%) 99
SOIC (D) 7 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6
  • < 10-mW No-Load Power
  • Primary-Side Regulation (PSR) Eliminates Opto-Coupler
  • ±5% Voltage and Current Regulation Across Line and Load
  • 700-V Start-Up Switch
  • 100-kHz Maximum Switching Frequency Enables High-Power Density Charger Designs
  • Resonant Valley-Switching Operation for Highest Overall Efficiency
  • Frequency Jitter to Ease EMI Compliance
  • Wide VDD Range Allows Small Bias Capacitor
  • Clamped Gate-Drive Output for MOSFET
  • Overvoltage, Low-Line, and Overcurrent Protection Functions
  • Programmable Cable Compensation (UCC28710)
  • NTC Resistor Interface (UCC28711, UCC28712 and UCC28713) with Fixed Cable Compensation Options
  • SOIC-7 Package
  • Create a Custom Design Using the UCC28710 With the WEBENCH® Power Designer
  • < 10-mW No-Load Power
  • Primary-Side Regulation (PSR) Eliminates Opto-Coupler
  • ±5% Voltage and Current Regulation Across Line and Load
  • 700-V Start-Up Switch
  • 100-kHz Maximum Switching Frequency Enables High-Power Density Charger Designs
  • Resonant Valley-Switching Operation for Highest Overall Efficiency
  • Frequency Jitter to Ease EMI Compliance
  • Wide VDD Range Allows Small Bias Capacitor
  • Clamped Gate-Drive Output for MOSFET
  • Overvoltage, Low-Line, and Overcurrent Protection Functions
  • Programmable Cable Compensation (UCC28710)
  • NTC Resistor Interface (UCC28711, UCC28712 and UCC28713) with Fixed Cable Compensation Options
  • SOIC-7 Package
  • Create a Custom Design Using the UCC28710 With the WEBENCH® Power Designer

The UCC2871x family of flyback power supply controllers provides isolated-output Constant-Voltage (CV) and Constant-Current (CC) output regulation without the use of an optical coupler. The devices process information from the primary power switch and an auxiliary flyback winding for precise control of output voltage and current.

An internal 700-V start-up switch, dynamically-controlled operating states and a tailored modulation profile support ultra-low standby power without sacrificing start-up time or output transient response.

Control algorithms in the UCC28710 family allow operating efficiencies to meet or exceed applicable standards. The output drive interfaces to a MOSFET power switch. Discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) with valley switching reduces switching losses. Modulation of switching frequency and primary current peak amplitude (FM and AM) keeps the conversion efficiency high across the entire load and line ranges.

The controllers have a maximum switching frequency of 100 kHz and always maintain control of the peak-primary current in the transformer. Protection features help keep primary and secondary component stresses in check. The UCC28710 allow the cable compensation to be programmed. The UCC28711, UCC28712 and UCC28713 devices allow remote temperature sensing using a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) resistor while providing fixed cable-compensation levels.

The UCC2871x family of flyback power supply controllers provides isolated-output Constant-Voltage (CV) and Constant-Current (CC) output regulation without the use of an optical coupler. The devices process information from the primary power switch and an auxiliary flyback winding for precise control of output voltage and current.

An internal 700-V start-up switch, dynamically-controlled operating states and a tailored modulation profile support ultra-low standby power without sacrificing start-up time or output transient response.

Control algorithms in the UCC28710 family allow operating efficiencies to meet or exceed applicable standards. The output drive interfaces to a MOSFET power switch. Discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) with valley switching reduces switching losses. Modulation of switching frequency and primary current peak amplitude (FM and AM) keeps the conversion efficiency high across the entire load and line ranges.

The controllers have a maximum switching frequency of 100 kHz and always maintain control of the peak-primary current in the transformer. Protection features help keep primary and secondary component stresses in check. The UCC28710 allow the cable compensation to be programmed. The UCC28711, UCC28712 and UCC28713 devices allow remote temperature sensing using a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) resistor while providing fixed cable-compensation levels.

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star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 6
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet UCC2871x Constant-Voltage, Constant-Current Controller With Primary-Side Regulation datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2017年 6月 30日
Application note Flyback Aux Winding OVP and UVLO Fault Sensing Design and Troubleshooting Tips PDF | HTML 2021年 8月 31日
Application note Minimize Standby Consumption for UCC287XX Family 2019年 8月 1日
White paper Control Challenges for Low Power AC/DC Converters 2015年 10月 2日
White paper Control Challenges for Low Power AC/DC Converters (PPT) 2015年 10月 2日
More literature Exposing the Inner Behavior of a Quasi-Resonant Flyback Converter 2013年 10月 29日


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UCC2871x PSpice Transient Model

SLUM464.ZIP (17619 KB) - PSpice Model

UCC2871x TINA-TI Transient Reference Design

SLUM539.TSC (224 KB) - TINA-TI Reference Design

UCC2871x TINA-TI Transient Spice Model

SLUM538.ZIP (119 KB) - TINA-TI Spice Model

SLUC590 UCC2871x Calculator



AC/DC 和 DC/DC 控制器 (外部 FET)
UCC28710 具 PSR、波谷切換和可編程纜線補償的定電壓、定電流 PWM UCC28711 具 PSR、波谷切換、NTC 選項和 0 mV 纜線補償的定電壓、定電流 PWM UCC28712 具 PSR、波谷切換、NTC 選項和 150mV 纜線補償的定電壓、定電流 PWM UCC28713 具 PSR、波谷切換、NTC 選項和 300mV 纜線補償的定電壓、定電流 PWM
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
SOIC (D) 7 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點


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