

USB-Kurzschluss gegen VBUS (D+, D-) und IEC-Schutz gemäß ESD für Fahrzeuganwendungen

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Number of switches 2 IEC 61000-4-2 contact (±V) 8000 IEC 61000-4-2 air-gap (±V) 15000 Features Overvoltage protection Bi-/uni-directional Unidirectional Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Interface type LVDS, USB 2.0, USB 3.0
Number of switches 2 IEC 61000-4-2 contact (±V) 8000 IEC 61000-4-2 air-gap (±V) 15000 Features Overvoltage protection Bi-/uni-directional Unidirectional Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Interface type LVDS, USB 2.0, USB 3.0
VSSOP (DGS) 10 14.7 mm² 3 x 4.9 WSON (DSK) 10 6.25 mm² 2.5 x 2.5
  • AEC-Q100 Qualified
    • –40°C to 125°C Operating Temperature Range
  • Short-to-VBUS Protection on VD+ and VD–
  • ESD Performance VD+, VD–
    • ±8-kV Contact Discharge (IEC 61000-4-2 and ISO 10605 330 pF, 330 Ω)
    • ±15-kV Air-Gap Discharge (IEC 61000-4-2 and ISO 10605 330 pF, 330 Ω)
  • High Speed Data Switches (1-GHz Bandwidth)
  • Only Requires 5-V Power Supply
  • Adjustable OVP Threshold
  • Fast Overvoltage Response Time (200 ns typical)
  • Thermal Shutdown Feature
  • Integrated Input Enable and Fault Output Signal
  • Flow-through Routing for Data Integrity
    • 10-pin VSSOP Package (3 mm × 3 mm)
    • 10-pin QFN Package (2.5 mm × 2.5 mm)
  • AEC-Q100 Qualified
    • –40°C to 125°C Operating Temperature Range
  • Short-to-VBUS Protection on VD+ and VD–
  • ESD Performance VD+, VD–
    • ±8-kV Contact Discharge (IEC 61000-4-2 and ISO 10605 330 pF, 330 Ω)
    • ±15-kV Air-Gap Discharge (IEC 61000-4-2 and ISO 10605 330 pF, 330 Ω)
  • High Speed Data Switches (1-GHz Bandwidth)
  • Only Requires 5-V Power Supply
  • Adjustable OVP Threshold
  • Fast Overvoltage Response Time (200 ns typical)
  • Thermal Shutdown Feature
  • Integrated Input Enable and Fault Output Signal
  • Flow-through Routing for Data Integrity
    • 10-pin VSSOP Package (3 mm × 3 mm)
    • 10-pin QFN Package (2.5 mm × 2.5 mm)

The TPD2S701-Q1 is a 2-Channel Data Line Short-to-VBUS and IEC61000-4-2 ESD protection device for automotive high-speed interfaces like USB 2.0. The TPD2S701-Q1 contains two data line nFET switches which ensure safe data communication by providing best in class bandwidth for minimal signal degradation while simultaneously protecting the internal system circuits from any overvoltage conditions at the VD+ and VD– pins.

On these pins, this device can handle overvoltage protection up to 7-V DC. This provides sufficient protection for shorting the data lines to the USB VBUS rail. The overvoltage protection circuit provides the most reliable short to VBUS isolation in the industry, shutting off the data switches in 200 ns and protecting the upstream circuitry from harmful voltage and current spikes.

Additionally, the TPD2S701-Q1 only requires a single power supply of 5 V in order to optimize power tree size and cost. The OVP threshold and clamping circuit can be adjusted by a resistor divider network to provide a simple, cost effective way to optimize system protection for any transceiver. The TPD2S701-Q1 also includes a FLT pin which provides an indication when the device sees an overvoltage condition and automatically resets when the overvoltage condition is removed.

The TPD2S701-Q1 also integrates system level IEC 61000-4-2 and ISO 10605 ESD clamps on the VD+ and VD– pins, thus eliminating the need for external high voltage, low capacitance TVS clamp circuits in the application.

The TPD2S701-Q1 is a 2-Channel Data Line Short-to-VBUS and IEC61000-4-2 ESD protection device for automotive high-speed interfaces like USB 2.0. The TPD2S701-Q1 contains two data line nFET switches which ensure safe data communication by providing best in class bandwidth for minimal signal degradation while simultaneously protecting the internal system circuits from any overvoltage conditions at the VD+ and VD– pins.

On these pins, this device can handle overvoltage protection up to 7-V DC. This provides sufficient protection for shorting the data lines to the USB VBUS rail. The overvoltage protection circuit provides the most reliable short to VBUS isolation in the industry, shutting off the data switches in 200 ns and protecting the upstream circuitry from harmful voltage and current spikes.

Additionally, the TPD2S701-Q1 only requires a single power supply of 5 V in order to optimize power tree size and cost. The OVP threshold and clamping circuit can be adjusted by a resistor divider network to provide a simple, cost effective way to optimize system protection for any transceiver. The TPD2S701-Q1 also includes a FLT pin which provides an indication when the device sees an overvoltage condition and automatically resets when the overvoltage condition is removed.

The TPD2S701-Q1 also integrates system level IEC 61000-4-2 and ISO 10605 ESD clamps on the VD+ and VD– pins, thus eliminating the need for external high voltage, low capacitance TVS clamp circuits in the application.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPD2S701-Q1 Automotive USB 2-Channel Data Line Short-to-VBUS and IEC ESD Protection datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 27 Jul 2017
Application note Mode Pin Precautions for TPD2S701-Q1 and TPD2S703-Q1 02 Mai 2017
EVM User's guide TPD2S701-Q1 Evaluation Module User's Guide 09 Jan 2017

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VSSOP (DGS) 10 Ultra Librarian
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