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Controller für USB Typ-C®- und USB Power Delivery (PD) (nur Senke), keine Firmware-Entwicklung erfor

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Function Type-C Type PD controller Power role Sink Alternate mode No External power-path control NFET Data role DFP, UFP Internal power path 20 V 5 A Rating Catalog Dead battery support Yes Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Function Type-C Type PD controller Power role Sink Alternate mode No External power-path control NFET Data role DFP, UFP Internal power path 20 V 5 A Rating Catalog Dead battery support Yes Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
VQFN (RSM) 32 16 mm² 4 x 4 WQFN (REF) 38 24 mm² 6 x 4
  • PD3.1 compatible for sink only applications
    • PD3.1 is the latest Power Delivery specification from USB-IF
    • PD2 and PD3
  • Fully configurable single port PD controller
    • Optimized for sink only USB Type-C and USB PD applications
    • Complete barrel jack replacement solution for switching to USB Type-C
    • Fully configurable with pin strapping
    • Industrial temperature range supported
    • For a more extensive selection guide, please refer to USB Type-C & PD Portfolio and Selecting a USB Type-C & PD Controller
  • Fully managed integrated power path
    • Integrated overvoltage protection and reverse current protection
  • USB Type-C PD Controller
    • 6 GPIO set functions
    • Cable attach and orientation detection
    • Integrated dead battery Rd
    • Physical layer and policy engine
    • Integrated VBUS 3.3-V LDO for dead battery
    • Power supply from 3.3-V or VBUS source
    • I2C access for external microcontroller
  • PD3.1 compatible for sink only applications
    • PD3.1 is the latest Power Delivery specification from USB-IF
    • PD2 and PD3
  • Fully configurable single port PD controller
    • Optimized for sink only USB Type-C and USB PD applications
    • Complete barrel jack replacement solution for switching to USB Type-C
    • Fully configurable with pin strapping
    • Industrial temperature range supported
    • For a more extensive selection guide, please refer to USB Type-C & PD Portfolio and Selecting a USB Type-C & PD Controller
  • Fully managed integrated power path
    • Integrated overvoltage protection and reverse current protection
  • USB Type-C PD Controller
    • 6 GPIO set functions
    • Cable attach and orientation detection
    • Integrated dead battery Rd
    • Physical layer and policy engine
    • Integrated VBUS 3.3-V LDO for dead battery
    • Power supply from 3.3-V or VBUS source
    • I2C access for external microcontroller

The TPS25730 is a highly integrated stand-alone USB Type-C and Power Delivery (PD) controller optimized for sink only applications supporting USB-C PD Power. The TPS25730 integrates a fully managed power path with robust protection for a complete USB-C PD solution. The TPS25730 also has the ability to control an external power path through the use of internal gate drivers. The TPS25730 is best suited for sink only applications that may have previously been powered by a barrel jack. Using resistor pin strapping, a user can implement a fully featured USB Type-C PD port with the TPS25730 on their platform. There is no need for an external EEPROM, an external microcontroller, or any type of firmware development.

The TPS25730 is intended to make setting up a sink only USB Type-C application simple yet robust. A user has all of the benefits of a barrel jack port, while now taking advantage of the benefits that USB Type-C and USB Type-C PD can bring to their system.

The TPS25730 is a highly integrated stand-alone USB Type-C and Power Delivery (PD) controller optimized for sink only applications supporting USB-C PD Power. The TPS25730 integrates a fully managed power path with robust protection for a complete USB-C PD solution. The TPS25730 also has the ability to control an external power path through the use of internal gate drivers. The TPS25730 is best suited for sink only applications that may have previously been powered by a barrel jack. Using resistor pin strapping, a user can implement a fully featured USB Type-C PD port with the TPS25730 on their platform. There is no need for an external EEPROM, an external microcontroller, or any type of firmware development.

The TPS25730 is intended to make setting up a sink only USB Type-C application simple yet robust. A user has all of the benefits of a barrel jack port, while now taking advantage of the benefits that USB Type-C and USB Type-C PD can bring to their system.

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Technische Dokumentation

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPS25730USB Type-C®and USB PD Controller with Integrated Power Switches Optimized for Power Applications datasheet PDF | HTML 26 Okt 2023
User guide TPS25730 Technical Reference Manual PDF | HTML 26 Okt 2023

Design und Entwicklung

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Test report: PDF

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Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
VQFN (RSM) 32 Ultra Librarian
WQFN (REF) 38 Ultra Librarian

Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
Beinhaltete Information:
  • Werksstandort
  • Montagestandort

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