

適合離線應用且具二次側調節 (SSR) 的電流模式返馳控制器


Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Current Topology Buck, Flyback Rating Catalog Features Brown Out, Burst mode, CCM, Current limiting, Cycle-by-cycle over-current protection, Cycle-by-cycle overcurrent protection, DCM, Fixed frequency, Frequency Dithering, Light load efficiency, Light-load efficiency, Output short-circuit protection, Over Temperature Protection, Over Voltage Protection, Overcurrent protection, SSR, Secondary-side regulated, Soft start, Under voltage lock out
Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Current Topology Buck, Flyback Rating Catalog Features Brown Out, Burst mode, CCM, Current limiting, Cycle-by-cycle over-current protection, Cycle-by-cycle overcurrent protection, DCM, Fixed frequency, Frequency Dithering, Light load efficiency, Light-load efficiency, Output short-circuit protection, Over Temperature Protection, Over Voltage Protection, Overcurrent protection, SSR, Secondary-side regulated, Soft start, Under voltage lock out
SOT-23 (DBV) 6 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8
  • Stable continuous conduction mode (CCM) operation with internal slope compensation
  • Fixed-frequency operation of 65kHz or 100kHz
  • Secondary-side regulation (SSR) with opto-coupler
  • Frequency foldback and burst mode for improved light-load efficiency
  • Frequency dithering for improved EMI performance
  • Gate source/sink capability: 300mA/500mA
  • Internal 4ms soft-start
  • Robust protection features:
    • Over-voltage and Under-voltage lockout
    • Output over-power protection (OPP)
    • Output short-circuit (OSC) protection
    • Output over-voltage (OVP) protection
    • Cycle-by-cycle peak over-current limit
    • External over-temperature, over-voltage protection (OTP, OVP) and brownout detection on FLT pin
    • Internal thermal shutdown
  • Stable continuous conduction mode (CCM) operation with internal slope compensation
  • Fixed-frequency operation of 65kHz or 100kHz
  • Secondary-side regulation (SSR) with opto-coupler
  • Frequency foldback and burst mode for improved light-load efficiency
  • Frequency dithering for improved EMI performance
  • Gate source/sink capability: 300mA/500mA
  • Internal 4ms soft-start
  • Robust protection features:
    • Over-voltage and Under-voltage lockout
    • Output over-power protection (OPP)
    • Output short-circuit (OSC) protection
    • Output over-voltage (OVP) protection
    • Cycle-by-cycle peak over-current limit
    • External over-temperature, over-voltage protection (OTP, OVP) and brownout detection on FLT pin
    • Internal thermal shutdown

UCC28750 is a highly-integrated current-mode, continuous-conduction-capable, PWM controller optimized for high performance, low standby power, and cost effective offline flyback converter applications using an opto-coupler. During light-load conditions the device enters frequency foldback and burst modes, improving light-load efficiency. The burst-mode algorithm used in UCC28750 controls the minimum effective switching frequency to prevent audible noise during light-load conditions. Frequency dithering improves EMI performance, and is active in normal, frequency foldback, and power boost operations.

UCC28750 provides protection features that enable a robust converter design with minimal external components. Output over-power protection (OPP) and cycle-by-cycle over-current limit protect the load and power-stage components from electrical stress. Over-voltage and under-voltage lockout (OVLO and UVLO) prevent switching in unwanted input conditions. The FLT pin provides line brown-out sensing and protection, or external over-temperature and over-voltage protection, depending on the device variant. The FLT pin is also used to disable the device through external control by pulling the pin to ground, regardless of the device variant.

UCC28750 is a highly-integrated current-mode, continuous-conduction-capable, PWM controller optimized for high performance, low standby power, and cost effective offline flyback converter applications using an opto-coupler. During light-load conditions the device enters frequency foldback and burst modes, improving light-load efficiency. The burst-mode algorithm used in UCC28750 controls the minimum effective switching frequency to prevent audible noise during light-load conditions. Frequency dithering improves EMI performance, and is active in normal, frequency foldback, and power boost operations.

