

Synchroner Abwärtsregler, 42 V, mit 3,3 V Ausgang und 500 kHz Schaltfrequenz

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Selbe Funktionalität wie der verglichene Baustein bei abweichender Anschlussbelegung
LM25148 AKTIV Synchrone 42-V-DC/DC-Abwärtskontroller mit extrem niedrigem Ruhestrom Improved EMI performance with QFN package and dual random spread spectrum.


Vin (min) (V) 6 Vin (max) (V) 33 Iout (max) (A) 12 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode COT with emulated ripple Topology Buck Controller Rating Catalog Vout (min) (V) 3.3 Vout (max) (V) 3.3 Features Enable, Synchronous Rectification, Tracking Iq (typ) (µA) 3600 Duty cycle (max) (%) 81 Number of phases 1
Vin (min) (V) 6 Vin (max) (V) 33 Iout (max) (A) 12 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode COT with emulated ripple Topology Buck Controller Rating Catalog Vout (min) (V) 3.3 Vout (max) (V) 3.3 Features Enable, Synchronous Rectification, Tracking Iq (typ) (µA) 3600 Duty cycle (max) (%) 81 Number of phases 1
HTSSOP (PWP) 14 32 mm² 5 x 6.4

  • PowerWise ® step-down controller
  • 6V to 42V Wide input voltage range
  • Fixed output voltage of 3.3V
  • Fixed switching frequencies of 250 kHz/500 kHz/750 kHz
  • No loop compensation required
  • Fully WEBENCH ® enabled
  • Low external component count
  • Constant On-Time control
  • Ultra-Fast transient response
  • Stable with low ESR capacitors
  • Output voltage pre-bias startup
  • Valley current limit
  • Programmable soft-start

  • Typical Applications

  • Telecom
  • Networking Equipment
  • Routers
  • Security Surveillance
  • Power Modules

  • PowerWise ® step-down controller
  • 6V to 42V Wide input voltage range
  • Fixed output voltage of 3.3V
  • Fixed switching frequencies of 250 kHz/500 kHz/750 kHz
  • No loop compensation required
  • Fully WEBENCH ® enabled
  • Low external component count
  • Constant On-Time control
  • Ultra-Fast transient response
  • Stable with low ESR capacitors
  • Output voltage pre-bias startup
  • Valley current limit
  • Programmable soft-start

  • Typical Applications

  • Telecom
  • Networking Equipment
  • Routers
  • Security Surveillance
  • Power Modules

  • The LM3151/2/3 SIMPLE SWITCHER ® Controller is an easy to use and simplified step down power controller capable of providing up to 12A of output current in a typical application. Operating with an input voltage range from 6V-42V, the LM3151/2/3 features a fixed output voltage of 3.3V, and features switching frequencies of 250 kHz, 500 kHz, and 750 kHz. The synchronous architecture provides for highly efficient designs. The LM3151/2/3 controller employs a Constant On-Time (COT) architecture with a proprietary Emulated Ripple Mode (ERM) control that allows for the use of low ESR output capacitors, which reduces overall solution size and output voltage ripple. The Constant On-Time (COT) regulation architecture allows for fast transient response and requires no loop compensation, which reduces external component count and reduces design complexity.

    Fault protection features such as thermal shutdown, under-voltage lockout, over-voltage protection, short-circuit protection, current limit, and output voltage pre-bias startup allow for a reliable and robust solution.

    The LM3151/2/3 SIMPLE SWITCHER ® concept provides for an easy to use complete design using a minimum number of external components and National’s WEBENCH ® online design tool. WEBENCH ® provides design support for every step of the design process and includes features such as external component calculation with a new MOSFET selector, electrical simulation, thermal simulation, and Build-It boards for prototyping.

    The LM3151/2/3 SIMPLE SWITCHER ® Controller is an easy to use and simplified step down power controller capable of providing up to 12A of output current in a typical application. Operating with an input voltage range from 6V-42V, the LM3151/2/3 features a fixed output voltage of 3.3V, and features switching frequencies of 250 kHz, 500 kHz, and 750 kHz. The synchronous architecture provides for highly efficient designs. The LM3151/2/3 controller employs a Constant On-Time (COT) architecture with a proprietary Emulated Ripple Mode (ERM) control that allows for the use of low ESR output capacitors, which reduces overall solution size and output voltage ripple. The Constant On-Time (COT) regulation architecture allows for fast transient response and requires no loop compensation, which reduces external component count and reduces design complexity.

    Fault protection features such as thermal shutdown, under-voltage lockout, over-voltage protection, short-circuit protection, current limit, and output voltage pre-bias startup allow for a reliable and robust solution.

    The LM3151/2/3 SIMPLE SWITCHER ® concept provides for an easy to use complete design using a minimum number of external components and National’s WEBENCH ® online design tool. WEBENCH ® provides design support for every step of the design process and includes features such as external component calculation with a new MOSFET selector, electrical simulation, thermal simulation, and Build-It boards for prototyping.

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    Technische Dokumentation

    star =Von TI ausgewählte Top-Empfehlungen für dieses Produkt
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    Alle anzeigen 9
    Typ Titel Datum
    * Data sheet LM3151/52/53 SIMPLE SWITCHER CONTROLLER, High Input Voltage Sync Step-Down datasheet (Rev. G) 04 Mär 2011
    Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 25 Jun 2018
    White paper Comparing the Merits of Integrated Power Modules versus Discrete Regulators (Rev. B) 15 Sep 2016
    EVM User's guide AN-1900 LM3150 Evaluation Boards (Rev. D) 01 Mai 2013
    Application note AN-1229 SIMPLE SWITCHER PCB Layout Guidelines (Rev. C) 23 Apr 2013
    Application note Controlling Output Ripple & Achiev ESR Indep Constant On-Time Reg Designs (Rev. A) 23 Apr 2013
    User guide LM3152-3.3V Design @10A, Low Ripple, Fast Transient Response 6-24Vin User Guide 27 Jan 2012
    More literature LM3152 - RD-164 - Demonstration Board 26 Jan 2012
    Design guide SIMPLE SWITCHER® Design Guide 11 Apr 2011

    Design und Entwicklung

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    LM3152-3.3DEMO — LM3152 – RD-164 – Demoplatine

    The LM3152-3.3 demonstration board is a part of the PowerWise® family of SIMPLE SWITCHER® Controllers. It has been designed to balance solution size and performance. The Constant-On-Time (COT) Emulated Ripple Mode (ERM) Control allows for the use of low ESR output capacitors and therefore (...)

    Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

    LM315XQUICK-CALC — LM315x Schnellstart Simple Switcher Controller Komponentenrechner

    Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
    HTSSOP (PWP) 14 Ultra Librarian

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    • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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