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Type Retimer Protocols HDMI Rating Catalog Speed (max) (Gbpp) 6 Number of channels 4 Supply voltage (V) 1.2, 3.3 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Type Retimer Protocols HDMI Rating Catalog Speed (max) (Gbpp) 6 Number of channels 4 Supply voltage (V) 1.2, 3.3 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
VQFN (RGZ) 48 49 mm² 7 x 7
  • HDMI™ Input Port to Output Port With CDR Supporting Up to 6 Gbps Data Rates
  • Compatible With HDMI™ Electrical Parameters Up to 6 Gbps in Retimer Mode
  • Support 4k2k60p and Up to WUXGA 16-Bit Color Depth or 1080p With Higher Refresh Rates
  • Retimes Input Stream to Compensate for Random Jitter
  • Adaptive Receiver Equalizer or Programmable Fixed Equalizer
  • I2C and Pin Strap Programmable
  • Inter-Pair Skew Compensation of 5+ Bits
  • Single-Ended Mode ARC Support
  • Link Debug Tools Including Eye Diagram After the RX Equalizer
  • 48-Pin 7-mm × 7-mm 0.5-mm Pitch VQFN Package
  • Extended Commercial Temperature Support 0°C to 85°C (TMDS181)
  • Industrial Temperature Support: –40°C to 85°C (TMDS181I)
  • HDMI™ Input Port to Output Port With CDR Supporting Up to 6 Gbps Data Rates
  • Compatible With HDMI™ Electrical Parameters Up to 6 Gbps in Retimer Mode
  • Support 4k2k60p and Up to WUXGA 16-Bit Color Depth or 1080p With Higher Refresh Rates
  • Retimes Input Stream to Compensate for Random Jitter
  • Adaptive Receiver Equalizer or Programmable Fixed Equalizer
  • I2C and Pin Strap Programmable
  • Inter-Pair Skew Compensation of 5+ Bits
  • Single-Ended Mode ARC Support
  • Link Debug Tools Including Eye Diagram After the RX Equalizer
  • 48-Pin 7-mm × 7-mm 0.5-mm Pitch VQFN Package
  • Extended Commercial Temperature Support 0°C to 85°C (TMDS181)
  • Industrial Temperature Support: –40°C to 85°C (TMDS181I)

The TMDS181x is a digital video interface (DVI) or high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI™) retimer. The TMDS181x supports four TMDS channels, audio return channel (SPDIF_IN/ARC_OUT), and digital display control (DDC) interfaces. The TMDS181x supports signaling rates up to 6 Gbps to allow for the highest resolutions of 4k2k60p 24 bits per pixel and up to WUXGA 16-bit color depth or 1080p with higher refresh rates. The TMDS181x can be configured to support the HDMI2.0a standard. The TMDS181x automatically configures itself as a redriver at low data rate (<1.0 Gbps) or as a retimer above this data rate. Redriver mode supports HDMI1.4b with data rates up to 3.4 Gbps

The TMDS181x supports dual power supply rails of 1.2 V on VDD and 3.3 V on VCC for power reduction. Several methods of power management are implemented to reduce overall power consumption. TMDS181x supports fixed receive EQ gain or adaptive receive EQ control by I2C or pin strap to compensate for different lengths input cable or board traces.

The TMDS181x is a digital video interface (DVI) or high-definition multimedia interface (HDMI™) retimer. The TMDS181x supports four TMDS channels, audio return channel (SPDIF_IN/ARC_OUT), and digital display control (DDC) interfaces. The TMDS181x supports signaling rates up to 6 Gbps to allow for the highest resolutions of 4k2k60p 24 bits per pixel and up to WUXGA 16-bit color depth or 1080p with higher refresh rates. The TMDS181x can be configured to support the HDMI2.0a standard. The TMDS181x automatically configures itself as a redriver at low data rate (<1.0 Gbps) or as a retimer above this data rate. Redriver mode supports HDMI1.4b with data rates up to 3.4 Gbps