UCC28750 provides protection features that enable a robust converter design with minimal external components. Output over-power protection (OPP) and cycle-by-cycle over-current limit protect the load and power-stage components from electrical stress. Over-voltage and under-voltage lockout (OVLO and UVLO) prevent switching in unwanted input conditions. The FLT pin provides line brown-out sensing and protection, or external over-temperature and over-voltage protection, depending on the device variant. The FLT pin is also used to disable the device through external control by pulling the pin to ground, regardless of the device variant.

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star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 7
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet UCC28750 Current-Mode Flyback Controller with Secondary-Side Regulation (SSR) for Off-Line Applications datasheet PDF | HTML 2022年 4月 1日
Technical article 輔助返馳電源供應的注意事項 (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2024年 9月 18日
Application note Retrofit UCC28750 EVM to Support Aux Power Application PDF | HTML 2024年 6月 6日
Technical article 新增單一電容器以增進雙輸出返馳電源供應器的交互穩壓 PDF | HTML 2024年 3月 20日
Technical article 緩衝返馳式轉換器 PDF | HTML 2024年 3月 20日
Certificate UCC28750EVM-071 EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 2023年 11月 20日
EVM User's guide Using the UCC28750EVM-071 60-W AC to DC Converter Evaluation Module User's Guide PDF | HTML 2023年 11月 15日


如需其他條款或必要資源,請按一下下方的任何標題以檢視詳細頁面 (如有)。


UCC28750EVM-071 — 適用於電流模式返馳控制器的 UCC28750 評估模組

UCC28750EVM-071 是 60-W 評估模組,適用於評估離線 AC 轉 DC 電源轉換器。UCC28750EVM-071 旨在供評估使用,而不是終端產品。UCC28750EVM-071 可將 85-VRMS 至 265-VRMS 輸入電壓降轉至 24 VDC,可提供 60W 的輸出功率。
使用指南: PDF | HTML
TI.com 無法提供

UCC28750-CALC Excel calculator tool for the UCC28750 Flyback controller

The UCC28750 Excel calculator helps build the schematic design and accelerate the design process.


AC/DC 和 DC/DC 控制器 (外部 FET)
UCC28750 適合離線應用且具二次側調節 (SSR) 的電流模式返馳控制器

UCC28750-SIMPLIS UCC28750 Flyback Controller SIMPLIS Model

The UCC28750 SIMPLIS model helps build the schematic design and accelerates the design process.


AC/DC 和 DC/DC 控制器 (外部 FET)
UCC28750 適合離線應用且具二次側調節 (SSR) 的電流模式返馳控制器

TIDA-010257 — 10kW Vienna 整流器式三相功率因數校正參考設計

Vienna 整流器電源拓撲用於高功率三相功率因數校正應用,如電器、電動車 (EV) 充電器和電信整流器。整流器的控制設計可能十分複雜。此參考設計說明了使用 C2000™ 微控制器 (MCU) 控制功率級的方法。此設計還能夠基於圖形使用者介面 (GUI) 對 Vienna 整流器進行監控和控制。此設計提供的軟硬體可協助加快上市時間。
Design guide: PDF

PMP31338 — 超寬輸入非隔離式高壓側降壓轉換器參考設計

此為超寬輸入離線高壓側降壓參考設計,可在最大 0.6A 電流下提供 13V 輸出。輸入電壓範圍為 85VAC 至 485VAC。此參考設計使用不具備光耦合器回饋的 UCC28750 電流模式返馳控制器。此設計未採用隔離技術,而是使用低成本電流鏡來調節輸出。此設計旨在於耐受電感器附近最高 200mT 的磁場。
Test report: PDF

PMP31288 — 7.8W 寬 AC 輸入非隔離式高壓側降壓參考設計

此為超寬輸入離線高壓側降壓電源供應參考設計,可在最大 0.6A 電流下提供 13V 輸出。輸入可接受 85 VAC 至 485 VAC 的電壓範圍。此參考設計使用具備光耦合器回饋的 UCC28750 電流模式返馳控制器。此設計旨在於耐受電感器附近最高 200mT 的磁場。
Test report: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
SOT-23 (DBV) 6 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點


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