The TMDS181x supports dual power supply rails of 1.2 V on VDD and 3.3 V on VCC for power reduction. Several methods of power management are implemented to reduce overall power consumption. TMDS181x supports fixed receive EQ gain or adaptive receive EQ control by I2C or pin strap to compensate for different lengths input cable or board traces.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TMDS181x 6 Gbps TMDS Retimer datasheet (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 12 Sep 2017
Application note TMDS181 and TMDS171 Configuration Guide 13 Dez 2019
Application note TMDS181 Schematic Checklist 03 Apr 2019
Application note High-Speed Layout Guidelines for Signal Conditioners and USB Hubs 14 Jun 2018
User guide Pattern Verifier and Generator User's Guide 27 Apr 2018
Technical article How to select a redriver or retimer for HDMI 2.0 jitter cleansing PDF | HTML 01 Mai 2017
Technical article How to select the right retimer for HDMI 2.0 applications PDF | HTML 27 Sep 2016
Technical article How to reduce jitter and improve signal integrity in source and sink system design PDF | HTML 11 Jul 2016
Technical article HDMI 2.0: How to generate cleaner signals over long traces, connectors and cables PDF | HTML 21 Jun 2016
White paper Build a true fidelity system using video signal conditioners 09 Jun 2016
EVM User's guide TMDS181RGZ Evaluation Module User's Guide (Rev. A) 21 Dez 2015

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TMDS181RGZEVM — TMDS181 6-Gbps-TMDS-Retimer im RGZ-Gehäuse – Evaluierungsmodul

The TMDS181RGZEVM is a PCB created to help customers evaluate the TMDS181 device for video applications with HDMI interfaces.
Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

SLLC455 EyeScan Tool

Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware

Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware

HDMI-, DisplayPort- und MIPI-ICs
SN65DP149 3,4 Gbps, DP++ 1.1 zu HDMI 1.4b-Retimer, -40 bis 85 °C Betriebstemperatur SN65DP159 6-Gbps DP++ 1.1 zu HDMI 2.0 Retimer, -40 bis 85 C Betriebstemperatur SN75DP149 3,4-Gbps-DP++ 1.1 zu HDMI 1.4b-Retimer, 0 bis 70 C-Betriebstemperatur SN75DP159 6-Gbps DP++ 1.1 zu HDMI 2.0 Retimer 0 bis 85 C Betriebstemperatur TMDS171 3,4-Gbit/s-HDMI 1.4b-TMDS-retimer TMDS181 6-Gbps-HDMI-2.0-TMDS-Retimer
DP149RSBEVM DP149 3,4 Gbps-DP++ zu HDMI-Retimer – Evaluierungsmodul DP159RGZEVM DP159RGZEVM-Evaluierungsmodul DP159RSBEVM DP159RSBEVM-Evaluierungsmodul TMDS171RGZEVM TMDS171 3,4-Gbps-TMDS-Retimer im RGZ-Gehäuse-Evaluierungsmodul TMDS181RGZEVM TMDS181 6-Gbps-TMDS-Retimer im RGZ-Gehäuse – Evaluierungsmodul


SLAM293.ZIP (4807 KB) - IBIS-AMI Model

PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® für TI Design-und Simulationstool

PSpice® für TI ist eine Design- und Simulationsumgebung, welche Sie dabei unterstützt, die Funktionalität analoger Schaltungen zu evaluieren. Diese voll ausgestattete Design- und Simulationssuite verwendet eine analoge Analyse-Engine von Cadence®. PSpice für TI ist kostenlos erhältlich und (...)

TINA-TI — SPICE-basiertes analoges Simulationsprogramm

TINA-TI provides all the conventional DC, transient and frequency domain analysis of SPICE and much more. TINA has extensive post-processing capability that allows you to format results the way you want them. Virtual instruments allow you to select input waveforms and probe circuit nodes voltages (...)
Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

TIDA-050001 — HDMI 2.0 ESD-Schutz-Referenzdesign

Dieses Referenzdesign soll zwei verschiedene Möglichkeiten zum Schutz der TMDS-Leitungen eines HDMI 2,0-Treibers und -Retimers vor elektrostatischer Entladung (ESD) zeigen. Der HDMI-Standard wird in vielen Anwendungen verwendet, von Set-Top-Boxen über Notebooks bis hin zu Fernsehern. Da (...)
Design guide: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
VQFN (RGZ) 48 Ultra Librarian

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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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